Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 385 Arrival in Germa

One morning a few days later, in an unknown sea area.

The sun slowly climbed into the sky, and the warm sunshine dispelled the thick fog left last night, and a huge island gradually appeared.

This is a very strange island.

There is not a mountain, a river, or anything that looks natural on the island.

Instead, there were tall castles, squares, and bustling military camps.

On the top of the tallest castle in the center of the island, a huge flag fluttered in the biting morning wind.

The flag is black with a blue horizontal stripe in the middle, and two huge numbers "6" are prominently displayed in the center of the flag.

That is the flag of the Germa Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Germa is a notorious military country in the North Sea, and it is also the only maritime power in the world that does not have a fixed territory. It usually consists of dozens of ships operating separately, and they merge together to form a kingdom.

This country has developed science and technology, and all its people are soldiers. It has strong military force and once ruled the entire North Sea.

Later, due to the rise of the Don Quixote family, all the forces of the Germa Kingdom were expelled from the North Sea, causing their vitality to be severely damaged.

In order to regain his power, King Vinsmoke Gaji decided to establish a relationship with the Big Mom Pirates through political marriage, hoping to use the power of the Four Emperors to return to the North Sea.

Gaji is not only a powerful and skilled scientist, but also a cold-blooded and calculating politician.

Although he has decided to marry the four emperors, he does not want to sacrifice any of his current sons or daughters.

After all, these three sons and one daughter have been his right-hand men for many years of war. After returning to Beihai in the future, he will still need to rely on them to stabilize his rule.

Therefore, as the victim of this marriage, Iji did not hesitate to choose his "waste" son, Vinsmoke Sanji, who had been separated from the family for many years and was of no use to him.

Although when Sanji was a child, he had been indifferent and cold-blooded to him for a long time.

Although he personally put an iron hood on him and locked him in a dungeon, he announced that he was dead.

Although when he left, not only did she not retain him, but she also ridiculed him in person as "the disgrace of the Vinsmoke family" and took the initiative to sever the father-son relationship with him.

But it doesn't matter.

Because, from beginning to end, he never regarded Sanji as his son.

In his own eyes, it is a failure of transformation, a waste without strength, just a dispensable tool.

Now that this tool has a new purpose, he should feel honored to be remembered and used by him.

Gaji stood on the balcony of the castle, watching the ship sent to pick up Sanji slowly enter the harbor, and then several figures walked down from it and walked towards here.

His expression remained unchanged from beginning to end, his gaze was condescending, as if he was looking at a group of ants.

"There's no need to bring them to the palace. Let's meet in the military camp square later. I'll just say a few words to him." Gaji turned around and said.

"Yes, my lord."

After receiving the order, the herald hurried down and conveyed the order in a short time.

Reiju then took Sanji and the others to stop and wait.

As soon as she waved, several soldiers from Germa 66 immediately ran over.

"Your Highness, may I ask what your orders are?"

"Yongji is seriously injured, take him to the medical room for treatment quickly!" Reiju pointed at the ship behind her and said, "Also arrange for someone to entertain the distinguished guests of the Big Mom Pirates."


Several soldiers agreed and left quickly. Soon after, they carried Yongji and led Baron Eggman and the others towards the interior of the castle.

Seeing Yongji being carried by someone, Sami smacked his lips, feeling like he still had something to say.

"I didn't expect that the transformation effect of blood factors and exoskeleton is so good. This kid is not dead yet. He is really lucky."

Sami thought this in his mind, and couldn't help but become more and more curious about Germa's science and technology.

He couldn't help but raise his head and carefully observe the entire Kingdom of Germa.

There are tall and towering castle buildings everywhere.

Due to the small size of the land, every inch of land in Germa has been used efficiently, and the buildings are dense and cramped.

However, within these cramped buildings, there is a shocking potential for war.

According to the introduction of the original work, Germa has a complete clone production line that can continuously produce clone soldiers. On average, it only takes five years to create a 20-year-old soldier.

After these clones are created, they will undergo various combat training day and night. Coupled with high-tech combat uniforms and weapons, you can instantly become a super soldier who can defeat ten.

What a terrifying potential for war.

No wonder even the Yonko Big Mom is salivating and wants to swallow it in one gulp.

Moreover, as the ruling royal family of Germa, Iji's children have all undergone scientific transformation and have extraordinary strength.

Although Yongji was instantly killed by Sami with one move, that was because Sami was too strong, not because he was too weak.

In fact, with the combat power of the Vinsmoke family, plus the war capabilities of Germa 66, the general Shichibukai forces cannot match it.

The reason why the Don Quixote family was able to defeat them back then was entirely due to the abnormal strength of Brother Ming.

After careful psychological evaluation, Sami immediately became like Big Mom, coveting Germa.

It had been a long time since he had felt so possessive about something.

However, soon after a period of weighing the pros and cons, Sami had to give up the idea of ​​taking it for himself.

the reason is simple.

The reason why Germa is so powerful ultimately relies on three technologies - exoskeleton, blood factor and cloning.

Among them, Sami already has the blood factor technology, and the Revolutionary Army is now very mature in mastering this technology.

Human cloning technology is too inhumane, and the revolutionary army cannot take human lives as seriously as Iji.

As for the last exoskeleton technology, it has absolutely no application value in the short term.

Because it needs to be transformed as soon as the baby is born, and it must be awakened successfully as the person being transformed gradually grows up.

It took twenty years for Sanji to awaken, but what about the others?

The revolutionary army can't wait another twenty years to launch the revolution, right?

Moreover, the reason why Sanji is powerful after awakening is because he is powerful himself. The final effect of the exoskeleton still depends on his own foundation.

How many people can do what he does?

Think about it and forget it.

Sammy licked his lips and sadly gave up his original plan.

He felt quite unhappy, as if some treasure had been snatched away.

"If you don't get it, destroy it. Iji, you old man, you better not offend me, or I will make you regret it for the rest of your life." Sami murmured to himself.

Sanji heard this and quickly turned around and said, "Sammy, the negotiation with the Vinsmoke family is my own business. Please don't interfere."

Sami curled his lips and said, "As long as they don't mess with me, I promise not to interfere."

"Stop pretending to be stupid. I don't know you yet?" Sanji said. "You will definitely tempt them to attack you, and then you will be 'forced' to kill them all."

"You actually think of me like this? It's so sad."

"Isn't it? Otherwise, why would you have the time to come with me?"

Sami smiled evilly and said nothing, which was regarded as acknowledging Sanji's guess.

"Please, Sammy," Sanji begged.

"Okay, okay, I promise you." Sami said angrily, "As long as they don't take the initiative to provoke me, I will never take action, and I will never tempt them to take action first."

Seeing Sami's promise, Sanji felt reassured and quickly expressed his gratitude.

But he didn't know, with the bad characters of the Vinsmoke family, how could they not take the initiative to provoke Sami?

After all, in their eyes, Sami is just a lowly pirate.


The gate of the palace castle suddenly opened.

A tall figure slowly walked out from inside, heavy footsteps beating like a drum.

Gaji walked up to Sanji expressionlessly and stared at him coldly.

After a long time, he uttered a sentence.

"Long time no see, Sanji."

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