Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 367 Sudden Attack

The group of people ran towards the harbor with great fanfare, and the road was almost unimpeded. Occasionally they encountered a small group of navy, and they would be discovered by Sami in advance and avoided.

At present, most of the navy is still dealing with the aftermath, rescuing victims and resettling people. They are very busy. Naturally, no one comes to trouble Sami and the others.

"Senior Sammy! I see the harbor!!" Bartolomeo, with sharp eyes, shouted.

"Well done, cockscomb, did you see the navy?"

"I can't see clearly, Senior Sammy!" Bato shouted angrily.

Thanks to Ming Ge's birdcage, the entire Dressrosa has been turned into ruins. The once bustling port is now filled with rubble and smoke, and nothing can be seen clearly.

"No matter what, everyone rushes over at once."


Everyone stood up and cheered, the speed of their feet increased a bit, and they soon approached the port.

"Straw Hat!"



After passing through a layer of smoke and dust, the vision suddenly opened up. A large group of people of all kinds suddenly appeared in front, and they were actually approaching here.

As soon as they saw Sami and the others, the group of people all became excited and waved violently towards the place.

"Wow, it's you. Why are you all here?" Luffy recognized these people at a glance and waved happily in response.

Sammy glanced over and found that they were all the guys who appeared in the original work and fought alongside Luffy.

The noble pirate son, White Horse Cavendish.

Behead Slyman.

Lao Cai, the new leader of the Babao Navy.

Destruction Cannon Adio and Brugley.

Pirate mercenary Haildin.

Admiral Olombus.

His keen sense of knowledge even helped Sami discover Leo and others from the small human race.

Everyone is present.

It was these people who formed the Straw Hat Fleet after the First World War in Tokushima, which greatly expanded Luffy's power.

Usopp saw so many new friends and shouted happily: "Hey! Everyone, are you here to see us off?"

The group of people continued to run towards here, their faces were very excited, and everyone was shouting with their mouths wide open.

It's a pity that because of the large number of people, all kinds of noises gathered together, and no one could hear what they were shouting.

"Wow! These guys actually risked their lives to see us off. How manly! Super!" Franky burst into tears in emotion.

"Are you too enthusiastic? Look at their faces turning red." Zoro complained.

Sami looked at their expressions carefully, then his expression changed, his feet immediately stopped, and he slid for several meters before stopping.

Others behind him were startled and immediately stepped on the brakes.

But the strong inertia prevented them from stopping immediately. With a bang, everyone crashed into each other.

Only Robin, who was following Sami closely, was quickly picked up into his arms by Sami and escaped unharmed.

"Hey! Sammy! What are you doing!!" Nami yelled angrily.

If Luffy hadn't caught her with his quick eyes and hands just now, she would have flown out by now.

"You have to say something about the brakes, idiot!" Zoro also cursed.



Usopp and Chopper also cursed angrily.

"Quiet!" Sami shouted, "Something is wrong. They are not welcoming us at all, but warning us!"

"Warning?! Warning for what?" Nami asked doubtfully.

"I don't know, please be careful." Sami shook his head, "My experience tells me that there is more than one dangerous aura here."

"Danger?!" Usopp trembled, "Isn't it the navy admiral who is chasing us?"

"Admiral!!!" Chopper and Brooke screamed in unison.

Nami put her hands in front of her mouth in the shape of a trumpet and shouted into the distance: "What are you doing?"

When the people on the other side heard his shouting, their expressions became even more excited, and all of a sudden they shouted with all their strength, the sound was as noisy as a poultry market.

"What are you talking about? I can't hear you clearly!" Nami shouted.

Robin immediately waved his hands, petals flew, and an ear grew out of thin air on the head of the person opposite.

Soon, her face turned pale after hearing the news.

"Sammy, they're shouting, run, there's an enemy!"

"Enemy? Where are they? Where are they?" Luffy jumped forward and looked around.

Robin shook his head and said: "I don't know. Cavendish said that the group of people were all wearing white clothes and all kinds of weird masks on their faces. They..."

Sammy suddenly became violent and pulled Robin into his arms. Her words were immediately interrupted.


Robin was about to ask what was wrong when a white figure suddenly appeared in front of her and Sami.

This man was wearing a snow-white suit, a top hat, and a mask on his face. He looked very dangerous.

Not only that, he was in an attacking posture at this time, with his right hand stretched forward, and a finger attached to the domineering force had already stabbed it.

The position where he attacked happened to be where Robin was standing just now. Sammy punched and blocked his attack firmly.

The man was not surprised when he saw that his attack was not effective, and immediately did a neat backflip and retreated.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" Sammy sneered.

Two sharp long knives slashed straight at the man in the air. Sauron's cold face was hidden behind the long knives, full of killing intent.

"Two Swordsman Style: Two Slashes!"


The man shouted softly, and two gusts of wind flew out from his feet, hitting Sauron's long knife hard.


A clear crash sounded, and a strong wind rose from the ground and pushed everyone back. The man in white took the opportunity to distance himself from Sauron.

As soon as he landed, the attacks from others arrived instantly.

"You bastard, you dare to hurt a woman, I'll kick you to death!" Sanji's kicks fell from the sky, "Devil Wind Kicks·Level 1 Minced Meat!"

"What are you going to do to my partner!!" Luffy's attack followed closely, "Rubber jet pistol!"

When the man in white saw the two powerful men attacking with hatred, he actually didn't hide at all and stood still.

next second.


Two people came out from behind him again. They were also wearing white clothes and white trousers. They looked like the accomplices of the man in white.


"Point gun!"

The two of them moved together, each blocking all of Sanji's and Luffy's moves.

The four people touched each other in the air, and after blinking, they all took a step back, and the two groups separated instantly.

"Who are you guys? Why are you attacking us?" Luffy asked with a serious expression.

"No matter who they are, I won't let them go anyway." Sanji gritted his teeth and said, "If Sami hadn't been so quick just now, Sister Robin would have... bastard, please die for me!"

Zoro pulled out Wadao Yiwen with a clang, bit it in his mouth, and assumed a three-sword style stance.

It was obvious that the three of them had been completely angered, and bursts of murderous intent rose into the sky.

Unfortunately, the man in white had a mask on his face, and there was no expression at all.

I saw him taking a step forward calmly, and then said in a calm voice: "Everyone of the Straw Hat Pirates, I..."

"I'm so proud of your mother!"

A loud shout cut off his words.

Sammy's figure suddenly appeared above them.

I saw that his whole body was wrapped in purple flames, and the scorching temperature made people's skin tingle extremely as soon as it appeared.

"Asana·Holy Lord·Seance!"

The legs are as long as spears, poking down hard.


In the blink of an eye, Sami opened a huge round hole in the ground, and the land was heated, scorched, melted, and boiled.

Magma spurted out and flowed everywhere.

"Leave quickly, Sammy is angry!" Usopp shouted, put away his slingshot, picked up Chopper and ran away.

Nami and the others also fled.

"Room!" Luo waved his finger, and his fruit power immediately moved everyone to a farther place.

Sammy slowly descended from the sky and stood in front of Luffy and the three of them.

When the smoke cleared before their eyes, the man in white and his two accomplices were all injured by Sammy's moves. At this time, they all fell to the ground and slowly got up with difficulty.

"Uh... Ragnar Sami!" The man in white barely pushed himself up and stood up, looking at Sami and said.

At this time, his originally white clothes were completely blackened, with holes everywhere, and barely half of the weird mask on his face was left.

"I didn't expect you to have grown to this extent. It's really abominable." He cursed. "The Navy's appeasement of you has caused catastrophe, which will bring unpredictable losses to the world government."

"It's up to you, Sammy is my companion, you idiot!" Luffy made a face at him.

Sammy patted his shoulder, then turned to sneer at the man in white.

"Any last words to say? I won't give you much time."


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