Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 396 Awkward first encounter

Inside the Caramell Cafe, the environment is quiet and elegant.

When Sanji pushed the door open, the doorbell rang loudly.

"Sister Robin, I brought everything back for you!" Sanji shouted happily, just like a flatterer asking for credit.

"Thank you, Sanji." Robin smiled, "Come and have a cup of coffee and take a rest."

"Ah, Sister Robin invited me to drink coffee. Did you brew it for me yourself? How lucky I am~"

"You're thinking about shit." Sami rolled his eyes, "I ordered all three drinks, whether you like them or not."

When Sanji saw Sami, he was immediately shocked: "Scheming man, you are actually still alive!"

"Do you just expect me to die? Bastard!"

"Of course! If you dare to make Sister Robin angry, the sins you have committed cannot be offset by just dying once." Sanji said righteously, "If Sister Robin never forgives you, Just kowtow to me and apologize!"

"Oh? Is it that serious?" Sami said disdainfully, "But I'm sorry, Robin and I have already reconciled."

"Nani? I don't believe it!" Sanji laughed angrily, "Old man Zhepu once told me that hiding private money is the most unforgivable thing for a man to do to his partner. He must die to apologize. How could you... "

"You said it so confidently, but I would like to ask, does that old man have a wife?"

"No, no." Sanji's expression changed.

"What about you?"


"If my prediction is correct, there won't be a single female member in the entire Barati, right?"


"Then where did you get all your theories about women? Wasn't that old man Zhepu a pirate before? Women would be scared away when they saw him, right? Where did he get those words of experience?"

"This, this...can't be right?" Sanji felt that cracks were appearing in the worldview he had built over the past two decades.

His mind immediately recalled that a long time ago, when Zhepu had just taught him the way of chivalry.

There were many truths that came out of his mouth that I found very unbelievable and incomprehensible.

But as soon as he raised questions and retorted, Zhepu became furious and beat him up without saying a word.

The reason is disrespect for the great chivalry.

Because I had never seen old man Zhepu so angry, I was immediately frightened.

From then on, I no longer dared to have any questions about Zhepu's chivalry. I just followed it and copied it in full.

Now that I suddenly think about it again, is Zepuna angry or guilty?

Sami is right, the old man has never been in contact with women, how does he know how to get along with women.

"Could it be that old man Zhepu made everything up?" Sanji felt as if he was struck by lightning, and his body became stiff and straight.

"It's so tragic to have been kept in the dark for so many years, Sanji." Sammy patted his shoulder and said regretfully.

"I...I..." Sanji looked at his hands, tears hitting his palms like soybeans.

"Hey, Sanji, are you okay?" Robin asked worriedly.

She finally saw Sammy's verbal attack again.

A few words made Sanji fall into self-doubt, which was simply terrifying.

Robin winked at Sammy, signaling him to adjust quickly and stop Sanji from collapsing.

Sammy gave her an "OK" gesture to reassure her, and then said to Sanji: "Sanji, do you want to verify for yourself whether the chivalry that Zhepu gave you is right or wrong? ?”

"Of course I have!" Sanji immediately replied as if he had just woken up from a dream, "But what should I do?"

"It's easy." Sami smiled, "Have you forgotten that you have a fiancée?"

"Fiancée?" Sanji reacted immediately, "Are you talking about Miss Brynn?"

"That's her." Sammy snapped his fingers and said, "The beauty that comes to your door is just right for you to practice your chivalry, the best of both worlds."

"B-Idiot!" Sanji's face suddenly turned red. "How can that kind of political marriage count? I will never marry a woman I have never met before."

"What's more, if my prediction is correct, I'm afraid Miss Brynn doesn't want to marry a man of unknown origin like me, right?"

"Well said, Sanji." Robin applauded and praised.

"Hey, this is for you. I found it on the Anthem." Sammy handed Sanji a photo.

"what is this?"

"Miss Brynn's picture."

"Wow! Beautiful girl! Nice!!! I really want to marry her!!!"

As soon as he saw Brynn's appearance, Sanji immediately transformed into a nymphomaniac, looking like a pig brother.


The nosebleeds that hadn't sprayed out for a long time spurted out again, like a fountain.

Robin dodged Sanji's nosebleed bomb and reached out to take the photo in his hand and take a look.

"Oh, what a cute girl."

In the photo, Brynn is wearing a floral sheep skirt, sitting elegantly and dignifiedly on the sofa. Her whole person looks elegant and gentle, giving people the image of a young lady who has received a good upbringing.

Robin smiled and nodded, seeming quite satisfied with Brynn.

She turned around and asked, "Are you okay, Sanji? You lost a lot of blood and will turn into a mummy."

Sami waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, he can't ask for more than to die for a beautiful woman."

As soon as Sanji heard Sami say this, his originally blurred eyes regained some clarity.

He somehow summoned up some energy and gritted his teeth and said, "No! I can't do this. This is not the chivalry I insist on!"

"You must never sacrifice the happiness of an innocent lady because of your own affairs! Even, even if she is so cute!"

Sanji roared as he spoke, and stood up like a carp, his upright body looking extremely majestic.

He came to life! !

Sami said speechlessly: "Who asked you to force others? Can't you use your personal charm to make Bryn fall in love with you at first sight?"

"Besides, Gaji has been dealt with by me. If you can be with Brynn now, it will be free love! After you get married, just take Brynn back to the Sonny with you."

Sanji's expression changed and he shouted loudly: "Sammy!"

"What, what happened?!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier! I almost died just now!!"

"Who cares about you! Idiot!!!"

Robin laughed and said, "So the problem is solved?"

"It's still early." Sami said disdainfully, "This guy looks so horny that even a woman would be scared and run away immediately!"

"Stop slandering me!" Sanji scolded, "A prince like me who is polite, gentle, gentle, and graceful will be the dream lover of ladies all over the world."

"I am absolutely sure of myself. I will definitely capture Miss Brynn's heart the first time we meet... Hey! What are you vomiting, you bastard!"

Sanji's nose became angry when he saw Sami suddenly pretending to bend over and retching.

"Haha, I support you Sanji, you can definitely do it." Robin said with a smile.

"Thank you so much, Sister Robin, I won't let you down." Sanji said in surprise.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Sammy wiped his mouth and asked.

"Absolutely 100%, no problem at all." Sanji said proudly.

"Okay, then I'm relieved." Sami nodded, "Now, please look to the right."

"Right? What do you mean?" Sanji muttered, but still turned his head to the right.

A beautiful girl wearing a dress and pigtails, hiding her surprised expression from her face with a dinner plate, was standing in front of Sanji.

Sanji was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but spit out: "Miss Brynn!"

"Miss Brynn!" Robin was also stunned.

"Yes, that's Miss Charlotte Brynn." Sami nodded, "The 35th daughter of the Yonko Big Mom, and also the proprietress of this cafe."

Sanji was instantly petrified.

The Robins were dumbfounded.

"W-what plot development is this?"

"Is it such a coincidence?"

The two people immediately turned to look at Bryn.

Brynn's face turned red all of a sudden. She had heard all of Sanji's arrogant words just now!

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