Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 30 Baratti Restaurant

When he thought of the pain this weak girl had suffered over the years, Sami felt more and more that Aaron really deserved to die!

"When we get to Cocosia Village, we must treat you well, you stinky fish!" Sami secretly decided in his heart, and he didn't know how many tortures appeared in his mind for a while.

I have to say that Sami is as unreasonable as Luffy when it comes to protecting his shortcomings.

Whether it is fishmen, the World Government, or the Celestial Dragons, if they dare to offend their comrades, then let them die like bed bugs, and there will be no cells for them if they advance into the city.


The Meili changed its course at some point and was heading north.

It seems Luffy has decided to find a chef.

This also means that Sammy's job as a cook will soon be over.

He felt particularly happy when he thought of this.

After all, every time a new person is added to the ship, it means that he has one less job to perform.When all the positions are filled, Sammy will be able to live a happy life.

Sitting on the boat made by Franky, eating the food made by Sanji, listening to the music played by Brooke, and watching Nami and Robin wearing swimsuits, those days...

"Hahahaha." Tears of disappointment flowed from the corner of Sammy's mouth.

"Hey, that idiot over there who is giggling, your face looks really annoying!" A navy man with a scar on his face shouted loudly, "Where are you from, little pirate? Please tell me. Come on!"

"Huh? Giggling? Are you talking about Luffy?" Sammy turned around to look for Luffy.

"Stop looking around, I'm talking about you, idiot."

Sammy's face immediately darkened.

Want to die?

This bastard!

"It looks like they are mute. It's so boring! Send them to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish!" Seeing that Sami had not spoken, he directly ordered.

With a "boom", the warships that had been prepared opened fire immediately.

Sauron had quick eyes and quick hands. He drew his sword and struck, and the cannonball immediately split into two pieces and flew out diagonally.

"Help, the navy is killing people!" Usopp ran around in fear.

Just as Luffy was about to throw away his hand and attack, Sami instantly activated the Rabbit Charm, dashed out, and landed directly on the navy warship.

"You are really courting death!"

Even if someone disturbed his sweet dream, he was also scolded as an idiot for no reason. How could Sami not be angry?

"You guy... when..." The naval officer was startled, and pretended to be calm: "I am Captain 'Iron Fist' Fenbudi of the Navy Headquarters, pirate you..."

"You just ride on the horse and you call him Iron Fist?" Sami rushed over and slapped him hard on the face.

The speed was so fast that Fenbudi didn't react at all, and was hit hard by the big punch.

In an instant, his body flew out like a piece of paper and fell hard to the ground.

"Hoo~" The severe pain made the captain of the headquarters speechless for a while, and hoarse sounds kept coming from his throat.

"Ah!" The female companion next to him screamed immediately!

"The bold pirate actually dares to attack the captain!" The adjutant on the side reacted immediately, "Soldier, shoot him immediately!"

"Bang!" More than a dozen muskets, which were waiting in full formation, suddenly opened fire!

But unfortunately, the bullet couldn't even touch Sammy's shadow.

"Rabbit Charm·Speed ​​Fist·Rain."

Sammy continued to activate the rabbit charm, and his fists brought out an afterimage, knocking all the marines to the ground.

Although Sammy's strength has not increased, the power of his punches is still powerful because of his extremely fast speed.

This is the truth that speed is power!

"Stop! Pirate!" Fenbudi managed to get up from the ground after regaining his strength.

"Oh, I can still stand up."

"Dare to attack the navy, this is a capital crime, you know, pirate!" Fenbudi shouted with anger, trying to scare away Sami!

Sami shook his head and said disdainfully: "I guess the Navy won't pay attention to the life and death of a trash like you, right?"

"Damn you guy, how dare you despise me like this!" Fenbudi rushed forward like a mad dog and attacked first, "Iron Fist·Strike!"

Sami stepped back slightly: "Too slow! Speedy fist collapse!"



The system beep sounds.

Experience points slowly increase to 41%.


Fenbudi immediately fell to his knees, his whole body trembling violently, his eyes turned white, but his face was as red as a cooked lobster.

"Eh? Are you really a captain of the Navy? Are you too weak?" Sammy asked strangely as he watched him fall to the ground.

He originally thought he would be in a tough fight, but he didn't expect it to be resolved in just a few punches.

This is too simple.

Is the opponent too weak?

Or have I become very powerful?

Sammy, who had defeated a strong enemy without relying on pets for the first time, fell into deep doubts.

Suddenly a punch came from the side.

Alarm bells rang in Sammy's heart, and he involuntarily stepped back with his feet, dodging easily.

"Wow, Sammy, you're so fast." Luffy retracted his fist and shouted exaggeratedly, "You actually dodged my rubber pistol."

"Really? I even dodged your attack?"

"Well, I'm a serious puncher." Luffy said with a smile, "If you don't believe it, look at it, Rubber Rubber Gatling!"

"Idiot, do you want to kill me?!" Sami stood behind Luffy and punched him hard.

Seeing that Sammy easily dodged his attack again, Luffy laughed heartlessly, not caring about Sammy's fist.

"Smile slowly." Sami dodged and rushed to Sauron's boat. "We're going to eat delicious food, we won't wait for you!"

"Huh? Wait for me, Sammy!"

"Idiot, don't rush over like that!" Zoro's urgent voice came over.

"The boat capsized!"

"He can't swim, he'll drown!"

"Ah! Let me be the new captain!"

A group of people quarreled and fought, and finally managed to dock the boat beside the fin deck of the Barati restaurant before it capsized.

As soon as the door was opened, the lively scene in the hall rushed towards the face.

The well-dressed and elegant diners chatted and laughed with each other, and the scene was like a gorgeous dance drama.Courses of delicacies, wines and delicacies were brought to the stage by the waiters, and then the curtain came down slowly with the graceful dance of knives and forks until the next batch of actors took the stage.

This is Barati, the sea restaurant!

Feasting and feasting!Drinking and drinking together!

The Straw Hats were intoxicated by this spectacular sight and remained silent for a long time.

Luffy was the first to break the silence. He twitched his nose crazily, trying to inhale all the aroma into his lungs: "Wow! Is this the restaurant on the sea? It's great!"

"It really lives up to its reputation!"

"Haha, their wine smells delicious." Zoro felt like his wine bug was ticking off.

"Yo Xi! Let's get started! Let's have a big meal!" Luffy roared, attracting the attention of the surrounding diners.

Sami looked around and didn't seem to find Sanji. He was probably busy in the kitchen at this time, but it didn't matter, as long as Nami was there, he would appear soon.

Luffy and Usopp couldn't wait any longer as soon as they sat down on the table. They kept tapping the table with knives and forks in their four hands.

"Eat! Eat! Eat!"

"Be quiet, Luffy, and don't disturb the others."

"Really? I'm sorry." Luffy stood up and bowed, then sat down and continued to knock on the table: "Eat! Eat!"

"Idiot, what's the use of this apology." Sammy patted him and took the fork from his hand.

"What? Why don't you get meat? I'm going to starve to death." Luffy complained while pressing his nose.

"Do you think anyone pampers you like Maginot does?" Sammy said, "Chefs also need time to cook, not to mention we haven't ordered yet."

"Yeah, I haven't ordered yet. Hey, Nami, what's on the menu?" Usopp suddenly realized and asked Nami who was looking at the menu.

"Well, there are all kinds of seafood, vegetables, and beef and mutton sent from nearby islands." Nami said as she flipped through the pages. "It looks very appetizing, but I've warned you that these dishes are not cheap. Don't expect me to know how to cook them." I’ll give you the advance payment.”

Luffy was not worried at all: "It doesn't matter! Sammy has money!"

"I didn't!" Sammy quickly refused, as he had already been squeezed dry, "but I can use Usopp to pay off the debt."


"Hey, why me?"

Sami smiled maliciously and said: "Because you are the only one who knows rich people here, maybe you can ask Keya to redeem you."

Demo, you dared to trick me before, I remember it all!

"No! I'm the weakest here. Even if I give you money, others won't take it."

Zoro also joked: "It doesn't matter, you are most suitable for doing coolies like this."


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