Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 337 General French and the Lecherous Skeleton

"With the help of the analytical eye, I have not only successfully transformed myself, but also completed the highest masterpiece of my life!"

"The highest masterpiece? What is it?" Chopper asked with stars in his eyes.

"Ouch! Just let you see it!" Frank screamed strangely, flew back to the Sonny, and disappeared in a few steps.

A few seconds later, the hole in Sonny's round belly opened wide, and a weird-looking motorcycle and a huge tank drove out one after another.

"Black Rhino fr-u number four!"

"Wanlong Tank No. 5!"

"Come on!!!"

"Motorcycle, motorcycle?!" Usopp spat out.

"Tank! Tank!!!" Chopper shouted, sticking out his tongue.

The two guys' faces were red and their foreheads were sweating. They were obviously very high.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, it's not over yet!" Franky's voice suddenly came, "Fusion Transformation: Super General Franky!"

"Can we combine and transform?!" Usopp and Chopper almost fainted.

"Thump thump thump thump!"

An exciting BGM suddenly sounded.

Nami was furious: "Where did the music come from! Shut up! Brooke!"

"Hohohoho, I'm sorry Miss Nami, I couldn't help myself!"

Over there, under the eager eyes of Usopp and Chopper, the Black Rhino and the Brachiosaurus began to approach each other.

"Open your eyes wide and prepare to accept this super amazing moment!"

Frankie emerged from nowhere and declared loudly.

The motorcycle and the tank finally began to merge into one, and began an extremely technological transformation.

"Franky xx light!"

Two rays of light shot out from Franky's chest, illuminating the transformation of General Franky.

"Perverted!!!" Nami couldn't help but cursed.

"Thanks for the compliment!"

"I'm not complimenting you!!!"




After a series of sounds ended, a huge, weird-looking, red, white and yellow robot appeared in the eyes of the Straw Hats.

"Robot! It's a robot!" Chopper cried bitterly.

"My life is worth it! Really! Am I in heaven!" Usopp fell to the ground softly.

"Ang~~ Super General Franky!!!" Franky introduced excitedly, "I improved it on the basis of the first generation of General Franky with the help of Analyst. It is super strong. Oh."

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm not interested in robots anyway!" Nami waved her hands and said indifferently.

"Nami! How could you say such rebellious words! It's so abominable!" Usopp scolded, "This is a man's dream!"

"That's right! Nami! I will never forgive you!" Chopper said angrily.

"What does it have to do with me? I'm a girl!"

"I only like money and oranges, even clothes and bags are better than this iron lump!" Nami retorted.

"Huh huh, Nami, I know you are saying something sarcastic on purpose!" Franky was unmoved and laughed.

"It's strange!"

"Actually, you are also very excited, right?"

"Ha ha."

"Okay, let me show you the power of General French."

"up to you."

"General French! Open the hatch!"


A small door opened from General French's chest.

Franky immediately ran over and climbed up along his feet, trying to climb into the small door.

“Is it actually used for climbing?!”

"For such a high-tech thing, why not build an automatic elevator?"

Nami almost died from laughing at Franky's sexy tricks.

Fortunately, Franky is a pervert and doesn't care about other people's opinions.

Under the watchful eyes of Usopp and Chopper, he quickly got into the hole and merged with Franky's soul.

"Open your eyes and see clearly! I will name this next move Super Cyclops!"


The admiring duo exclaimed again.

Nami was also stunned: "Super Cyclops? Isn't it a super-destructive move?"

"Looking good!"

"Super Cyclops!"


Two laser beams as thick as pillars flew out from General Franky and penetrated the entire position of the New Fish-Man Pirates almost in the blink of an eye.

Every person or thing he passed by was instantly evaporated, leaving not even a trace of residue behind.


"Okay, so awesome!" Nami opened her mouth wide, full of disbelief.

This move killed thousands of fishmen.

And it’s extremely fast! It’s extremely lethal!

It's really chilling.

"Franky, you..."

Nami turned around and was about to ask Franky a question when her defense was broken by the scene in front of her.

I don't know when General French started to see the big hole in his chest opened again.

Franky was lying on the ground with his butt raised, staring straight ahead like a dog.

And the two laser beams just now came from his eyes.

"What kind of posture are you doing!"

"So those two laser beams were fired by you yourself!"

"What's the use of this big robot? It's unnecessary, you bastard!"

"Hahaha, you saw through it! Are you a super pervert?" Franky laughed nonchalantly, with a very proud expression on his face.

"Forget it, I'm completely speechless to you." Nami sighed and said, "It's up to me."

"Hey ho ho ho, don't forget me, Miss Nami, let me perform too." Brooke, who had not spoken for a long time, also said aloud.

"What? You have a robot too?"

"Yo ho ho ho, please stop joking. I am a musician on the ship. Of course I use music to fight the enemy."

"That's pretty much it." Nami said, "Let's start your performance."

"Yo ho ho ho, then please close your eyes and listen carefully."

Brooke said softly, took out his violin and started playing.

The gentle and beautiful music poured out like water, flowing into the ears of every listener present.

Including those ferocious fish-men.

The moment they heard the music, their expressions immediately relaxed, from ferocious to angry, to dull, to peaceful, a huge change occurred in just a few seconds. .

Layers of frost appeared on their faces, quickly freezing them into ice sculptures.

But these fishmen didn't notice it at all, and they still had peaceful smiles on their faces.

next second.

"Plop! Plop! Plop!"

The frozen fishmen were all chapped and shattered into ice slag in a few breaths, leaving not even a complete body.

"Hohohoho, with the help of the Sheep Talisman, my Soul Soul Fruit has been greatly enhanced!"

"Both the power of the music and the freezing power of the underworld's freezing air are completely different from those two years ago."

"Enjoy this death music with peace of mind! The new fish-man pirates!"

"Lullaby·Soul Freeze!"

Brooke plays and kills at the same time, the scene is both elegant and extremely weird.

"That's great! Brooke! I haven't heard your music in two years, and I really miss it."

Nami said with a smile. She obviously heard the music, but she was not hurt at all. Instead, she was immersed in the beautiful music.

She couldn't help but close her eyes and recall the music that Brooke often played before. Every piece of music was so beautiful and nostalgic.

"Well, Brooke, have you composed any new music in the past two years? I heard that you are now a world-renowned star. Don't let me down?"



Nami called twice and found that Brooke didn't respond at all, so she quickly looked down.

I didn't know when Brooke had walked up to a female fish man.

First, he lowered his head and bowed slightly, then spoke with a magnetic voice.

"Um, beautiful fish-man lady, can you please..."


Before he finished speaking, he was kicked away by Nami.

"A lustful skeleton that is hard to change!!"

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