Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 374 The latest reward for the Straw Hat 1 gang

"One billion Baileys!!!"

"Why are there so many!!" Usopp exclaimed.

"Hohohohoho, what a scary number!"

"Luffy, you are so awesome!"

"Hehe, it's really increased a lot. Now I'm even more famous! Hahahaha." Luffy shouted happily.

"It's incredible, it's incredible!" Nami murmured to herself.

"Don't be too surprised, Nami." Robin smiled, "After all, Luffy defeated Donquixote Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai. That guy is one of the strongest even among the Shichibukai. ”

Nami was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "You're right, Robin. Luffy, no, we are all stronger than before."

"You have to learn to accept it, Nami. After all, our captain is a man destined to become the Pirate King."

"Yes, by then, Luffy's bounty will probably not be comparable to that of the Four Emperors!"

Nami couldn't imagine the scene at that time.

Once upon a time, they would feel panic when facing an opponent with a bounty of more than 100 million beli.

Now the target has been set on the Four Emperors.

Therefore, even if the bounty is 8 million Baileys, there seems to be nothing to be surprised about.

Nami smiled slightly and looked up again, her face already calm.

Not only him, but Usopp and Chopper also calmed down and pulled Luffy to sing and dance. The three of them were crazy with joy.

Seeing that everyone had digested the news, Bato continued: "Next is Senior Sami."

"The vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, the prophet Ragnar Sami, has a bounty of 12 billion Baileys!" (No one liked the nickname I made before, so I'll change it here.)

"What a scary number! Senior Sammy." Bato couldn't help shouting.

"That's great! Senior Sammy! Ah! I'm going to give you a monkey!" Guns N' Roses shouted excitedly.

"Stop talking nonsense, idiot!" Sammy scolded.

Nami smiled and said: "I don't know why, although Sami's bounty is obviously higher, I am not as shocked as before."

"Maybe no matter how outrageous things happen to that guy Sami, we won't be surprised." Usopp concluded.

"That's right!" Everyone nodded immediately, even Luffy.

"Let's go, is my image in your hearts so outrageous?" Sami said speechlessly.

"It's not that we think too much, but what you usually do is too much, Scheming Man." Sanji said righteously, "Hey, Cockscomb Head, the next one should be mine, right?"

"Oh, let me take a look, the next one is...Senior Zoro."

Sanji immediately stopped: "Hey! Why am I in line behind that muscular man?"

"Ah? Are you unhappy? No. 7?"

"What the hell is No. 7! What does that have to do with bounty rankings?"

"It doesn't matter." Zoro smiled, "Anyway, as long as I am ranked, I will definitely be in front of you."

"What did you say!!" Sanji was so angry that he flew into a rage and rushed towards him to tear him apart.

"Quiet! If you don't want to hear it, get out!!" Nami scolded.

The two people immediately fell silent, and did not dare to do anything except continue to glare at each other.

Seeing that they were quiet, Bato spoke again: "Swordsman Zoro, a combatant of the Straw Hat Pirates, has a bounty of 6 million Baileys!"

"Haha, 6 million is not low." Zoro laughed, "Drink twice as much wine tonight."

"Asshole, why are you so arrogant?" Sanji scolded, "Hey, cockscomb head, read the next one quickly, I want to clean my ears."

"Okay, okay." Batuo said quickly and continued to introduce, "The next one is yours, senior."

"Oh? Really? Say it quickly."


"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Sanji asked strangely, and then his expression changed as if he thought of something, "No, it's because the photo hasn't been updated yet, right?"

"No, no, this time it is indeed a photo of you."

"Really! That's great!" Sanji jumped up happily, "My nightmare is finally over!"

"Senior Sanji, you..." Bator hesitated.

"What do you mean by this expression? Cockscomb head?" Sanji asked.

"Well, you'd better take a look for yourself." Bato said, asking Sanji to come and see.

Sanji walked over, took a look and said, "Not bad, the reward is 5 million Baileys!"

After saying that, he glanced down and was suddenly stunned.

I saw that on the reward order, the original hand-drawn picture was indeed replaced by a photo.

But the image of Sanji in this photo is still difficult to describe.

Almost as ugly as the previous picture.

Sanji was completely stunned.

"Why, why, why do you do this to me?"

"Not only that, senior, you see, a lot of other information is also different from before." Bator continued to hit.

"The original condition of being captured alive or shot to death has been changed to only being captured alive, and even your name has changed from Blackfoot Sanji to Vinsmoke Sanji."

Sanji was suddenly startled: "What?!"

He immediately took a closer look and found exactly what Bator said.

He froze immediately.

Others also started talking about it.

"Vinsmoke? What does that mean?"

"I've never heard of it. Could it be a mistake?"

"There must be a mistake. Sanji never told us."

Sammy listened to their discussion, pursed his lips, and turned to wink at Robin.

Robin nodded knowingly, walked over and asked, "Sanji-kun, what's wrong with you?"

Sanji didn't answer.


After calling a few times, Sanji raised his head in confusion, showed a faint smile and said, "I'm fine, Sister Robin."

He stood up and walked outside the house.

"I'm going out to have a cigarette. You can continue watching without waiting for me."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Usopp said strangely: "What's wrong with him? Does he think his bounty is lower than Zoro's?"

"Maybe he's not satisfied with the photos again." Brooke guessed, "Isn't Mr. Sanji most concerned about his photos?"

"Really? I always feel like something is wrong." Franky said, touching his chin.

"Is that guy Sanji okay? Let me go check on him." Luffy said worriedly.

"Wait a minute, Luffy, there's nothing wrong with Sanji. I'll go comfort him later," Sami said.

"Okay, I'll leave that to you, Sammy." Luffy was naturally reassured about Sammy.

"Keep going, I also want to hear about my bounty, Bartolomeo." Franky shouted excitedly.

"Tell them all in one go, Cockscomb Head." Luffy shouted.

"Okay, Luffy-senpai." Bator shouted excitedly.

"The archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates and the son of the devil, Nico Robin, has a bounty of 4 million Baileys."

"The sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates, god Usopp, has a bounty of 3 million Baileys."

"Franky, the boatman of the Straw Hat Pirates and the Cyborg, has a bounty of 2 million Baileys."

"The musician of the Straw Hat Pirates, Brook, the King of Souls, has a bounty of 1 million Baileys."

"The navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, the little thief cat Nami, has a bounty of 1 million Baileys."

"Finally, the Straw Hat Pirates, pet Tony Tony Chopper, has a bounty of 1000 Baileys."

"1000?! Just 1000?!" Chopper opened his mouth wide and shouted in disbelief.

His face turned gray, as if the whole world collapsed before his eyes.

"Hey, Chopper, are you okay?" Luffy asked hurriedly.

"Why am I the 1000 Baileys! I'm obviously very powerful! I even defeated the cadres of the Don Quixote family!"

Chopper shouted loudly, one hand constantly poking at his reward order.

"Also, I am obviously a doctor! What does the word pet mean?"

"That's right! It's indeed too much." Luffy also cursed.

"Right? Luffy? You think it's too much, too, right?"

"Where are you as a pet? You are obviously storing food!"

"Reserve food?!" Chopper's originally excited expression suddenly froze.

Then, he screamed!

Because, at this moment, Luffy's expression when he looked at him was that his eyes were gleaming and his words were gushing.

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