Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 345 System interface 2 years later

Although Jinbei has not joined the Straw Hats yet, this does not prevent Luffy from using this excuse to hold a party.

Coupled with Neptune's warm hospitality, a grand banquet was held grandly in the Undersea Dragon Palace.

After all, the organizer is the royal family that rules a country. Even if the grandeur of this banquet is well-informed, the Straw Hats, who are used to hosting banquets, can't help but exclaim in surprise.

All kinds of delicacies - fruits and vegetables, the meat of ferocious sea beasts and a collection of fine wines.

All kinds of tableware - gold, silver, inlaid with gems and pearls.

Various people - mermaids, fishmen, beautiful dancers and singers.

Intertwined together, they form a sea of ​​joy!

Time passed quietly in the midst of indulgence and joy, and in a blink of an eye it was already half-way through the night when we were full of wine and food.

Sammy put down his wine glass and gave Zoro a victory sign.

The green algae head immediately turned dark, holding the wine glass with a sullen expression and saying nothing.

Because in the drinking competition just now, he actually lost to Sammy.


This is drinking!

own strengths.

When did Sammy become so fierce?

Sami looked at Zoro's unconvinced expression and couldn't help but chuckle.

He would not tell Sandoryu that when he was drinking, he secretly used the Dragon Talisman to dry up the wine, and all he drank was air.

"Awesome, Sammy, he defeated Zoro." Franky praised.

Sanji smiled beamingly and said, "Although I feel uncomfortable if you win, trick man, I'm even happier if you, the idiot green algae head, lose."

"Asshole! Who are you calling a green algae head? If you can, come and compete with me!"

"Better! I'm afraid of you!"

The two quarreled again.

The Straw Hats were already used to this, so they picked up their cutlery and moved to another table to continue eating.

Brooke chewed the food and said with a smile: "Mr. Sammy, not only have you become stronger now, but your ability to drink is also getting longer. It's really surprising, yo ho ho ho!"

"That's right." Usopp said, "Sammy, how strong are you now?"


"That's right. Sammy, you must be super powerful now, right?" Franky smiled, "After all, the charm you gave us has been upgraded a lot in the past two years."

"Me too, me too," Chopper said hurriedly, "The first time I upgraded the Horse Talisman, I was shocked! Even broken limbs can be repaired, it's incredible!"

Sammy listened to their conversation and just smiled.

He subconsciously scanned the system interface in his mind, and the text on it was clearly displayed.

"The Twelve Talisman System:

Name: Sammy


Experience bar: 14%

Already have experience stars: 5"

This is Sami's current strength!

In the past two years, through various means, he finally upgraded all twelve talismans to level 3.

Some of my commonly used charms: rabbit, tiger, ox, dragon, and chicken have all been upgraded to level 4.

Every one of them is extremely powerful, giving Sami a huge increase in strength.

Especially the Tiger Talisman, the lv4 ability is even more perverted.

"Tiger Talisman lv.4

1. You can use the Tiger Talisman to balance the power of two or more talismans so that they do not conflict with each other and can be used at the same time.

2. You can directly soul-bind the spell you already own.The bound charm will not be lost, stolen, destroyed...

3. You can use the lv.2 tiger talisman to balance the three dimensions of your own energy and spirit and accelerate the development of domineering energy!

4 You can use the lv.3 tiger charm to balance the power between the enemy and ourselves.The longer you fight against the enemy, your weaknesses will be compensated and your strengths will be strengthened!

5 You can balance the relationship between yourself and the environment through the lv.4 tiger charm. "

Balance the environment.

This is the ability of the lv.4 Tiger Talisman.

In short, when Sammy's environment adversely affects him, the Tiger Talisman will begin to transform his body to adapt to the environment so that he can swim freely.

such as.

Once Sammy falls into the water, his oxygen will run out and he will be suffocated.

But this is quickly detected by the Tiger Talisman, which immediately causes Sammy to grow gills and breathe freely in the water.

Another example.

When Sammy is extremely hungry, the Tiger Charm will allow him to evolve to photosynthesize.

Wait, wait, the list goes on and on.

Every one of them is so perverted.

It can be said that every upgrade of the Tiger Talisman adds various powerful buffs to Sami, gradually turning him into a person without any shortcomings.

Of course, in addition to the tiger talisman, other talismans are also very powerful after upgrade.

This has already been shown in Nami and the others.

The only thing that hasn't been introduced yet is the Snake Charm.

This charm was the last one Sammy drew.

The first level lv.1 ability is invisibility.

It sounds perverted, but it is of little use in the world of pirates.

Because lv.1 level invisibility cannot avoid the detection of visceral color at all.

Therefore, Sammy never took this spell to heart.

However, it wasn't until after leveling up that Sammy discovered the perversion of the snake charm.

"Snake Charm lv.3

1 You can gain invisibility through the lv.1 snake charm.However, this ability cannot block the detection of the Haki of Visibility.

2 You can use the lv.2 snake charm to gain the ability to interfere with the enemy's five senses.

3. You can use the lv.3 snake charm to gain the ability to see and kill. "

Interfering with the five senses!

It means that Sammy can use the snake charm to interfere with the operation of the opponent's five senses, making them unable to see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

Once the five senses are deprived, the other party will be no different than just waiting to be killed.

Not only that, this ability can also weaken the opponent's domineering power to a certain extent.

Although it can't deal with those masters who see things, it is enough for ordinary characters.

As for the killing after witnessing it, that was the real surprise.

This is an extremely powerful ability.

It has been revealed so far that it seems that only the Yonko has red hair.

The effect of this ability is to control one's own aura, making it impossible for the opponent to predict his future based on what he sees and hears.

For those masters who have already cultivated the color of sight to a very high level, this is a big killer move.

Just like in the original book on Cake Island, Kaji's ability to predict the future once made Luffy very embarrassed and could only be beaten passively.

Once Sami faces such an opponent, he will also find it extremely difficult to deal with.

But it's okay now.

No one could predict Sammy's future.

After reading all the text on the system interface again, Sami couldn't help but grin.

"You ask me how strong I am? I don't even know now."

"At least, if I encounter Aoki or Kizaru again, I can fight them openly and even win!"


The sound of footsteps interrupted Sammy's thoughts.

He quickly closed the system interface and looked up.

It turned out to be Neptune.

"Distinguished guests, I would like to propose a toast to you all." He raised his glass and gestured to everyone.

The Straw Hats immediately raised their glasses in response.

"Thank you, uncle, I had a great time at this banquet, there was so much meat!" Luffy said happily.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. It's the host's honor to satisfy the guests." Neptune said with a smile, finishing the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Sammy also joined us for a drink.

After drinking, he raised his head and said, "Sir Neptune, you're not here just to toast, are you?"

"Yes." Neptune nodded, not hiding anything, "I do have a very important thing to ask you."

Nami and the others immediately looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Now, the crisis posed by Hodi has been resolved.

As the king of a country, Neptune is powerful, so what difficult problems need the help of the Straw Hats?

They stared curiously at the giant mermaid in front of them.

Neptune took a deep breath, then suddenly bowed and said something sincerely that shocked everyone.

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