Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 290: Fighting against Akainu, slightly gaining the upper hand

Ace is Dad's favorite son.

Whitebeard has expressed Ace's future achievements more than once.

Moreover, Whitebeard once said in private that among so many sons, only Ace might be able to inherit his legacy in the future.

Doesn't this imply that Ace will become a Yonko-level person in the future?

But dad now says that Sammy will surpass Ace in the future.

What does it mean?

More than the Yonko?

What level is that?

One Piece?

But even Roger is not recognized as better than Whitebeard!

Marco swallowed. He felt that his brain was not enough.

Dad's prediction of Sammy exceeded his common sense and world view.

"Don't be discouraged, Marco. It's rare to find a man like that in hundreds of years. There's no point in competing with him."

Whitebeard consoled him: "As my son, you are already very good."

Marco nodded.

Although Whitebeard was trying to comfort him, he always felt a little awkward somewhere.

on the battlefield.

"Brothers, rush and rescue Ace!"

Seeing that they had an additional general, the pirates shouted and shouted with excitement and launched an attack first.

The battlefield became noisy again.

"Sammy! You're here too?!" Ace shouted.

"What? Do you think I won't come?" Sammy laughed.

"No, it's not..." Ace shook his head immediately.

Based on his knowledge of Sammy, it was absolutely impossible for him to miss this occasion.

He was not going to sit back and watch himself being executed.

"Sammy, you shouldn't have come to save me, it's too dangerous here." Ace shouted guiltily.

Sami laughed angrily: "It shouldn't be your decision! You've only been away for a few years and you want to take care of me? My stupid Ou Doudou?"


"Boy Sammy! Why are you here finally?" Garp shouted.

"I'm here to take my brother home." Sammy said, "Master, you don't want to stop me, do you?"

"Asshole, what are you talking about? I'm a navy man!"

"Well, I hope you can say the same when you see Luffy later."

"Luffy?!" Garp was so shocked that his eyes almost flew out of his head, "Is Luffy here? That brat!"

"Do you think he's going to stand by and do nothing?"


Kapa was speechless.

As the culprit who single-handedly trained Luffy into a fool, how could he not understand his grandson's character?

Definitely coming back!

It will definitely steal the show!

It will definitely turn Malinfando upside down!

Garp almost collapsed.

Someone else's grandson may pretend to be a grandson, but his grandson is a real grandson!

Look at Sammy.

Look at Sabo.

Look at Ace.

Thinking of Luffy again.

Kapton felt that his life was too miserable.

Of the four gangsters he liked, none of them joined the navy to save himself.

If you add dragons.

Are you a naval hero or a pirate hero?

How come they are all just opponents?

In my ears, the roar of the Warring States Period poured into my ears!

"Garp! You bastard! It's your grandson again, right?"

"No, he's not..."

"Do you think I'll believe it?!"

"Do you think I'm an idiot?!"

Sengoku's saliva spewed wildly towards Garp.

The old bastard who was struck by lightning!

After being a naval hero for so many years, he has not trained a decent navy rookie.

The pirates who have something to do with you are popping up one after another like mushrooms after a rain.

You are an undercover agent sent by the pirates, right? !

Giving Garp a stern look, Sengoku focused his attention on Sammy again.

"Ragnar Sammy! With your vision, you should be able to see the trend of this war, right?"

"There's no way Whitebeard can win, so why do you need to take a trip into this muddy water?"

Sengoku's face was serious and his words were sincere, as if he was really thinking about Sami.

Sammy laughed.

He shook his head and said: "Marshal Warring States, you have been in the navy for so many years, do you only fight battles that must be won?"

"Even if some things don't go as people want in the end, we will still devote ourselves to it without hesitation."

"Ace is my brother, am I going to watch him die in front of me?"

Having said this, Sammy's usual mocking look appeared on his face again.

"What's more, your navy is at a disadvantage now. It's still unclear who will win in the end of this war."

Warring States sneered: "I know you are very smart. You sent that rat named Sabo, right?"

"Don't think that making some small moves can block the general trend."

"General trend? Hahahahaha!"

Sammy was laughing to the point of tears.

"Warring States, the only general trend I see is just four words!"

"That's it - destiny is mine!"

Warring States turned pale for a moment.

Akainu was furious: "You bastard! You are so stubborn!"

"Ming dog!"

Akainu's arm immediately turned into lava and was extremely extended. This move was not only as fast as lightning, but also unusually powerful.

This was an angry blow from an admiral.

In the comics, half of Whitebeard's head was knocked off.

How dare Sami be careless!

At the moment of the attack, he frantically activated all the talisman power in his body.

Rabbit spell speed is maxed out!

The cow talisman is full of power!

The chicken talisman is full of power!

The Tiger Talisman is full of balance!

"Asana·Black Fire·Tianmen!"


Magma versus tungsten water!

The two collided, and the earth collapsed and the mountains were destroyed!

Although Akainu is extremely powerful, his fruit ability is the most powerful in the natural system.

But with the blessing of the Chicken Talisman's 10 tons of mental power, Sami was not at a disadvantage.

On the contrary, it seems to be at ease.

After all, in terms of telekinesis, Sami has reached the Yonko level.

Looking at Akainu who was gritting his teeth and increasing his strength, Sammy sneered.

Then, in Akainu's shocked eyes, he took out his right hand and grabbed his head!

"Asana·Black Fire·Go to Hell!"

Sami grabbed Akainu's head and slammed it towards the ground.

Akainu was surprised to find that he didn't react at all to what he saw and heard.

With the help of the snake charm, his vision had been severely weakened by Sammy.

"Don't try to succeed!"

Akainu cursed angrily, his strong physical fitness making him attempt to form a stalemate with Sami.

"Get down!"

Sammy gritted his teeth, and his mental power spurted out, pouring all of it into Akainu's body.

Unexpectedly, Sami had such a hand. Caught off guard, Akainu couldn't hold on.

The head and the ground came into close contact.


A huge noise exploded across the battlefield.

The whole of Marineventor was shaking violently.

A huge deep pit immediately appeared on the ground.

And Akainu disappeared into the pit.

"No, no?"

"General Akainu, actually, actually lost?!"

The navy who were watching this battle couldn't believe their eyes.

The supreme general in their hearts, the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters.

He actually lost the battle with Sami!

How can this be?

This young man is not a Yonko!

He is just a new pirate!

What a joke!

The navy was almost speechless.

Even Sengoku and Garp, who were on top of the execution platform, looked incredulous!



The two people spoke at the same time, but called out completely different names.

Sengoku called Akainu out of shock as to how he could lose.

And when Garp called Sammy, he was surprised how he could win.

Although Garp, like Sengoku, is very optimistic about Sammy's future achievements.

But that is the future after all, not the present.

It takes time for a genius to grow into a giant.

But why are you so powerful all of a sudden?

get medicine?

Regardless of other people's thoughts, the expression on Sammy's face did not lighten at all.

He knew very well that his attack would not cause Akainu any serious harm.

As for wanting Akainu to withdraw from the battlefield, that is even more wishful thinking.

At most, it would be good if he suffered a hidden loss.

Sami shook his head and ignored Akainu, turned around and flew into the air again.

"Don't let him escape! Attack immediately!"

A vice admiral reacted and immediately ordered his men to fire.


"Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, countless guns and bullets were fired at Sami.

"Secret Skill·Divine Mind·Returning Wind and Fire!"

With just one move, those flying bullets were returned unchanged again, causing the navy to run away with its head covered.

"I really didn't learn any lessons." Sami shook his head helplessly.

He glanced around and stretched out his right hand again.

"Secret Technique·Divinity·Six Dragons Returning to the Sun!"

Six golden dragons composed of boiling tungsten water burst out of his palm and rushed towards the navy.

"It's time to clear the troop lines!"

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