Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 343 The Straw Hat 1 gang has assembled

Luffy stood up, put the fallen straw hat back on his head, and smiled.

"So, just find those four signposts, right? Sammy."

"Yes, with that thing, we can know the specific location of Rafdru."

"Okay!" Luffy raised his arms and shouted, "Let's go immediately to find the historical text!"

"Ah! Is it so sudden?!" Usopp was shocked.

"That's right! I'm not ready yet!" Chopper also shouted.

Such an important thing should attract countless experts to fight for it, right?

Then if we rush over like this, aren't we looking for death?

"No! Luffy! It's okay to be the Pirate King or something, right?!"

Usopp's timid nature showed up again, and he started crying while holding Luffy, insisting that he give up his decision to die.

"Stop being ridiculous, Usopp!" Zoro immediately scolded, "Did you just decide to be a pirate today? Do you still need others to remind you of your mortality?"

"I, I..." Usopp was startled by Zoro, and he couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

"We'll talk about that kind of thing later." Nami interrupted quickly, "Before deciding to find the historical text, do you need to find out where they are first?"

"Yo ho ho ho, you're right."

"Hey, that kind of thing is considered top secret, right? Can it be easily found out?" Franky asked in confusion.

"I don't care." Luffy said firmly, "Even if it is hidden in the ends of the earth, I will find them all."

"Idiot! This kind of thing can't be solved by just shouting slogans." Sanji cursed, "We don't have any clues at the moment!"

"Sammy knows," Luffy said without hesitation.

"How could he...he might actually know about it."

Sanji originally wanted to retort smoothly, but as soon as the word "Sammy" came to his mind, he immediately changed his mind.

The others also reacted and turned their heads in unison, staring at Sami with bright eyes.

"How can you be so sure that I will know?" Sammy smiled.

stare! ! !

"Okay, I really know." Sammy said helplessly.

"Speak quickly."

"I can't wait."

"Let's talk first. Do you have a story this time? If so, I'll prepare a little Mazar first."

"I also have tea and snacks here. Would you like some Usopp?"

"Come on some music, Brooke, let me feel what it means to be there..."

A group of people immediately took out various things and prepared like watching a drama.

"I told you, that's enough! You really treat me like a TV!" Sami scolded, "There's no story this time! Please prick up your ears and listen!"

"Brooke! Put the piano back in!"

"Yo ho ho ho, private Marseille, Mr. Sammy." Brooke apologized and walked to the side and sat down obediently.

Sami snorted and continued: "There are a total of four pieces of historical text on the road sign, one in Zou, one in Wanguo, and one in Wano..."

"Wait, wait, Ten Thousand Kingdoms? Did I hear you correctly? The Yonko Big Mom's territory?!" Nami was shocked.

"Yes, she is indeed in charge at the moment." Sami nodded, "In addition, Wano Country is currently the territory of the Four Emperors Kaido."

"Two Yonko?!" Usopp cried out, "Luffy! It's okay to not be the Pirate King, right?"

"It's okay if you don't do it right! Luffy!" Chopper cried.

"Go away, Usopp!"

Luffy put aside Usopp who was bumping into him and said firmly, "Even if they are the Yonko, I will defeat them!"

"That's right! I'll accompany you!" Sauron smiled.

"Let me think about it, what method should the four emperors use to cook it?" Sanji also said seriously.

"Hey! Are you kidding me?! That's the Yonko!" Usopp hugged Chopper and cried loudly.

It's a pity that no matter how excited he is now, it can't change any facts.

"We'll talk about the four emperors later. It's too early to contact them at the moment." Sami said, "We can get the other two pieces first."

"Two pieces? I remember you just said that one piece is in Zuowu? Where is the other piece?"

"right here."


"Here, Fishman Island!"

"Ah?" Nami opened her mouth wide, "Are we going to find a piece now?!"

So simple?

so easy?

No block?

no fight?

Is it too easy? !

Hody: Do you want to hear what you're saying?Am I not Renmai?

"Don't be too happy too soon." Sami said, "The historical text was on Fish-Man Island more than 20 years ago. I don't know if it is still there now."

As soon as Sami finished speaking, a loud reply came from above his head.

"Sammy is right, the historical text is indeed gone."

Sammy looked up immediately.

I saw Robin slowly descending from mid-air.

"Robin!!" Luffy shouted happily.


"Yo ho ho ho, Miss Robin!"

"Aw, Nico Robin!"

Everyone shouted in surprise.

"Ah! Sister Robin!!"

A voice that was clearly an octave higher than the others soared through the sky.

Sanji took a step and tried to rush forward, but was kicked away by Sami.

However, he didn't care at all and continued to shout: "I haven't seen you for more than two years. Sister Robin, you seem to have become beautiful again!!! Do you miss me like a flood?"


Sanji's face immediately turned pale!

"Robin!" Nami also rushed over happily, "I haven't seen you in more than two years. Do you miss me?"

Robin hugged Nami who rushed over, touched her head and said dotingly: "Yes, I miss you very much, Nami."

Sanji turned gray again.

Nami raised her head and asked with a smile: "By the way, Robin, what did you mean by what you just said?"

"After Sammy and I separated, we went looking for the historical text accompanied by Boss Jinbei, only to find that it had disappeared."

"What? Disappeared?!"

"how can that be?"

The others immediately asked all kinds of questions.

"That thing is so important. Those who know it will naturally want to keep it as their own." Zoro said.

"That thing is history engraved on a stone tablet. Doesn't this constitute destroying cultural relics?" Chopper asked.

"Which is more important, destroying cultural relics or Ravdru?" Sauron asked.

"Ah! How barbaric!" Chopper cursed.

"Hey! Don't curse at me!"

"Well, to be able to do such a thing, that guy should be as violent and rude as the Santo-ryu." Sanji said, touching his chin.

"Baga! You are looking for trouble, aren't you? You have the ability to fight."

"Come on, I'm afraid of you!"

"Mito stream……"

"Devil Wind Foot..."


Nami lowered her fist and said angrily: "I was in a bad mood, but you two still dare to cause trouble."

"What should we do now, Sammy?" Usopp asked.

"What else can we do? Let's find something else first. Kaido or Big Mom, which one should you choose first?"

"Go to Zou first! Go to Zou first!" Usopp shouted immediately.

"That's all." Sammy spread his hands.

"Okay! Everyone! Head to Zou!" Luffy jumped up and shouted.

"Wait a minute! Luffy! Don't be so anxious. Who do you think is coming?" Sami grabbed him and pointed to the sky.

"Ah? Who?"

I saw five people flying over from a distance in the sky.

Four of them have human heads and fish tails and are huge in size. They are the royal Neptune family.

The remaining one is naturally the fat blue man Jinbei.

"Father!!" Bai Xing immediately shouted to the sky.

A drop of sweat ran down Sammy's forehead.

Depend on!

I was so busy talking to everyone that I actually ignored such a big mermaid.

But this guy didn't say a word from beginning to end. He is indeed a coward!

At Bai Xing's call, four mermaids quickly descended from the sky.

The leader is none other than Neptune, the current king of Fishman Island and the owner of the Dragon Palace.

"White Star, my daughter, are you okay?" Neptune asked immediately.

"Sister, sister, are you not injured?" The two fishman princes also asked anxiously.

"Father, Brother Shark Star, Brother Emperor Star, Brother Cara Star, I'm fine." Seeing his relatives again, Shirahoshi cried with joy, "It was Luffy-sama and his companions who saved me, and they also defeated Hody!"

"Hody was defeated?!"

Neptune was shocked. Did he know that there were 10 new fish-men pirates?

And the Straw Hat Kid has no more than ten men, right?

"Yes, father, Luffy-sama and the others are very powerful!" Shirahoshi said with certainty.

Neptune nodded, turned to ask the Straw Hats: "Thank you for protecting my daughter, may I ask, where is that guy Hody Jones now?"

Sammy looked around and smiled.


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