"You are sophistry." Bello Betty said reluctantly.

"If everyone is like you and disconnected from others, our secrets will be leaked sooner or later."

"By then, how can our career be successful?"

Her voice was loud and powerful.

Everyone at the scene seemed to be inspired by her, and they glared at Sami.

Sammy narrowed his eyes.

As far as he knew, the commander of the revolutionary army seemed to be eating the Energizing Fruit.

A magical ability that can mobilize the hidden power in people's hearts and call on them to muster the courage to resist oppression.

It looks like she's already starting to use her powers.

Sammy smiled slightly, but instead of answering her question, he asked a question in return.

"As far as you know, how can your business be successful?"

"Of course it calls on everyone to resist the dark rule of the world government, so that the people at the bottom can be liberated."

"Great, what do you want to do?"


Before she could finish, Sammy interrupted her rudely.

"To achieve your career, you have to unite your friends and destroy your enemies, right?"


"Then you have to make a lot of friends and a few enemies, right?"


"Then now, you want to reject me as a friend. What does this mean?"

"Aren't you..."

"Am I not your friend?"


Bello Betty choked.

There was no way she could say that Sammy was an enemy.

After all, they weren't stupid enough to invite their enemy to join them and make him their deputy commander.

After a long time, she muttered: "The Straw Hats are so good that you can give up your high position in the revolutionary army without hesitation?"

Sami smiled lightly and said: "It is precisely because they are not perfect that I can't leave."

"You know, our captain is a fool and he needs me."

What he said was both ordinary and full of emotion.

The scene immediately fell into an eerie silence for the third time.

Sure enough, the most powerful thing in the hot-blooded manga is the Mouth Escape Technique.

If you add some sincerity to this foundation, you will be invincible.

However, instead of pursuing the victory, Sami kept his mouth shut.

"Ahem, there's no need to discuss this matter anymore. I agree with your idea."

Long Yan saw that the stalemate was almost over, so he started to act as a peacemaker.

As soon as his boss spoke, the other revolutionary soldiers who were speechless by Sami had no choice but to raise their hands in agreement.

"Okay, unanimous vote." Long said, turning to ask Sami, "Well, my friend, can you now officially talk about your plan for the revolutionary army?"

Sami smiled and said, "It's very simple."

"If any organization wants to develop, it only needs three elements: money, people, and strength. The same goes for the revolutionary army."

"That's such a coincidence. We are short of these three things. Please tell us in detail." Long looked like he was not ashamed to ask.

In fact, the revolutionary army has been able to develop steadily for so many years, but it has consumed a lot of energy from Long.

As the organization grew bigger and bigger, Long felt that he was beginning to lose his strength.

He knew that the development of the revolutionary army had encountered a bottleneck.

It is no longer very effective to collect intelligence and encourage people to resist as before.

There must be reform, and it must be ruthless.

However, he still couldn't figure out how to do it.

That's why he came to Sammy.

What he valued was not Sammy's intelligence, but Sammy's ability to make trouble.

In other words, I fell in love with Sami's unconventional and eclectic way of doing things.

He hoped that Sami could bring benign changes to the revolutionary army.

Sami cleared his throat and said: "If the revolutionary army wants to grow stronger, eventually overthrow the world government and establish a new world, it must change its five major shortcomings."

As soon as these words came out, there was a roar in the audience.

"What? We actually have so many shortcomings?"

"Are you talking nonsense? How come I don't know how we have so many flaws?"

"Haha, you're talking big and flattering."

Unlike the subordinates whose expressions changed drastically, Long's expression remained as usual, without any change at all.

"What are the five major shortcomings?" he asked.

"First, there is no standing military force. Once there is a war, manpower will only be called up temporarily, so that the chief of general staff often visits the front line in person."

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Sabo.

The second sister-in-law even glared at Sabo fiercely.

Sabo rolled his eyelids: Does this have anything to do with me?

"The second is the lack of funding sources, so the treatment is extremely poor and it has been unable to develop and grow. Lack of money is the biggest problem."

"Third, logistical supplies are unstable. Our operations have always been one-on-one, and follow-up support often cannot keep up.

"Fourth, actions are often too passive. They only wait for the fire of revolution to ignite before choosing to add fuel to the fire. They never think of trying to ignite the spark themselves first."

"Fifth, you are acting strangely, using covert methods, and there is an extreme lack of publicity. You are doing something to liberate the people at the bottom, but the people have no understanding of you at all, and even think you are committing crimes."

As the boss of the revolutionary army and a revolutionary mentor to a certain extent, Long's most famous reputation is actually the label given to him by the world government - the world's most vicious criminal.

This kind of completely slanderous name is enough to make ordinary people fear him like a tiger.

"All in all, the Revolutionary Army does not look like a revolutionary force at all now, and more often it can only be regarded as a violent organization."

"Although there have been several major actions before and many national regimes have been overthrown, because they did not touch on the core essence, they can only be regarded as small attacks."

"What is the core essence?" Sabo asked quickly.

"It's harder to build than to destroy," Sammy said.

"When the revolutionary army can establish a new order and reasonably resettle the people, then you will be considered truly successful."

Long's eyes suddenly lit up. These points of Sammy hit his vital points with every move, and they simply scratched his most itchy place.

He quickly asked: "The suggestion is very good, what specific plans do you have?"

"There is a plan, but I need permission."

"You are already the deputy commander-in-chief."

"In my hometown, the deputy position means that he is a mascot and has no real power."

"what would you like?"

"The authority to mobilize all the resources of the revolutionary army, and it is an independent authority without interference."

"No problem, I will listen to you from now on, including me."

"Huh? Aren't you afraid that I will seize power?"

"If you really do a good job, I can retire early." Long said, "Do you want to take off the adverb in front of your name?"

Sami was stunned and stared at Long's face, not knowing whether what he said was true or false.

Giving up a lifetime of hard work so easily?

You use this to test the cadres?

Sammy, who couldn't tell what the dragon's purpose was, shook his head.

"You do not trust me?"

"I believe."

"Then you still refuse?"

"I'm just tired."

Sammy's excuse made the dragon laugh immediately.

"Haha, it seems that my old bones are still of some use for the time being."

"You are not old, you are still very young. You can work for at least five more years."

"Oh, what about five years from now?"

"After five years, it will be time to leave it to the people to make their own decisions."

Long's expression finally changed a little.

He heard the meaning behind Sammy's words.

In five years, people will be able to take charge of their own affairs.

Only five years?

So optimistic.

"Then I'll do whatever it takes and work for another five years." Long said with a smile, "Stop trying to draw a cake for me. If you have any specific plans, please tell me as soon as possible."

Sammy nodded and spoke.

"The first step is to reorganize the revolutionary army."

"Reform? How?"

"Divided into three parts."

"The first is to tighten the organizational structure of the revolutionary army and establish a supreme conference to oversee everything. It has various departments under its jurisdiction: propaganda, foreign affairs, military, internal affairs, science and technology, etc., with full-time and dedicated personnel."

"The second requirement is to establish a standing army immediately, starting with training officers. I remember that the Revolutionary Army has always had a tradition of adopting orphans to train its cadres, which can be used just in time."

"It takes money to build an army, lots and lots of money."

"I know, so the third part is about finding someone to make money."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Let's go to whoever has the money."

Long was stunned.

"You're not talking about that person, are you?"

"Yes, it's him."

"As far as I know, that guy is not only rich, but also very powerful."

"Moreover, he has collusion with the Tianlong people." Long added at the end.

"Isn't this just right?" Sammy smiled, "It's just right for us to pry the corner of the wall."

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