Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 348 Farewell to Murloc Island

Fishman Island.

The re-coated Sunny is docked steadily at the beach, ready to set sail at any time.

On the deck, the Straw Hats were busy.

Sammy directed everyone to move the various supplies they had just purchased into the storage room.

"Fifteen boxes of fresh water, fifty boxes of food, and three boxes of medicine..."

"OK, everything is shipped." Sammy wiped the sweat from his forehead and shouted, "Is there anything missing?"

"Wait a minute, Sammy, there are these!" Usopp shouted hurriedly.

I saw him carrying a huge package and moving it with difficulty.

Behind him, Brooke and Chopper were also carrying equally large packages, shakily approaching the cabin.

The three packages looked very heavy, so much so that Chopper had to transform into "Qiao Beard" form to barely carry them.

"What is this? There's no record of it on the purchase order."

"This, this is Nami's thing." Usopp said breathlessly, "She robbed Papago's clothing store before leaving."

"Hiss~~" Sammy took a breath of air, "Did you move the entire store?"

"You are wrong, Sammy." Usopp shook his head and said, "Papagu has a total of three shops on Fish-Man Island."

? !

On the other side, inside the stern cabin.

Robin walked into the girls' dormitory carrying a bag of newly purchased books.

Looking at the familiar room in front of her, she took a deep breath and said with a smile: "It feels most comfortable to go back to the Sonny."

Nami smiled and said, "Of course. Every night in Visalia, I miss the little bed on the Sonny."

"And my little wardrobe and bathroom, yes, and my little desk where I draw charts."

Nami kept talking non-stop, recalling almost everything in the room.

Robin laughed and said: "You girl are still so nostalgic. But speaking of it, I also miss the bathroom on the Sonny."

"How about taking a bath together tonight, Nami?"

"Okay, I got a lot of clothes from Papagu's place. Let's choose which ones to wear after washing."

As soon as Nami finished speaking, Sanji's howling was heard outside the door.

"Ah! Miss Nami, let me help you choose!"

"Go away! You pervert!"

"Hey! Miss Nami is still so hot when she's angry!"

Sanji twisted his body wildly, like a piece of seaweed swaying in the wind.

"Hey! Sanji! What are you doing here?"

"None of your business! I'm just sweeping the floor."

"Really? Then you should clean up well." Luffy said with a smile, "Nami! Uncle Neptune and the others are here to say goodbye to us. Come out quickly."

"Who wants to see that fat man with a beard?"

Before Nami could reply, Sanji cursed.

However, then he suddenly seemed to think of something, and his eyes widened with love.

"B-Is Princess Bai Xing here?"

"Well, that guy is here too. He's crying. He's such a crybaby." Luffy said with disgust on his face.

"So?! It's a shame for a man to make a lady cry and wait! Luffy! You bastard!" Sanji was instantly furious.

Then he jumped and flew out.

"The lady is the most vulnerable at this time. I will immediately go to comfort her injured heart~~"

As soon as he flew to the deck, Sanji saw a scene that he couldn't bear.

Sammy was talking to Shirahoshi.

Although there were still tears on her face at this time, the mermaid princess who had been thinking of him sincerely showed a bright smile under Sammy's few words.

"The beard was cut off by the scheming man!" A thunderbolt flashed through Sanji's mind, and he couldn't help roaring at Sami loudly.

"What have you done? Scheming man!"

"Let's chat, can't you see?"

"What white star is smiling at you?"

"Isn't it nice to laugh?"


Sanji's face turned red at Sammy's words, and he fell to his knees with a plop.

"This is obviously...this is obviously my job!"

"Oh, I'll leave it to you then." Sammy said nothing and turned around to talk to Neptune.

"Princess White Star!!!" She even yelled and rushed towards her.

Shirahoshi was immediately frightened to tears again.

"Your Excellency!" Neptune nodded towards Sammy.

"Your Majesty the King, thank you for the supplies you provided us."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do. Compared with the help you gave us, this little thing is nothing."

"Haha." Sami smiled, looked up into the distance and said, "You raised the flags, you are so fast."

On a tall building in the distance, a newly made straw hat and skull flag fluttered high, showing off its power in the breeze.

"Yeah, I feel much more at ease." Neptune said with a smile.

"Peace cannot be protected by just one flag." Sami shook his head and said, "Before I leave, I have one more thing to remind you."

"Please say."

"Please protect Princess Shirahoshi. To a certain extent, she is the key to peace."

Neptune was shocked and said in disbelief, "You, you all know?"

"Yes, the legendary ancient weapon, Poseidon, King of the Sea." Sami said seriously, "Do you know what this means?"

"As a father, I know my daughter didn't deserve that fate."

"Every one of us is destined, it depends on what role you want to play." Sammy said, "Don't let her fall into the hands of bad people."

"Bad guy?"

"The reason why the World Government accepted Jinbei as a member of the Shichibukai, and even accepted Fish-Man Island as a franchising country, what do you think their purpose is?"

"racial equality?"

Sammy's eyes widened.

"Sorry, just think I'm joking." Neptune immediately changed his words.

"As a father, you're supposed to protect your daughter. As a king, you're supposed to protect your country."

"But what you have done so far is not enough."

Sammy said unceremoniously. He didn't care at all about Neptune's ugly face.

"Thank you for reminding me." Neptune obviously didn't want to continue this topic. He made a farewell gesture and said, "I wish you and your partners good luck in martial arts!"

Sammy smiled back.

Of course he knew Neptune's resistance.

No one wants their daughter to be someone everyone thinks about.

Especially as a weapon.

But it's clear that running away won't solve the problem.

Just plan early.

Fortunately, he had already made plans.

"Sammy! We're ready to go! Come back!" Usopp shouted to Sammy from the deck.

They had already said goodbye to Kemi and Pagugu, and were waiting for Sami alone.

Sammy nodded slightly to Neptune, turned around and flew back to the Sonny.

"Target Dressrosa! Franky! Get ready to fire the wind cannon!" Nami ordered immediately after Sammy landed.

"Understood!" Frankie put down his sunglasses and firmly grasped the rudder with both hands.

Luffy squatted on the railing, suddenly stretched out his hands, and shouted down.

"Goodbye! Cowardly Star! Goodbye! Cammy!"

"At least mention me! Bastard!" Papagu cursed.

"Hahaha, goodbye, Starfish!"

"He still didn't remember my name!" Pagu Gu lowered his head with disappointment.

"Yo ho ho ho! Goodbye, Mr. Papagu, please invite me to the Mermaid Cafe again next time you come back!" Brooke shouted.

"No problem! Mr. Skeleton!" Papagu immediately responded with excitement.

"Wind cannon!!!"


With Frankie roaring.

The Sonny's tail gun immediately ejected a strong stream of air.

Driven by this airflow, the entire hull of the Sonny shot straight into the sky like a flying sword.

The next second, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Luffy-sama, we will meet again one day. I promise that I will become very brave when we meet next time!"

Bai Xing stared at Sunny, which had become a star, clasped his hands together and muttered silently in his heart.

"And Lord Sami, when the appointed time comes, I will definitely appear in front of you."

A tear fell to the ground with a ticking sound.

Only its owner knows.

These are not tears of sadness.

But a testimony of commitment.

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