Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 308 Preparing to go to the Revolutionary Army Headquarters

To be honest, the reason why Sami stayed with Whitebeard until the end and went to all the trouble to bring his body back.

Not only because I admire him as a person, but also out of selfish motives.

He wanted to help Ace take over and become the next captain of the White Group.

Ace's abilities and potential are among the best.

Not inferior to Luffy and Zoro.

After this incident, he will definitely grow, and maybe even the fatal flaws in his original character will be corrected.

So once Ace takes over the White Group, and with the help of Marco and the others, there will be another Yonko Group in a few years.

On that day, he will have two Yonko Regiments to help him.

Everything from Ghost Island of Ten Thousand Kingdoms to Aunt Beasts can be easily dealt with.

Even if he has a decisive battle with the World Government in the future, he will be more confident.

This is the ultimate goal of Sami's efforts to establish a good relationship with Baituan.

The whole war on top.

The Navy is scheming, Blackbeard is scheming.

Ragnar Sammy was also scheming.

The Navy gets the name, Blackbeard gets the benefit, and I, Sammy, get both the fame and the benefit.

"Okay, it's time for you to finish talking. My old man has been so busy that he hasn't had a good rest yet. Why don't you invite me in to sit down?"

Reilly saw that Sami and Marco were almost done talking about things, so he spoke.

"I was negligent." Marco said with a smile, "Mr. Reilly, you did not hesitate to risk your life to save Ace this time. I must thank you very much."

"Don't say any more polite words like this. You also know the origins between Ace and me. I won't stand idly by no matter what."

"Origin? Oh!"

Marco suddenly realized that Ace was Roger's son, and Rayleigh and Roger were brothers.

No wonder.

Now that he has this relationship, Ace will be helped in his future.

Marco smiled and said: "Please allow me to show my kindness as a landlord. There is still wine on the ship that my father left before his death. I invite you to have a good drink."

"Okay." Rayleigh was not polite and nodded in agreement, "Boy, do you want to come?"

"No, I'm going to see Ace and Luffy."

Sammy waved his hand, and then Marco guided him to the Moby-Dick infirmary.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ace and Luffy lying on the bed, fast asleep, with one of Luffy's feet firmly on Ace's face.

This battle left both of them seriously injured.

Sammy chuckled lightly and walked to the bed.

Sabo was sitting on a chair, watching over the two of them.

"How's it going? It's nothing serious, right?"

"It's okay." Sabo shook his head and said, "The doctor has checked it. Except for being too tired, there is nothing wrong with it. The wound has been bandaged."

"I'm asking you. These two guys can tell it's okay right away."

"Me?" Sabo was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "I'm fine."

Sami pointed to the bandages all over his body: "Are you sure? I see you and Kizaru have been fighting for a long time."

"Although that guy is stronger than me, he's not strong enough to kill me." Sabo said confidently.

"The boss is domineering."

Sammy gave a thumbs up, took a few steps back, and found a chair to sit down.

Sabo looked at him and said seriously: "Thank you, Sammy!"

"Thank me for what?"

"If you hadn't helped me restore my memory in time, I might never have seen Ace again."

"If that happens, I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life."

Sabo said, his eyes turning red again.

"To say these things is to show your disapproval."

"No, I mean it."

"I'm really disappointed."

"No, I..."

"Okay, I accept it. Stop talking politely and just treat me to a drink when you have time."

"I have time now."

"Okay, where are you going?"

"Headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, Baldigo, the White Earth Island."



"Okay, you're waiting for me here." Sami almost laughed angrily, "Are these the dragon's original words?"


"I do not want to go."

"I have to go."


"You just accepted my thanks."


Sammy nearly choked to death as he rolled his eyes and said, "Did Luffy learn his scoundrel skills from you?"

"That's it."

"Okay, I'll go."

"You promised?"

"Why are you surprised?"

"I thought you would find it troublesome."

"I find it very troublesome."

"Then you still promise?"

"My wife is in his hands."

"Miss Robin?"

"Be good and call me brother-in-law."

"Brother-in-law." Sabo immediately changed his words, very well-behaved.

"Fuck! You are more shameless than Luffy."

"Hey, look what you said, this is the kind of job I do in the Revolutionary Army."

Sammy burst out laughing.

He suddenly discovered that among the three ASL brothers, he had boarded Luffy's ship and spent the longest time with Ace.

But it was with Saab that I chatted the most.

This is really an interesting thing.

After laughing for a while, Sami asked: "When will we set off?"

"Better leave now."

"In such a hurry?"

"Long only gave me a few days' leave. If I don't leave, I will be late." Saab said with a helpless expression.

"The Revolutionary Army has always had a lot of affairs. I haven't taken a vacation in almost a year."

"Understood, I used to be a social animal."

"So what?"


Just as Sami and Sabo were finalizing their next actions, the red-haired man finally arrived slowly on the flagship Red Force.

After being polite to Marco, he walked to Whitebeard's body and paid homage.

Looking at the giant in front of him, whose momentum remained undiminished even though he had lost his life, the red-haired man's heart was filled with regret.

Still confused.

Roger Tuan and Bai Tuan have a close friendship, and they are both enemies and friends.

Whitebeard is also an elder to the redhead.

It's a pity that since the death of Captain Roger, the great figures of the previous era have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history.

The Golden Lion was killed by Ragnar Sammy not long ago.

Whitebeard lost his life to Malinvando again.

At this point, all three legendary pirates were dead.

An era is over.

This is a tragedy.

What is even sadder is that we are not yet ready to welcome the new era.

For a long time to come, there will be a chaotic era of chaos.

The sea will be unsettled again.

Thinking of this, the red-haired man sighed secretly again, spilled all the wine in his hand on the deck, and saluted the white beard below.

"Marco, when are you going to hold the funeral?" the red-haired man turned around and asked.

"Dad always had a wish when he was alive. He hoped that one day he could retire and return to his hometown."

Marco recalled sadly: "We wanted to bury our father's body there, but we also gave up on his old man's wish."

"Okay, I'll go with you." The red-haired man nodded and said, "If you don't mind, you can leave the funeral to me. No one will dare to make trouble while I'm here."

"Sorry to trouble you, thank you!" Marco expressed his thanks with red eyes.

He knew that the continuous kindness from others was all for his father's sake.

Unfortunately, dad is no longer here.

"What are your plans in the future? Marco, Whitebeard's banner cannot fall down easily."

"I know, this is dad's hard work after all." Marco said truthfully without hiding anything, "We all decided to let Ace take over dad's captaincy."

"Ace?" The redhead nodded, "Ace is indeed suitable."

"Yeah, Sammy said the same thing."

"Sammy? Ragnar Sammy? Did that kid talk to you?"

Beckman, who had been silent until now, couldn't help but ask as soon as he heard Sammy's name.

"Yes, Mr. Beckman, Sammy is very smart, and dad was very optimistic about him before he was alive."

The red-haired man and Beckman looked at each other, turned around and asked, "I wonder where Ragnar is? I want to see him."

"He's going to see Ace and the Straw Hats. I'll take you there."

With that said, Marco turned around and walked towards the infirmary with the red hair.

At this time, Sami had already finished talking to Sabo and left the infirmary to go to the restaurant to find Rayleigh and say goodbye to him.

"Ah? Are you in such a hurry to leave?" Reilly put down his wine glass and asked strangely.

"The war is over. It's a waste of time for me to stay here. It's better to leave as soon as possible."

"But Ace and Luffy haven't woken up yet. Don't you plan to say goodbye to them?"

"No, I'll see you later." Sammy shook his head.

"Saab and I left them a farewell letter with everything we wanted to say written in it."

"Whitebeard just died, Esta..."

"I know. But he can only get through this on his own. Although I am his brother, I can't help him with everything."

"And, I believe, he will get through it. Getting through it means rising from the ashes."

Rayleigh nodded and said, "Yes, it is Roger's bloodline after all."

"Don't say this in front of him. He still has grudges against Roger."

Reilly nodded with a wry smile.

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