Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 370 Sorry, I refuse!

"Shut up! If you are defeated and don't want to die, you should beg for mercy. The howl of a defeated dog will only make you look worse!" Fujitora shouted sharply.

"Although the Navy takes orders from the World Government, we are not emotionless machines that only execute orders. The only thing that constrains us is the justice behind us."

"You, the murderous weapons of the Celestial Dragons, are not qualified to order me!"

Fujitora said, and pulled out his sword with a clang.

His expression was cold, and a huge aura came out of his body, shrouding a group of already stunned CP0s.

"If you want me to catch evil at the expense of innocent people's lives, then you might as well ask me to commit seppuku!"

Fujitora's voice was very calm, but the attitude in it was more deafening than the French drum.

"Well said, uncle!" Luffy couldn't help shouting.

Zoro also grinned: "This guy is different from the navy I have encountered before."

For a time, Fujitora's integrity earned him praise from the Straw Hats as their "enemy."

An imperceptible embarrassment immediately appeared on his face.

"D-Damn it! Fujitora! You rude guy, I will report everything today exactly to Lord Goroxing! Just wait for me!"

The man in the suit shouted angrily and threatened.

He didn't have the courage or ability to force Fujitora to obey orders, so naturally he could only use his words.

Unfortunately, this threat was not worth mentioning to Fujitora who dared to scold his boss Sakaski.

He sheathed the knife again, took a deep look at Sammy, turned around and left.

The marines who had been waiting in full formation also followed quickly and began to evacuate.

The man in white almost gritted his teeth when he saw this scene.

But he knew that there was nothing he could do to stop it. CP0 said it was the so-called "Dragon Shield", but in the end it was just a group of thugs.

Apart from their own martial prowess, they have nothing to rely on. To the World Government, their status is much lower than that of the navy.

After all, you can't count on them to defend against the Yonko, right?

The man in white forced himself to stand up, hurriedly blended into the navy team, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Once Fujitora leaves, if he dares to stay here, Sami will definitely kill him.

Seeing the navy coming and going away with great momentum, the Straw Hats who were still watching the show immediately cheered loudly.

"General! The general has retreated! We, we survived!" Usopp cried with joy, "Mom..."

It seems that he was really frightened just now, and now the aftermath of the disaster has actually made this kid so excited that he can't speak incoherently.

After all, he is a naval admiral, and his reputation alone can scare some timid guys to death.

"Well done, Ragna Sammy!" Franky raised his hands in the air and shouted excitedly.

"Hohohoho, is Mr. Sammy already so strong? I really admire him. Even though I am dead and have no heart."

The Straw Hats said as they rushed over.

Luffy was the first to jump on his shoulders, holding Sammy's head and not letting go.

Usopp and Chopper were on one side, holding Sammy's hands and not letting go. The snot and tears were all stained on Sammy's sleeves.

"Let go, you three bastards!" Sammy cursed in disgust.

As for Bato and Guns N' Roses, they sang and danced around Sammy, crying.

"Don't be shy, Sammy! Hee hee!" Luffy squirmed and laughed.


Sammy stretched out his right hand, grabbed Luffy's collar and pulled him off his head.

"Don't rub that part of your face against my face, you bastard!" Sammy yelled angrily, reaching out and punching Luffy's face, denting it.

"Private Marseille..." Luffy apologized immediately.

The group of people immediately laughed.

Seeing that Sami and the others had not finished their quarrel, Luo said anxiously: "Everyone, now is not the time to celebrate. Let's go back to the ship first."

As he spoke, he turned around and ordered: "Bartolomeo, Cavendish, Olumbus, go and start the ship quickly, we have to leave quickly."

"Ah? Why should I obey your orders? Don't tell me what to do!" Bato retorted with his hands on his hips.

"Please, cockscomb, do as he says!" Sammy said.

"No problem, Senior Sami, I'll do it right away." Batuo immediately resumed his dog-licking posture, nodded and agreed.

"Hey, Cabbage, take the snapshot and do what Senior Sammy said. Everyone, hurry up and act." He shouted and was the first to rush out.

"Idiot! My name is Cavendish!" Cavendish yelled in response and ran after him.

Others agreed eagerly and ran after him.

Nami smiled and said: "Let's go too. Although the general has left, who knows if he will come back. Let's leave to a safe place first."

"Hey! Just listen to your Miss Nami!" Sanji responded with his hands in his hands, his eyes full of love, "Miss Nami who gives orders, she looks so confident with her whole body."

"Boys, let's go!" Luffy shouted and gave the order, taking the lead and rushing out.


Everyone followed closely behind, and the group rushed towards the port in a mighty manner, and soon they all climbed aboard the Sonny.

Unexpectedly, Bator and the others were actually gathered here, and even the big guy Hailding squatted on it as much as possible.

The deck immediately became crowded, and Sammy was holding Robin suspended in the bow of the ship.

Luffy frowned and said, "Hey, what are you guys doing here on the Sonny?"

"We have something very important to tell you, Luffy-senpai." Bator said, with a look of excitement on his face.

Sammy's expression changed and a smile appeared on his face.

Robin noticed it and immediately asked: "What's wrong? Honey?"

Sami shook his head and smiled: "Keep reading, you will know soon."

"What's important? Is there a banquet?" Luffy was stunned for a moment, then immediately shouted excitedly, "Sanji, I want to eat a lot of meat!"

"Wait a minute! Luffy-senpai!" Before Sanji could speak, Bator immediately interrupted, "Please wait a moment for the banquet. There are more important things right now."

"Ah? What are you talking about? Cockscomb head, how can there be anything more important in this world than a banquet? Don't underestimate the banquet!"

Luffy cursed angrily.

Ba Tuo quickly raised his hands and begged for mercy.

Nami stopped Luffy who was about to say anything more and said, "Don't be ridiculous, Luffy, listen to what this guy has to say."

"Thank you, Nami-senpai." Bato wiped the sweat from his head and thanked him.

Then, with a solemn expression, he seriously took the wine flask and an empty wine bowl handed over by his subordinates, then filled them with wine and handed them to Luffy respectfully.

Luffy took it without knowing why. He raised his head and was about to ask, but found several guys gathered in front of him:

White Horse Cavendish.

"Behead" Slyman.

Bartolomeo "The Cannibal".

Lao Cai of the Babao Navy.

"Destroyer Cannon" Idio and Brugilli.

The little human Leo.

giant haldin

"Admiral" Olumbus.

All of them were holding wine glasses in their hands and looking at him solemnly.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Luffy asked in confusion.

"Luffy-senpai," Bator said with suppressed excitement, "We are the ones who followed you and fought bloody battles with Don Quixote Doflamingo in Dressrosa."

"We have formed a deep friendship with each other, and I am grateful for your life-saving grace. There is really no way I can repay you."

"So we have decided to drink a glass of acceptance wine with you. From now on, we will all devote ourselves to your command and form a straw hat fleet headed by you. Please agree."

The more Ba Tuo talked, the more excited he became, and he almost couldn't hold the wine glass.

The Straw Hats, who were still listening, were all shocked by his words.

"Ah? The Straw Hat Fleet? Am I going to be a cadre too? Haha, the bounty will definitely increase greatly!"

"Becoming Luffy's subordinate? So many people! Will my dream of eight thousand subordinates come true so soon?"

"It's incredible, it's incredible. If each of my younger brothers can collect an offering of one hundred thousand beli a day, wouldn't I be rich?"

The timid trio immediately became excited, rushed over and hugged Luffy, shouting.

"Promise him, Luffy, promise him."

"It doesn't matter if it's just one day, it doesn't matter if it's just one day."

"I want to be a cadre, and I want to increase the bounty, Luffy!!!"


Luffy turned a deaf ear to the shouts of Usopp and the three of them. He raised his head and said seriously and decisively.

"Sorry, I refuse!"

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