Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 36 The Great Swordsman

"The duel? It seems to be over!" Sanji pointed to the front and said to Sami.

"What? Is Zoro so fast?" Sami was shocked. It had been less than 3 minutes since he spoke, and Zoro was already weak?

He immediately turned his head to look.

Sure enough, they saw Zoro lying motionless on the boat, and Usopp, Johnny, and Joseph were bandaging his wounds urgently.

"Know yourself! Know the world! No matter how long it takes, I will be waiting for you in the strongest position. Come and surpass me, Roronoa Zoro!" Hawkeye looked at the man he recognized in front of him and shouted loudly said.

Perhaps he really felt the loneliness of being in the cold at a high place, and he had always longed for someone to become his opponent.

Especially after that person lost a hand, the world became boring again.

That's why he said such a long story to Sauron, because from Sauron, he saw a new opponent and new hope.

"It's really interesting, this guy is actually a bit sultry." Sami couldn't help complaining in his heart, "Maybe it's hard to maintain that cold image."

Now that Zoro is fine, Sami is ready to implement his plan. He has been waiting for this opportunity for so long and he doesn't want to miss it.

"Hello? Where are you going?" Sanji asked strangely when he saw Sami suddenly turning around and walking into the restaurant.

"I have something very important to do. I'll be back later." Sami waved his hand and said without looking back.

"What? Mysterious?" Sanji didn't quite understand, but he didn't pay much attention.

He continued to look over his shoulder.

Zoro was holding up Wado Yimon and crying bitterly towards Luffy.

"Luffy, are you listening?"


"Does it make you worried? If I don't become the strongest swordsman in the world, you will be confused, right?"

"I won't lose again."

"I will never lose again until I become the world's greatest swordsman and defeat him!"

"Do you have any objections? Pirate King?"

"Hahahaha." Luffy laughed loudly and replied loudly, "No!"

Hawkeye looked at the two young people who had made a mutual agreement and couldn't help but grin.

Once upon a time, he was so young and went to sea with the dream of becoming the strongest in the world. After so many years, when he climbed to the top of the mountain, his dream came true, but the original passion slowly disappeared.

Knowing today, he suddenly wanted to regain the excitement he once had.

Don't let me down!

Roronoa Zoro!

Pulling on his top hat, he turned and walked towards his boat, preparing to leave here.

A figure shot over from the Bharati restaurant like an arrow.

He quickly pulled out the black knife and blocked it lightly.


The harsh sound of gold and iron clashing came, almost piercing one's eardrums.

"Master! Great swordsman!" Hawkeye sensed the opponent's strength with just one move.

"Is there such a strong person in the weakest East China Sea?" he thought in surprise.

With a gentle push, the figure moved back and landed steadily on a piece of broken deck.

Only then did Eagle Eyes clearly see the appearance of the person coming.

The exaggerated black hair like a hedgehog stands on end and branches out in all directions like a sea urchin; the face is straight and long, full of murderous intent; there is an eyepatch on one eye, which adds a bit of ferocity.

"Everyone is welcome by name!" Hawkeye stood with a sword and asked coldly.

"My name is—Zaraki Kenpachi!"

"Why did you sneak up on me?"

"Sneak attack?" Kenpachi Zaraki laughed, his expression even more arrogant, "No, this is just a small test."

He slowly raised the sword in his hand, and a strong fighting spirit flowed out of him: "Hey, your guy's name is Hawkeye, right? Is he the greatest swordsman in the world? Hahahaha, don't let me down! "

"Want to challenge my swordsman? I'm happy to accompany you." Hawkeye pulled out the black sword Night and stared at Zaraki Kenpachi with sharp eyes, facing his challenge without fear.

"Did you pull out the black sword from the beginning? Is that hedgehog so strong?" Sanji's eyes widened at the side.

Cold sweat broke out on Zoro's face!Ignoring the still bleeding wound, he sat up and stared straight ahead.

Hawkeye himself is already impressive.

But the swordsman who suddenly appeared out of nowhere was as full of fighting spirit as Hawkeye, and compared to Hawkeye's restrainedness, that guy looked even more arrogant.

"It turns out that there are so many powerful swordsmen on the sea. It seems that I have been short-sighted." Zoro not only did not feel scared, but was so excited that goosebumps appeared all over his body. "It seems that when I see this road in the future, I won’t be lonely, hehe!”

This is Sauron's character!

The more enemies there are, the more excited he gets!

The stronger the enemy, the more excited he becomes!

Sami walked out of the Barati restaurant and looked at Zaraki Kenpachi who was fighting Hawkeye with an unstoppable smile on his face.

That guy was the one he summoned.

To be precise, it uses the power of the rat charm.

Long before going to sea, he had prepared the statue of Zaraki Kenpachi just to wait for this moment.

Sammy's plan was simple.

Fight with Hawkeye - lose - gain recognition - take advantage of the situation to ask for advice - gain domineering guidance.

Completely copy Sauron's method, only modifying it a little bit later.

As long as Zaraki Kenpachi is recognized by Hawkeye like Zoro, then once he opens his mouth, Hawkeye, who likes to teach others, is likely to agree to his request.

Then wouldn’t the cultivation method of domineering be easily available?

It doesn't matter if you are rejected, just treat it as watching a wonderful battle.


What do you think we should do if Kenpachi Zaraki wins?

Stop joking, classmate.

If it's a complete Zaraki Kenpachi, it's still possible, but the current lv2 rat charm can restore Zaraki Kenpachi's fifth-level strength, which would be considered thank God.

Sammy's only hope was that he could outlast Zoro.


Zaraki Kenpachi, who struck first, attacked fiercely. The long sword in his hand was like an invisible whirlwind, and the sword wanted to hit Hawkeye's vitals.

For a moment, Hawkeye was actually led into his rhythm and blindly defended passively!

Zoro was stunned.

"Good swordsmanship!" Hawkeye shouted, the black sword turned slightly, and rushed out with great strength, deflecting Zaraki Kenpachi's long sword aside.

Then, he raised the tip of the knife again, and slashed out a sword energy like a flowing stream.


Zaraki Kenpachi quickly raised his sword to resist, and the sword energy collided with the long sword, causing tiny sparks to burst out.

"Hahahaha, that's interesting!" The natural fighting maniac was surprised by the opponent's powerful strength at this moment, and his face became more and more fanatical. "Come on, show me your true strength, I have always been I’m longing for a hearty battle.”

"This guy!" Hawkeye focused his gaze, and he saw a strong fighting spirit from Zaraki Kenpachi. It was a kind of purity that meant there was nothing else but fighting!

"Eager to fight! Eager to have an opponent. This guy is very similar to me." Hawkeye murmured to himself, "In that case, let me see your true strength."

As he turned the black knife, a stream of black air spread out like liquid, flowing up the handle of the black knife, and soon covered the blade.

Armed arrogance!

"Has it appeared? It's a mysterious power different from spiritual pressure. Let me give it a try!"

Hawkeye slashed out with his sword.

Zaraki Kenpachi, who originally raised his sword in defense, suddenly withdrew his sword and retreated, but opened his arms in the face of Hawkeye's slash.

"My back was injured but..."

Sorry, there was a mistake.

He didn't say anything.

The knife hit him hard.

Although he had mobilized all his spiritual pressure for defense, Zaraki Kenpachi was still seriously injured due to his limited strength.

Blood splattered!

You can even vaguely see the white bones.

"Why? Why not hide?"

"Haha, don't worry, I just wanted to taste the power of your black power. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. It's kind of interesting. Hahahaha!" Zaraki Kenpachi laughed to himself while spitting out blood. The injury was completely ignored.

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

"Death? I don't care. To me, not being able to fight is the real death."

"Interesting! I didn't expect that I would see real swordsmen one after another in the East China Sea." A smile appeared on Hawkeye's lips, "My battle with you is not over yet, but it seems that we can't continue today."

Zaraki Kenpachi was furious: "Hey, are you looking down on me? Such a small injury..."

"No, I don't mean to look down on you. On the contrary, as a swordsman, you are very worthy of respect." Hawkeye shook his head and said, "But the gap between you and me is too big. Before you learn domineering, even if I beat you It’s not interesting either.”

"Really? I was actually underestimated, hahahaha, that's really annoying." Kenpachi Zaraki laughed loudly, "Hey, come and teach me your ability."

Hawkeye was stunned: "Teaching you? Are you worshiping me as your teacher?"

"Whatever you say, I don't care about this kind of thing. As long as I can learn powerful power, I can kowtow to you."


"If you want to learn my swordsmanship, I can also teach you. We don't owe each other anything!".

"Aren't you afraid that if I learn it, I can defeat you easily?"

"This kind of thing is exactly what I want. What I pursue is not only to make myself stronger, but also to make the enemy stronger! Because only in this way can we get a real battle!"

"Make the enemy stronger?" Hawkeye was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stood up with his sword and said seriously, "I have learned a lesson."

He took a serious look at Zaraki Kenpachi, who was still standing even though he was seriously injured, and suddenly took out a pamphlet from his body and gave it to him.

Zaraki Kenpachi also threw a page at him, "This is my swordsmanship. I give it to you. I don't want to owe you anything."

"Thank you!"

"Take a good look at me! Don't think that you can deny my swordsmanship just because you beat me!"

"Don't worry, I will study hard!"

"Hahahaha!" Hearing Hawkeye's answer, Zaraki Kenpachi laughed wildly.

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