Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 351 The plan has changed, the general is coming

green bit.

On the steel bridge leading to the main island of Dressrosa.

The Straw Hats and Law were running for their lives.

Because behind them was a large group of huge fighting fish chasing after them.

These ugly monsters that look like the Bull Demon King rush upwards without hesitation as if they have been hungry for eight hundred years when they see a living person.

"Rubber Rubber Pistol!" Luffy punched a fighting fish that was coming towards him and knocked it away.

The battered fish immediately bled from all its orifices and fell heavily back into the sea.

The sea breeze mixed with the blood and slowly drifted away, and the smell of blood immediately enveloped the surrounding area for several hundred meters.

The fighting fish that were still chasing him immediately turned their spearheads and pounced on their injured companions after smelling the smell of blood.

The next second, the seawater rolled violently, and large streams of snow water mixed with white foam surged out from the bottom of the sea. The blue sea turned bright red in the blink of an eye.

"Ah! These guys even eat their injured comrades!!" Usopp screamed, sticking out his tongue.

Chopper covered his head: "It's so scary!!!"

"Hey! Don't bully your companions! Get along well!" Luffy yelled at them angrily.

"Idiot! Why are you arguing with these beasts?!" Sanji complained, "hurry up and get there!"

"We're surrounded again! There are more people than before!" Nami shouted, "Everyone, let's go!"

Perhaps the smell of blood stimulated this group of already crazy guys, and large groups of fighting fish surrounded them like raindrops, trying to devour everything.

Sammy frowned, stretched out his arms to hug Robin, and flew into the sky with a kick of his feet.

"Everyone! Take a step first and see you at the next intersection, or in the next life!"

After speaking, Sami smiled and flew forward with Robin.

"Ah!!! Sammy, you are such a heartless guy!!" Usopp yelled in a broken voice.

"Sammy! Woo~~" Chopper cried bitterly, "Take me with you, I will die!"

He stretched out his hands helplessly, trying to catch the two Sammies in the sky, but it was all in vain.

A fighting fish fell from the sky, opened its bloody mouth, and was about to devour him.

"Two swordsmanship, Yingbo!"

The two sword energy instantly cut open the fighting fish in the sky and chopped it into pieces of meat.

"Be careful! Chopper!" Zoro shouted.

"Ugh~ Zoro! I will never call you a three-sword style man again!" Chopper cried excitedly.

"Idiot! If you don't show some real skills, you will get hurt!"

"I understand!" Chopper wiped away his tears and nodded solemnly.

next second.

"Enhanced soft power! Let me knock!"

"I knock!"

This new move developed by Chopper two years later is extremely powerful.

Not only was its attack extremely powerful, but its speed was not weak at all. It knocked several fighting fish away almost in the blink of an eye.

Seeing how brave Chopper was, other people on the bridge were not to be outdone and showed their true abilities.

"Spray Kill·Skeleton Explosive Grass!"

"Franky - laser cannon!"

"Yo ho ho ho, Bi Ge Sanding·Arrow Tail Slash!"

"Thunderbird·Thunder Weather!"

For a moment, the light shone brightly and was eye-catching.

After a combination of skills, the large number of fighting fish on the sea were finally dispersed, and the remaining three or two were completely out of place.

The crisis is officially over.

Under Luo's urging, the Straw Hats set off again and soon arrived at the center of the bridge.

There, the originally connected steel bridge suddenly broke into two sections, blocking everyone's way.

Sammy and Robin were standing at the break, looking across in trance.

As soon as Usopp saw Sami, he shouted angrily: "Sammy! You just abandoned us and ran away! That's too much!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Sami said with a smile, "I know the strength of all of you, and that little difficulty can't stop you."

"Then you can't either..."

"I didn't expect you to solve it so quickly. That's amazing, Usopp."

"I say……"

"As expected of a powerful sea warrior! The Sniper King!"

"Ah hahaha, really, why are you telling the truth? Since you are so honest, I will forgive you! Hahahahaha!"

Usopp was comforted by Sami with a few words and smiled happily. He walked aside to show off to Chopper with a smile.

Luo walked up and asked, "Master Sammy, why did you stop?"

Sami said calmly: "The plan has changed."

"Changed? Where?"

"Look over there." Sammy suddenly pointed to the sea in the distance and said.

The others immediately turned around and saw that several naval warships suddenly appeared on the previously empty sea.

Moreover, the bow of their boat was facing Greenbit, and they were coming at full speed.

The leading ship was particularly huge, with towering masts and a deck as wide as a flat.

The sharp-eyed Usopp just made a rough count and immediately took a breath.

"This, this, what kind of battleship is this? It has more than a hundred cannons?!"

The well-informed Nami immediately changed her expression, and her face quickly darkened.

She gritted her teeth and said, "This is the Admiral's ship!"

"Hai, Admiral!!" Everyone else exclaimed.

Brooke stumbled and asked: "What is Admiral Hai doing here?"

"Oh shit! They must be chasing me, after all, I am a big pirate now!" Usopp said seriously.

"Really? Usopp! You are so awesome!" Chopper still praises him even now.

"What should I do? Do you want to fight?" Sanji asked, "The Admiral is no joke!"

"Wait a minute, cook, we don't know whether the other party is friend or foe yet." Zoro immediately shouted.

"Idiot, we are pirates! How can we be friends with them?"

"Then you can't act rashly, idiot!"

"Yo Xi! Rush over and beat him away!" Luffy shouted, watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

"Wait a minute, Luffy! Don't be impulsive!" Nami scolded, "Sammy, what should I do?"

Sammy smiled, with no hint of panic on his face.

He turned around and asked: "Luo, now that things have happened, do you still think Brother Ming has surrendered to you?"

Luo's face turned ugly.

"The so-called withdrawal from the Shichibukai is just a cover-up trick he united with the World Government to play on you."

"This is impossible!" Luo shouted, "Why would Doflamingo allow the World Government to accompany him in this scene? Doesn't the World Government want his credibility?"

If even official announcements in newspapers can be overturned at will, then what else can people believe in the world government in the future?

Law never believed that the World Government would sacrifice a small thing for the sake of Doflamingo.

Sammy shook his head.

He knew Luo's plan was right.

The only thing he did wrong was not guessing Doflamingo's true identity!

Dragon people!

Even if it's just a former Celestial Dragon.

The meaning it represents is more important to the World Government than Luo's Shichibukai.

The down-and-out nobles of the world are still the nobles of the world, and the untouchables who work hard are just untouchables.

What kind of shit is this?

Sammy also found it quite boring sometimes.

Everywhere in the pirate world is good, but the Celestial Dragon system is the most disgusting.

That is an extreme evil.

It is the source of many tragedies.

Without living in this world, this kind of evil cannot be experienced personally.

What kind of prince will Xiangning?

This is the most impressive and enlightening sentence that Sami learned from a history textbook in his previous life.

This is also the reason why he deeply hates the Celestial Dragon system.

Over the years, Sammy has never revealed to anyone why he joined the Straw Hats.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Since sooner or later he will overthrow this boring world.

And Luffy is the one who is destined to accomplish all of this.

So isn't joining the Straw Hats a no-brainer?

As for your question about why Sami wanted to overthrow the Draco?


Isn't it enough to see him unhappy?

Fortunately, his efforts over the past two years have not been in vain, and he has seen hope.

Momo clenched his fists, and Sami smiled and said to everyone: "Everyone, there is a slight change in the plan."

"You continue to defeat Brother Ming, and I will go and have fun with the admiral first."

"I'll see you later."

After Sammy finished speaking, he didn't wait for everyone's answers. He raised his right hand and with the surge of thought, he lifted everyone up.

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