Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 301 Treating Whitebeard

"Bloody pheasant mouth!"

"Secret Skill·Divinity·Character!"

In the blink of an eye, Sami and Qing Zhi fought against each other a dozen times.

One of the two is still young and not yet at the peak of his strength, while the other, although superior in strength, is preoccupied and in poor condition.

Therefore, we have been fighting to this day with no outcome in sight.

The more Sami fought, the more relaxed he felt, and his whole body was boiling with fighting spirit.

Now that Ace has been rescued, most of the pirates are retreating quickly, and the Moby Dick is preparing to set sail.

With no worries, Sami naturally felt relaxed and was able to fight freely.

"Qing Pheasant, I see that you are hesitant to take action and still have some strength left. Do you not want to kill me?"

Sami seized the brief pause and started the verbal attack.

"Hmph! How can I show mercy to a pirate scum like you?" Qingzhi said coldly.

"Haha, when these words come out of your mouth, I always feel that they are ironic." Sami laughed.

"But no matter what, I have to thank you for letting Robin go..."

Qing Zhi scolded, "If I had known she would get involved with you now, why not kill her in the first place!"

"Hahahaha, you can't, Kuzan!" Sami laughed.

"You are not Akainu, and you will never be Akainu."

"shut up!"

Seeing Sami suddenly mentioning old comrades and rivals, Qingzhi felt an unspeakable anger in his heart for some reason.

Enraged, he began to attack mercilessly.

While resisting, Sami continued: "Kuzan, tell me! Since the O'Hara incident, have you still slept peacefully every night?"

"Those resentful spirits who were innocently killed by Akainu, did you hear their wails?"

"What about your dream when you joined the navy? Have you forgotten it?"

"Shut up! What do you, a pirate scumbag, know about these things?!"

"Pirate? Navy? Stop laughing at me, Kuzan! Are you so old that you have to rely on your identity to distinguish good from evil?"

"Think about it later, Kuzan. When Akainu becomes Admiral of the Navy, can you continue to remain silent?"

Sami's words were like sharp needles piercing Qingzhi's heart, making his long-quiet heart about to explode!

Green Pheasant!


Pursue "lazy justice"!

But who knew that this guy who always seemed to have an indifferent attitude on the surface was also a passionate young man back then?

Become a disciple of a naval hero.

Use warships as sandbags.

Admiration for Cap's refusal to be promoted.

Each and every one of them shows that Qing Pheasant once pursued "bloody justice."

But after so many years in the navy, as my rank got higher and higher, my heart became smaller and smaller.

He was no longer the same person.

The world only knows that the O'Hara incident changed Robin's fate.

Little did he know that it would even change Kuzan’s fate!

He is no longer the hot-blooded young man.

Perhaps, when he chose to let Robin go, he was actually choosing to let himself go.

That young, ignorant, passionate self.

Sami looked at Qing Zhi's increasingly ugly expression, and felt unsatisfied.

This is what he wants.

Even from a pirate's perspective, Aokiji is not a bad person.

If you can stimulate him to do something, it may have unexpected effects.

It's nothing more than those results.

Either the timeline is reversed and Aokiji defeats Akainu and becomes the marshal.

The navy is bound to undergo a fundamental change, and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Either Aokiji leaves the navy and practices his own justice.

Such a blue pheasant might become a friend, or at worst not an enemy.

The last option is to join Blackbeard's gang as before - this is tantamount to burying a nail.

Come to think of it, no matter which one, Sami would like to hear it.

"Ice Gloves!"

Qing Pheasant shouted violently, and combined the iron fist he learned from Garp with his own freezing ability to hit Sami hard.

Sammy was suddenly startled.

This move later caught him off guard, and even Garp was knocked away.

How dare he be careless!

He crossed his hands in front of his chest in a defensive posture.

"Asana·Black Fire·Tianmen!"


Boxers collide.

Sammy's body immediately retreated, leaving two deep scratches on the ground.

Shaking his numb arm, Sami couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "That's a lot of effort. It seems like you are really serious this time!"

He quickly cheered up and prepared to have a good time with Qing Pheasant.

Suddenly, there was an explosion behind him.

When Sammy turned around, he saw Whitebeard's huge body coming towards him.

He quickly used telekinesis to block him.

"Whitebeard, you...hiss!"

As soon as Sami finished speaking, he couldn't help but take a breath.

Because he saw clearly Whitebeard's current state.

It startled him hard.

One hand split directly from the tiger's mouth, and it could no longer hold Cong Yunqie.

Only half of the exaggerated crescent beard on his face is now left - including his face, only half of it is left, and the rest of the flesh and blood has simply disappeared.

The most eye-catching thing was the large and small scars on his strong chest.

Burnt, holed, dented...

They are almost densely packed and can’t be counted.

"Is this, is this still the Yonko Whitebeard?" Sami murmured.

No matter in his past life or this life, he had never seen anyone injured so seriously.

After all, most people would be dead if they were injured like this.

But Whitebeard, not only did not make a sound of pain, but was able to continue to struggle with Akainu and the others.

Even though it was a life-for-life style of play, it still surprised Sami.

"Are you okay, Whitebeard?!" Sammy couldn't help but ask.

"Gu la la la la, it's better to take care of yourself!" Whitebeard laughed loudly as he regained his footing.

"That frozen guy is not a good person, can you handle it?"

Sami was really impressed to see that he still didn't take it seriously until now.

He quickly stretched out his hand to harness the healing power of the spell and quickly treated him.

The moment Sami's palm touched him, Whitebeard keenly felt a surge of vitality pouring into him from afar.

Those dense wounds immediately felt numb and irritated.

"Is this...the feeling of healing? Boy, you..."

"How about it? It's not worse than Marco's Regenerative Flame, right?" Sami said with a smile.

Even if he is as well-informed as Whitebeard, he can't help but feel shocked.

My son Marco is a phoenix fruit user who is said to have unparalleled healing power.

But even so, under the long-term treatment with his regenerative inflammation, his body was still weakening day by day.

The various hidden wounds left in his body from the battle that year were becoming more and more serious day by day.

But now this kid only treated himself for a few seconds, and he already felt that his body was becoming healthy again.

In the blink of an eye, the injuries from this battle were already [-]% to [-]% healed.

This is nothing short of a miracle!

If only Roger were still alive...

Would not it be……

Not to mention Whitebeard, at that moment I was reminded of Roger's deep gay friendship.

Navy here.

"What is he doing?"

Seeing that Sami and Whitebeard had been in contact for so long without any movement, Sengoku asked quickly.

He knew all about Sammy's ability to cause trouble.

That kid might be harboring some bad tricks.

Don't let him succeed!

"I don't know, but it won't be a good thing. Get rid of them both quickly." Akainu said and was about to attack again.

Kizaru twisted his mouth and said: "It's so scary. Do you want to take advantage of others' danger, Sakaski?"

"Shut up, Porusalino! I'm doing my best to eliminate evil!"

After saying that, Akainu dodged and rushed towards Sami.

As for Sami, he always wanted to get rid of him quickly.

"Careful, boy! My fight is about to begin again."

Feeling the intense heat coming from behind again, Whitebeard laughed and was about to go forward.

"Whitebeard!" Sami quickly stopped him and said, "I know you are seriously injured now, but I have a way to help you heal."

"You have a way? You mean that kind of ability."

"Yes." Sammy said, "But it can only heal the injury, but it cannot make you young again."

Sammy wasn't telling the truth.

In fact, by borrowing the dog spell, he can instantly make Whitebeard young again and even become immortal.

But Sammy wouldn't do that.

There is only one dog charm.

Although he admired Whitebeard, he hadn't gone to the stage of giving away the talisman.

After all, Whitebeard was not his partner.

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