Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 420 Treasure Hunt

The royal palace castle in the center of Cake Island has been Big Mom's palace since the founding of the Kingdoms.

After decades of hard work, it has become one of the most gorgeous palaces in the world.

It is not just a building, but a huge building complex including the main castle, auxiliary castle, side buildings, guard towers, gardens, etc.

In addition to its large area, its decorative design is also very gorgeous, with carved beams and painted buildings and ghostly facilities everywhere, just like heaven on earth.

But now this "heaven on earth" has been directly burned down by a big explosion, which is really regrettable.

Sami looked at the ruins of the broken well that were in a mess on the ground, and some places were still burning with flames. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"At that time, I just wanted to teach Big Mom a lesson, but now it seems that the explosion has gone too far." He said awkwardly, "If we want to restore it to its original appearance, how much time and energy will be spent."

For the first time, Sammy regretted what he had done.

After all, it is impossible to restore this magnificent castle in a short time.

Robin looked around and suggested: "Why don't we use all the Homitz on the island to repair it together. If we work day and night, it can be completed in half a year at most."

"I don't even have half a week, how can I afford to wait for half a year?" Sami said helplessly, "After the enthronement ceremony for you in three days, we will leave for Wano Country immediately. Luffy must be waiting in a hurry. .”

"How about you wait here while I take Sister Robin to Wano Country first?" Sanji's eyes lit up and he immediately started thinking wrongly.

"You idiot, you really dare to think about it." Sammy rolled her eyes at him.

Sanji suddenly laughed sheepishly.

Jinbe also said regretfully: "Even if we could build an identical one overnight, it would only be superficial."

As a former member of Big Mom, Jinbei was very familiar with this castle.

It can be rated as one of the most gorgeous buildings in the world, but it does not rely on its appearance.

What is really amazing are the tens of thousands of precious paintings, exquisite sculptures, gold antiques, handmade carpets and the rare treasures collected by Big Mom from various vassals.

That was the wealth accumulated by a Yonko over decades. Apart from Marie Joa and her group of Celestial Dragons, probably few could have such a treasure.

But now, these treasures are all buried under the ruins and will not be seen again for a long time.

Thinking of this, even Hai Xia, who was usually indifferent to fame and fortune, felt a little panicked.

"No matter what, this ruins must be cleared first." Sami said as he walked into the explosion site. "The enthronement ceremony will be held here in three days. This scar is really an eyesore."

"That's right." Jinbei nodded, "When cleaning, take a look at what else can be used. Don't waste it."

"It's all blown up like this, what good things can be left?" Sanji curled his lips and said.

"That's not necessarily the case." Robin smiled.

Then she raised her right hand, holding a huge gem in her hand, with bright colors shining in the sun.

Sanji's eyes widened.

Jinbei also reached out to pick up a dark object from the ground, and gently wiped it with his hand. The black skin peeled off, revealing the golden solid inside.

"Real gold is not afraid of fire." He laughed.

It was part of a golden pillar.

This game of picking up treasures at random immediately aroused the interest of several pirates, and they all started working hard.

After a while, a lot of useful objects were cleared out and piled aside.

Sanji stood aside and counted them with his eyes, mumbling: "Gemstones, jades, gold, silver and antique vases, wow! There are so many good things."

"Unfortunately, there is no one I want." Sammy sighed.

"What do you want?" Robin asked curiously.

"This kind of thing, but I want better ones. The higher the quality, the better."

Sammy said, holding up what he was holding to show Robin.

It was a small golden statue, less than twenty centimeters tall, but it looked lifelike, and it looked like it was the work of a famous artist.

"Why are you looking for this? It can't be..." Robin Bingxue was smart and immediately showed an expression of realization.

"It's just what you think." Sammy said, throwing the statue into the middle of the pile.

"If we want to ensure the peace of all nations, we must leave a high-end combat force here."

"But none of the four of us can stay here. After much deliberation, the only way I can think about it is to use the rat charm to summon a pet to stay here."

"But doesn't your rat charm currently only summon alien species? They are not very strong either."

Robin, her best friend, knew exactly what Nami's summons were capable of, and at best they were worth a bounty of 100 million.

Isn't it a joke to use this strength to protect all nations?

"Don't worry, I have saved enough experience stars for upgrading." Sammy said, "The most important thing now is to find a suitable statue to use as a summoning medium."

If Sammy expected it to be true, the Level 4 Rat Talisman should be able to summon phantom beast species, just like the Dragon Ancestor summoned on Judiciary Island.

Recalling the strength that Longzu had shown back then, and how the Demon-Slaying Lieutenant General who could fight was powerless to fight back, Sami was filled with excitement.

At least it's disaster star level.

If the statue used for summoning is of the same high quality as the Dragon Ancestor statue, it is not impossible for the Emperor's Deputy to do so.

How many royal lieutenants are there in total on this sea!

It's almost like sending it out.

When he thought of this, Sammy couldn't help but activate the sheep charm immediately. He wanted to summon all the idle Homitz on the entire island to help him hunt for treasure.

He was confident about it.

If this was Kaido or the red-haired lair, Sami would definitely not waste time.

Because of those two guys, one has no aesthetic taste and only knows how to drink and fight all day long.

The other one is even poorer and has only one ship wandering around the world. It is a ghost to find a piece of art like a statue.

But Big Mom is different. Although her biggest hobby is desserts, she still has a hobby of collecting foreign objects.

Therefore, the possibility of finding it is still very high.

"Don't let me down, Big Mom." Sammy muttered.

Soon, a large group of strange-shaped Homiz emerged from various places, and then rushed into the ruins to clean up without saying a word.

The four of them, Sami, were quickly squeezed out and stood by, staring blankly.

"These guys... are really convenient." Sanji looked at it for a long time before summing up this sentence.

"Still serious." Robin said.

She couldn't help but sigh when she saw a stone Homiz with no arms or legs, who was so anxious that he used his body as a bulldozer in order to clear something out.

Jinbe didn't know until now that Sami could actually order Big Mom's Homiz, and he was stunned and his expression lost control.

The next second, Fatty Blue looked at Sami as if he were looking at God.

"Cheer up, everyone. Whoever finds what I want first will be rewarded. Upgrades and salary increases are just around the corner!"

Sami stood on a rock and looked at the busy and enthusiastic army of Homiz shouting loudly, and the faces of the exploiting capitalists could be seen at a glance.

"Okay, we have nothing to do, just rest." Robin looked at the rapidly shrinking ruins and couldn't help laughing.

"Are you tired? Sister Robin, I'm going to prepare a drink for you. What would you like to drink?" Sanji turned around and faced Robin to show his hospitality.

"Thanks, Sanji, just a cup of coffee."

"no problem."

"Mr. Sanji, give me a cup of tea too." Jinbei also said quickly.

"Only ladies have the right to order food! Jinbei! You have to drink whatever I do!" Sanji scolded, "This is an iron rule on the Sonny! If you dare to break it, I will kick you to death! Do you understand?"

"I, I remember." Fatty Lan replied with a confused look on his face.

Not to mention Sanji, who was jumping around to prepare drinks for the lady, Sami on the other side felt quite satisfied when he saw that the cleaning work was being carried out in an orderly manner.

He found a big rock and sat down, planning to take advantage of this free time to upgrade the system first.

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