Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 394 Honey, where did you get so much money?

"Wow, Honey, look at this necklace. The lady at the counter said it is their treasure. I think it matches you very well."

Sammy pointed to a precious piece of jewelry set with sapphire in the window and said to Robin.

"Oh? Which one? Let me take a look." Robin looked in the direction of Sami's finger, and his eyes immediately lit up, "Wow! So beautiful!"

Seeing her excitement, Sami smiled inwardly.

"Is it true that even a cold-hearted and highly intelligent woman like Robin can't resist shopping? Women are indeed highly consistent in some aspects."

"But then again, men seem to be like this too. No matter how old they are, no matter how rich or poor they are, they can't refuse even a straight branch on the ground."

While Sami was stunned, Robin had already asked the lady at the counter to help her take out the necklace and try it on.

The gorgeous and exquisite jewelry lying quietly on Robin's snow-white swan neck is simply the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Not only Sammy, but even Robin himself was stunned.

When the lady at the counter saw this posture, she didn't know that the customer was already interested, so she immediately started introducing the product while the iron was hot.

"Wow! Madam, this necklace is so suitable for you. I have been working for so many years and I have never seen a beauty like you that matches this necklace so well!"

"Yes, really?" Robin asked shyly, covering his cheek.

"Of course! Please believe me, I am not exaggerating at all."

"Honey, what do you think?"

"I think you are a hundred times more beautiful than she said. This necklace is simply made for you."

"I hate it, you really know how to talk." Robin tapped him on the shoulder, and then said to the waiter who was looking forward to it, "Wrap it up for me."

The counter sister was immediately overjoyed and could hardly conceal her excitement.

"Okay, no problem, I'll wrap it up for you right away." She said excitedly, and then shouted to the counter, "Quick! Wrap it up for the lady here, use the most expensive packaging, and give me some snacks and drinks Replace it with the best one too.”

As soon as they heard her say this, all the other clerks in the store turned their heads and looked at Sammy and Robin in shock.

You must know that it has only been less than half an hour since the two of them entered the door, and they have already bought more than a dozen styles of jewelry.

Now, without blinking an eye, I bought the treasure of the store that no one has been able to buy for more than ten years. It is really surprising.

"Is this the world of rich people?"

"The total consumption is almost 1 million beli, right? Is this the Tianlong people coming?"

"Ah! A man who knows how to spend money is so handsome! If only he were my husband, I would give him ten times a day!"

"Stop daydreaming, with your looks..."

The people next to him started talking a lot. They were talking quietly, but the sound reached Sammy's ears clearly.

He couldn't help but have a speechless expression on his face.

"Hey, hey, this should be a fanfic of the light novel One Piece, right? Why does it look like City God Gobun?"

"It's okay to have a bunch of supporting actors next to you, but don't give me another stupid trick that just pretends to be cool and slaps you in the face."

Sammy immediately looked around, checking to see if a nouveau riche man with an alluring woman in his arms would suddenly appear.

And that charming bitch had better be his ex-girlfriend, which would be even more classic.

But thinking that he didn't have any ex-girlfriend in this world, Sami lowered his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ding Ding!"

The store door was suddenly pushed open, and the bell on the door alerted everyone that someone had come in.

Sami's expression changed and he looked over immediately.

I saw a man in a black suit and tie, who looked like a dog-like, gentle scum, walking in.

"Oh, it turns out to be Sanji." Sami felt relieved.

Sanji also noticed him at this time, and immediately strode towards this place with anger on his face.

"Hey, Sanji..."

"Crooked man!!!" Sanji rushed over and cursed loudly, "You actually, you dared to leave me and take Sister Robin shopping alone, what are you worried about?!"

“I guess I don’t need a lightbulb to date my wife!”

"You are just greedy for her body, you are despicable!"

"What does it have to do with you if I go shopping with my wife on horseback!!"

"I, I, I'm jealous! Bastard!!!" Sanji shouted angrily, "Obviously there are three of us here, but the two of you left me to live in a world of two. Did you consider my feelings?"

"Miss Nami is not here to begin with. Sister Robin only sees you as an idiot. I, a knight, can't even find a princess who needs protection. Do you know how confused I am?"

Sanji cried bitterly as he spoke, shaking in pain.

"Ever since I learned that Gaji was going to force me to marry him, I've been on edge. I have nightmares every night."

"Although I am now free from him, I have also lost the only sister who loves me. Do you know how painful it is?"

"I'm not made of iron, I have a heart, a liver, and feelings! You said you all disappeared, who am I to tell you!!"

Sanji's voice grew louder and louder as he spoke, and in the end his voice even broke due to exhaustion.

Sammy's face relaxed.

Yes, unlike his mentality of traveling all the way and playing with the world, Sanji is losing every step he takes.

Father, brother, sister... one by one gradually disappeared, and in the end, he was finally alone.

It was really hard for him.

Sammy's eyes became wet when he thought about what Germa Sanji had said to protect his reputation.

"Sanji, right..."

"Honey, where are you? Come and help me zip up the new skirt. I can't reach it."

Robin's voice suddenly came from the fitting room.

"I'm here to help you! Sister Robin! Don't catch a cold!" Sanji jumped up from the ground, drooling and rushed over.

"Go to hell, you bastard!" Sami became furious in an instant and kicked Sanji away. "You're riding a horse! I'm feeling sorry for you, you beast!"

"Private, private Marseille..." the sexy cook said in a weak voice with his head stuck in the wall.

The angry Sammy ignored him and left to help Robin. Soon the two of them finished shopping and walked to the counter to pay.

"A total of 1 million Baileys, sir." With an enthusiastic smile on his face, the cashier reported a string of astronomical figures to Sami with a smile.

Robin immediately covered his mouth.

She didn't expect that she would spend so much money after just shopping for a while.

More than 1 million Baileys!

This is the price of half a Sonny.

The Straw Hats got so much gold on Sky Island, but in the end they only exchanged it for 3 million beli.

This is crazy.

"Honey, this, this is too expensive, let's return it quickly." Robin whispered to Sami, "It's all my fault. I couldn't control it as soon as I bought it. I'm sorry."

"Silly girl, this little money is nothing. As long as you like it, I will buy it all." Sami smiled, turned to the cashier and said, "Swipe your card."

He said and handed over a card. The cashier immediately opened his mouth when he saw it, then straightened his face and immediately took it respectfully.

He took the card and swiped it on a machine, and the 1 million bill was paid immediately.

Yes, there are things like debit cards and credit cards in the One Piece world.

It's just that this kind of "high technology" is generally only popular among high-consumption groups such as nobles, big businessmen, and big pirates, and ordinary ordinary people have no chance to come into contact with it.

And the conditions for applying for this kind of card are very strict.

In addition to status, it is also required that the deposit must exceed 5000 million beli, otherwise they will be rejected.

All these harsh conditions are telling everyone one thing: anyone with such a card is not an ordinary person.

It was obvious that Sammy was something special.

Robin had an expression of disbelief on his face when he saw that Sammy paid off the bill smoothly without feeling any distress.

"Ha, Honey, why do you have so much money?"

"Ah? You said this, someone else gave it to you."

"Who would give you so much money? You couldn't have robbed it, right?" Robin couldn't believe it.

"Don't accuse good people unfairly! I've always only killed people, not cheated." Sami defended, "This is really a gift from others."

"Who sent it?"


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