Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 328 Heading towards the Four Emperors

Great route, no wind.

An unnamed island near Daughters Island.

Luffy was shirtless and standing in front of a group of beasts with a serious expression.

Both sides stared at each other intently, refusing to give in to each other's momentum.

"Yo Xi! I'm going to fuck you!"

Luffy shouted, a confident smile on his face.


After hearing this, several beasts immediately rushed towards Luffy.

The huge body is like a hill, and the limbs are as thick as pillars. Every time it sets foot, the ground trembles, and smoke and dust billow like a tornado.

Facing this horrific scene, Luffy still kept smiling and didn't panic at all.

Seeing that the enemy was in front of him, he suddenly shouted softly.

"Overlord Color—Expand!"


A soundless ripple spread out like water, and instantly expanded into a large circle with a radius of tens of meters.

It was as if a breeze was blowing, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees trembled slightly driven by the ripples.

Then everything disappeared.

"Boom boom boom!"



The beasts that were still running rampant suddenly seemed to be tripped by some mysterious force, and their speed suddenly plummeted.

From sprinting to trotting to a slow walk.

Then comes the hard squirming.

At last.

Suddenly their eyes turned white, their limbs became weak, and they fell to the ground sleeping like a mountain, splashing with waves of sand and stones.

"Awesome! I made it!"

When Luffy saw this scene, his face immediately showed ecstasy, he shouted loudly and jumped around like a monkey.

"It seems you did it, great, Luffy!" A man's pleased voice came from behind.

Luffy immediately turned back.

"Wow, Uncle Riley! When did you come?"

"I just arrived." Rayleigh smiled, "I didn't expect you to master the Overlord color so quickly."

"Hehe." Luffy said with a grin, "I study hard every day what you taught me, uncle. Of course I learned it quickly."

Luffy stated the facts calmly, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Lei Li laughed dumbly.

About half a year has passed since he was asked by Sami to teach Luffy.

In this short period of half a year, he saw Luffy's growth with his own eyes.

From the initial rough understanding of the weapon color and the knowledge color, it took just two months to master both.

Then, it only took Luffy four months to master the technique of using Overlord's color from scratch.

Even the well-informed Rayleigh has never encountered this kind of talent.

"Sure enough, that boy Shanks was right." Rayleigh murmured to himself.

"It seems that starting from tomorrow, we should teach this kid the skills of Liu Ying. I don't know how long it will take him this time."

"No matter how fast it is, it shouldn't be less than half a month, right?"

"You know, even Shanks took a full year to master it."


"Hey! Uncle, what are you doing?" Luffy asked abruptly.

Riley's thoughts were immediately interrupted.

He laughed and said, "Sorry, sorry, people tend to lose focus when they get older."

"But Luffy, it's not so much your hard work, but your desire to be with your friends that has been urging you to make progress, right?" Rayleigh pointed out with a smile.

"Well, Uncle Reilly, I miss them. Sammy and the others should be okay."

Luffy made no secret of how much he missed his friends.

Being imprisoned on this isolated island for more than half a year, what tortured Luffy day and night was never the harsh training, but the desire to reunite with his friends.

You know, Luffy hates being alone.

If he hadn't remembered Sammy's instructions before leaving, he wouldn't have been able to stay here any longer.

"Really, really, why does Sammy insist on me staying here for two years?" Luffy pouted and complained, "I hate being alone."

Having said this, he suddenly looked at Rayleigh with hope: "Hey, uncle, I can master the three-color domineering skill now, can you let me go?"

"No." Reilly shook his head immediately: "I promised Sammy that I would let you stay here for two years, and I can't break my promise."

Upon hearing Rayleigh's flat refusal, Luffy's face immediately fell.

"I don't want it!" Luffy started to roll around, "Two years is too long, isn't it? I'm too bored, I want to go find everyone."

Different from the original work, Luffy, who has never experienced the tragic death of his brother in front of him, has not yet realized the importance of strength, and has no idea of ​​his own weakness.

Therefore, without the huge pressure and determination to become stronger, he naturally could not endure the two years of loneliness.

Looking at Luffy rolling around on the ground, Rayleigh, who was already familiar with his character, remained calm-faced.

He found a stone and sat down, first took out a small wine bottle and took a sip of wine, and then spoke.

"Stop it, Luffy, this is the only thing I can't promise you."

"Of course, if you can swim out of the island like me, I won't stop you."

"Ah! Uncle, you are so mean!" Luffy said angrily, "I am a person with fruit abilities. I can't swim in the sea at all."

"Then there's nothing I can do." Rayleigh spread his hands and said.

"Pfft!" Luffy stuck out his tongue at him.

"To tell you the truth, Luffy," Rayleigh said, "You are not the only one who has improved in the past six months. Now your companions are all working hard on their own path to becoming stronger."

"Getting stronger? Is everyone getting stronger?" Luffy asked curiously, "That's great, it turns out I'm not the only one working hard!"

"Yes, everyone is working hard." Lei Li said.

"Where's Sammy? What's Sammy doing?"

"That guy is with your father now and is launching an uprising in a certain kingdom in the New World."

"Father? Do I have a father?"

"Idiot, that's the leader of the revolutionary army named Long."

"Ah?! Is that guy my father?" Luffy was shocked. "When you say that, I remember hearing my grandfather mention it."

Rayleigh looked at Luffy, once again surprised by his nerves.

"You kid...are really..."

"Hahahaha, but it doesn't matter. I don't know him anyway." Luffy smiled indifferently, "As long as I can hear news about Sammy."

"New world? That guy Sammy is ahead of me this time."

"But it doesn't matter. Sooner or later I will catch up with him."

Luffy said, clenching his fists with energy.

"I believe in you, Luffy. In two years, you will definitely surprise the entire sea." Rayleigh encouraged.

"Hehe, I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

"Haha, it seems that in my eternal life, I should be able to see the heroic appearance of the two pirate kings." Rayleigh laughed.

"Just wait and see, uncle!" Luffy shouted.

"Idiot! You should let me look forward to it!"

"Ah? Aren't these two sentences the same?"

"It's completely different!" Reilly scolded, "Really, do I still need to train your language skills?"

"I don't know who that old guy Garp found to raise you."

"But it's strange to say that you, the boy, obviously have a complete lack of common sense, but you still know how to read. It's really incredible."

"Hehe, uncle, are you praising me?"

"You should be."

"Thank you, uncle." Luffy thanked him simply.

"Don't make the atmosphere weird, you brat."

Reilly smiled and cursed, then reached out and took out a letter from his arms.

"I'm not joking with you this time. That boy Sammy asked someone to bring a letter and asked me to deliver it to you."

"Letter? Sammy gave me a letter?" Luffy was stunned for a moment, then immediately became excited.

He ran over and grabbed the envelope, took out the letters inside and began to read them eagerly.

"Luffy, it's like meeting each other."

"If what I expected is correct, you must have been complaining just now that I wouldn't let Rayleigh take you off the island, right?"

"Ah! Sammy where are you?"

When Luffy saw that Sami had accurately guessed what he was doing, he thought he had been spying on him and immediately looked around.

"Stop looking around, I'm just guessing." The letter continued, "Because I know your character so well, I can guess this kind of thing with just a quick guess."

"Sgei! As expected of Sammy."

"Luffy, remember, the reason why I asked you to stay there and continue training is because the new world is still too early for us."

"In spite of the war, if I hadn't worked hard to make various arrangements in advance, we wouldn't have been able to rescue Ace."

"Because we are still too weak."

"We cannot face the enemies of the New World now. Whether it is the Shichibukai or the Four Emperors, they are not something we can deal with now."

"So, work hard to become stronger, Luffy. Only by becoming stronger can you protect everyone. This is your responsibility as the captain!"

"Work hard, I will wait for you in the new world."

A letter was read quickly.

Luffy, who was still excited at first, fell into silence.

"Shichibukai? Yonko? Does Sammy mean that they will become everyone's enemies?"

"Well! Since Sammy said yes, it must be yes. Sammy can't be wrong!"

"Yoshi, I understand, Sammy, then just work hard towards the Four Emperors!"

"I will not lose!"

"Because I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King!" Luffy shouted towards the sky, showing the surging fighting spirit in his heart.

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