Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 387 Destruction of Germa

"Sammy, you..."

"You are so emotional right now that you will inevitably make some drastic decisions. It's better to let me handle it."

After Sami finished speaking, without waiting for Sanji to refute, he waved him aside.

"Hey! Sammy, what do you want to do?" Sanji shouted anxiously.

Sami hadn't made a move since just now. It's likely that the anger in his heart was about to burst out. If he made a move at this time, it would be a disaster.

"Sanji! Stop shouting, you can't stop him." Robin said.

"Why, Sister Robin?"

"As you just heard, Gaji's attitude towards forcing you to get married is very firm and cannot be changed at all." Robin said, "It won't work if you expect to reason with him."


"Sanji, don't forget that you are now the chef of the Straw Hat Pirates. Gaji wants to take you away from us, and Sammy, as the deputy captain, cannot ignore it."

"He promised Luffy to bring you back intact."

"I...I know." Sanji nodded, and then shouted at Sammy, "Sammy! Don't hurt Reiju."

"Understood." Sammy responded immediately.

After enduring it for a long time, he was finally able to take action. Sami felt completely relaxed.

He was dragged back and forth for a long time while riding the horse, and he kept listening to Gaji, an old man, spewing feces from his mouth. It really made him sick.

If he hadn't taken Sanji's thoughts into account, he would have wiped out the entire Germa.

Gaji saw Sami appear, and the cold expression on his face finally relaxed.

As the king of the Germa Kingdom and a qualified military commander, Gaji naturally knew the importance of collecting intelligence.

Long before he took Sanji back, he had already inquired about the future situation of the Straw Hats, and had an in-depth understanding of each person's character and strength.

Overall, there were only three people he felt threatened by.

Captain Monkey D. Luffy.

First Officer Ragnar Sammy.

and combatant Roronoa Zoro.

Especially the deputy captain, Ragnar Sami, who had already emerged in the Summit War two years ago. Not only did he get along well throughout the war, but he also defused the navy's schemes many times.

Two years later, during the recent Dressrosa incident, I heard that he had fought against the new Navy Admiral Fujitora, and he did not lose.

His strength is terrifying.

Gaji's brows furrowed.

"Ragnar Sammy."

"Please give me more advice."

"Do you want to stand up for Sanji?"

"No, I just want to beat your ass."

"Presumptuous, if you think your bounty is high, I will..."


Before Jia Zhi finished speaking, he instantly flew backwards and flew out.

It turned out to be Sammy who punched him in the stomach.

"Just fight, why are you talking so much nonsense? Do you Germas fight with your mouth?"

Gaji, who was in mid-air, immediately activated the jet energy of his boots, and when he was about to hit the building, he applied an emergency brake and stabilized his body.

Unfortunately, before he could make any move, Sami had already appeared in front of him, as fast as teleporting.

"Ragnar Sammy, have you really decided to go against our Germa?" Gaji asked angrily.

"You were obviously the one who went against me first," Sami said. "When you decided to take Sanji away from us, you were already a dead person in my eyes."

"Asshole! That's my son!"

"Son? Didn't you sever the father-son relationship with him?"

"That's because he wasn't worth using yet!"

"Oh? Haha." Sami laughed angrily at Gaji.

He finally understood why some people would say never argue with idiots before, because their world view was completely different from that of normal people.

Arguing with them will only piss you off.

He didn't believe it before, mainly because he had never met such an idiot.

Now he believes it.

Fortunately, there is still room for change, because he has a bigger fist than the opponent.

Even the most idiotic person is afraid of being beaten.

"Secret Technique·God·Six Dragons Return to the Sun!"

Without saying a word, Sammy raised his hand and spit out a fire dragon composed of six purple flames, spurting towards Gaji.

The spectacular sight stunned Gaji, and the scorching heat dried the sweat on his face in an instant.

"Damn it!!! Come here! Form a human wall for me quickly!" In desperation, Gaji immediately shouted loudly.

Whoosh whoosh.

The soldiers of Germa 66, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately rushed forward, blocked Gaji with their own flesh and blood, and greeted Sami's nine fire dragons.

"Huh?" Sammy frowned.

Gaji keenly caught Sami's expression and immediately sneered on his face.

"Haha, he is indeed the same waste as Sanji. No matter how powerful he is, he still cares about the lives of these lowly people."

"Secret Technique·God·Spring Breeze Wildfire!"

Sammy raised his foot and stomped on the ground, and countless flames spurted out, like a rapidly spreading spider web, extending to the entire Germa Kingdom within a few breaths.

"Do not!!!"

The next second, in the eyes of Jiazhi with splitting eyes, the entire Jerma Volcano erupted! ! !

Purple flames soared into the sky, and pillars of fire were sprayed everywhere. They were so powerful and so hot that all objects they came into contact with were ignited in an instant.

Military camps, trees, factories, ports...

Countless buildings were destroyed in just a few seconds.

Soon, the ground became white, scorched, and soft, and eventually turned into hot magma and began to melt.

The land of Germa is composed of dozens of huge ships that can sail separately.

It has no stable foundation, and there is a vast ocean beneath the ground, so it is particularly convenient to destroy.

Otherwise, on any other island, it would be easy for Sami to burn everything on the island, but it would be very difficult to destroy the entire island.

The entire "Spring Wildfire" lasted only a few minutes, but the destructive effect it caused was truly devastating.

The accumulation of the Germa Kingdom over the past few decades, and all the hard work that Gaji had put in during the first half of his life, were completely wiped out in just a few minutes!

"Do not!!!"

Gaji, who witnessed all this from beginning to end, collapsed instantly.

"My Germa! My army! My everything!"


For so many years, Gaji has lived to strengthen Germa.

This is why he studied science and technology painstakingly.

This was why he risked losing his child to transform the unborn Sanji siblings.

Including that he hates Sanji and even wants to kill him because of this.

The Kingdom of Germa is his most important sustenance.

But at this moment, the hope was ruined.

His world was over too.

"Ragnar Sammy!!!"

"I am going to kill you!!!"

In an instant, Gaji stood up from the ground, his eyes were red, and he rushed towards Sami with the determination to die, wanting to die with him!

And then the next second.

He was punched in the stomach by Sami, and he fell to the ground softly, unable to get up.

Sami stepped forward, put his foot on his head, and looked at him coldly.

"You should never have messed with me in the first place, Vinsmoke Gaji!"

"You forced Sanji to accept your arrangement, but you didn't allow him to resist. The reason is just because you think your fist is big."

"Now that I've proven that my fist is bigger than yours, it's time for you to taste this powerlessness."

"Ahem... Ragnar Sammy... I won't let you go."

"Oh, do you still want to play with me?" Sammy showed an interested look on his face, "But, I don't have time to play with you anymore, go to hell!"

He raised his foot, ready to step down hard.

But the next second, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

I saw three black spots approaching rapidly.

Extremely fast!

Remember, in the blink of an eye, they come rushing over.

Red, blue, green.

It was Gaji's three sons - Iji, Niji and Yongji who had just recovered from his injury!

"Give me an assistant! Low-level pirate!"

"How dare you destroy Germa, I'm going to kill you!"

The three people rushed over desperately.

Before Sami said anything, Gaji's face changed drastically.

"Don't come here! Run away!!!"

"It's too late." Sami grinned, "Secret Technique·God·River Water Comes From Heaven!"

In an instant, domineering and fierce mental power fell from the sky like a flood, pressing hard on the three brothers.

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