Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 378: The troops are divided into two routes and diverted to all nations.

"So what do we do now?" Usopp asked.

"Do you still need to say it? Of course I refused!" Luffy shouted, "I'm going to find Sanji now."

"Wait a minute, Luffy." Sammy grabbed him and said.

"What are you doing Sammy? Do you want Sanji to leave us?"

"Of course not," Sami said, "But this matter is Sanji's own business, and we should let him make his own decision."

"If he doesn't want to leave us, then I will support him even if it offends big mom."

"But if he wants to leave, even though you are the captain, you can't force him."

Robin nodded and said, "Sammy is right, Luffy, you should let Sanji make the decision."

Zoro said: "Maybe he still wants to get married. After all, that guy has always been unable to walk when he sees a woman."

"Idiot! How could Sanji want to leave!" Luffy scolded, "He has said more than once that he will find the one-piece with us!"

"If that's the case, why are you anxious?" Sammy asked.

"I...Okay, let's find Sanji and let him speak for himself." Luffy decided, "Sanji! Sanji! Where are you? Come here quickly!"

"Stop yelling, Luffy, I'm right behind you."

Sanji's deep voice suddenly appeared from behind the crowd.

Nami immediately turned around: "Sanji! When did you come?"

"I am always here."

"Sanji!" Luffy rushed to him and asked loudly, "Tell me you don't want to get married, right? You won't leave the Sonny, right?"

"Asshole! That's of course!" Sanji roared at him, "Even if you drive me away, I won't leave!"

Luffy was yelled at by Sanji, but he wasn't angry at all. Instead, he laughed and said, "Why would I drive you away, Sanji, we are partners!"

"Without you, I wouldn't be able to become the Pirate King!"

"It's good that you know that!" Sanji pointed at him and said.

"Hahahahaha." Everyone laughed.

"But, Luffy," Sanji said suddenly, "I still decided to go to Germa."

"Huh? Why?"

Sanji's face was gloomy, he clenched his fists and said, "I want to make a clean break with them and make everything clear."

"My name is Blackfoot Sanji. My father is Zep, the owner of Tokai Barati Restaurant. My family members are members of the Straw Hats. I don't recognize anyone else!"

Sanji hated the fact that Sanji of the Vinsmoke family changed his reward order.

No matter what, he was unwilling to be forced to bear the name of Vinsmoke!

"Really? So that's it." Luffy smiled, "Okay, I'll go with you!"

"Hey, I'm not joking, Luffy!" Sanji shouted hurriedly upon hearing this, "There will probably be people from the Yonko on the other side. If you are in any danger, I can't protect you. "

"Idiot, who wants your protection? I should be the one protecting you, right? I'm the captain!" Luffy shouted unconvinced.

"Is that what I meant? Don't act stupid for me, you guy!"

"My mind is very clear now!"

The two men glared at each other, neither of them willing to give in.

Sami knew that Sanji didn't want Luffy to take risks. As the captain, if something happened to Luffy, the Straw Hats could declare their disbandment.

But is Luffy the kind of person who chooses to stand by while watching his friends take risks?

Apparently not.

Seeing the two people leaning against each other angrily while the others looked embarrassed, Sami sighed.

I thought it was my turn to speak. This family would have to break up sooner or later without me.

"Divide your troops," he said.

"Split the troops?"

"The troops are divided into two groups. I will take Robin and Sanji to Germa, and you will take the others to Zou!" Sami said.

"I don't want it, I want to go with you too." Luffy immediately refused.

"Idiot, this is not an adventure. For the sake of safety, the fewer people, the better."

Luffy pursed his lips in frustration.

Sammy patted his shoulder and said: "Don't worry, Luffy. Although I'm not guaranteed to defeat the Big Mom Pirates, at least there's no problem in leaving safely."

"Okay." Luffy reluctantly agreed, "Sammy, Sanji, Robin, you must come back alive!"

"I see."

"I object!" Fatty Blue suddenly shouted, "Sammy, I didn't call you to ask you to do anything random! Germa will come to Cake Island soon. This is the territory of the Four Emperors. For you, Too dangerous!"

Sami smiled slightly, picked up the phone and said, "Hey, Jinbei, instead of worrying about me, tell me about yourself. Are you safe now?"

"I'm not in danger yet, but the negotiation with Big Mom broke down and she put me under house arrest."

"What? I'll save you right away! Jinbei!" Luffy immediately became furious when he heard this.

Jinbei was his scheduled crew member, how could he be put under house arrest by others!

"Idiot, don't come! They put me under house arrest just to lure you into a trap. Don't be fooled!"

"Whether you want to sit back and wait for the rabbit or let the wolf in is something you can only know after a trial." Sami said with a smile.

When Jinbei heard that Sami was not moved by him, he immediately became anxious: "Sammy, please don't come to save me. I will find a way to leave safely on my own. Don't mess with Big Mom!"

"Hehe, you are wrong, Jinbei." Sammy grinned, showing his sharp white teeth, "It was obviously Big Mom who provoked me first."

"If you can still see her, help me persuade her not to go against me, otherwise she will die miserably!"

After Sammy finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Ah! So handsome!" Chopper screamed.

"Don't praise me, asshole."


"Luffy, I have decided to compete with Big Mom, the Yonko. Do you agree?" Sammy asked.

"Just what I wanted!" Luffy shouted.

Sauron smiled and said: "Our captain has never known what it means to be afraid."

"Only you would praise him like this." Nami said weakly, "That's the Yonko."

"Yo ho ho ho, I support Mr. Luffy's decision." Brook said.

Frankie also nodded and said: "Men should be brave enough to face difficulties! Super!!!"

"I, I support it too!" Usopp reluctantly raised his hand, "But the other party's general will be left to you!"

"No problem." Luffy simply agreed, "You are still as timid as ever, Usopp, hahahaha."

"I'll beat you up!"

Sammy smiled and said, "Give me the order, Captain."

"Yo Xi." Luffy nodded, and then said, "Everyone, we will split into two groups. Sami, Sanji, and Robin will go to Germa."

"The rest of us and I will continue to Zou and find the red stone."

"But, Luffy, we can't understand ancient writing!" Usopp suddenly raised his hand and asked.

"It doesn't matter. You can print it first and then let me translate it." Robin said with a smile.

"Yes, why didn't I think of that?" Usopp said with a smile.

"In short, no matter which way you go, pay attention to safety and come back complete and victorious!" Luffy said, "What do you think?"

"no problem."

"Clearly, I agree."

"You look really good, Luffy."

While the others agreed with the plan, they praised their own captain, making him immediately feel embarrassed.

Robin said calmly: "I remember that Germa is a mobile country with no fixed territory. How can we get there?"

"Can't we just go directly to Cake Island?" Franky replied, "Didn't Jinbe just say that Germa is also rushing to Cake Island?"

"But where is the cake island?" Nami asked.

"Hahahaha, idiot Nami, didn't Sami say that Cake Island is in all nations?" Luffy laughed.

"Idiot, of course I know this!" Nami said, "But how to get to Ten Thousand Kingdoms? We don't have a record pointer pointing there!"

"Ah! I forgot!!!" Luffy suddenly realized.

"So, you haven't considered this issue at all since you were so excited, right?" Nami said angrily.

"Isn't this an issue that only navigators should consider?" Luffy said unconvinced.

"With a captain like you who changes from day to day, even the navigator of One Piece will be pissed to death!" Nami punched him angrily.

"Help! Sammy, think of a way!"

Seeing that he had another problem that he couldn't solve, Luffy immediately asked about the magical Mr. Sammy.

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