Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 277 The Golden Lion’s Defeat

The golden lion's head hit the ground hard.

Sammy's hands gripped his head as firmly as iron, and the boiling tungsten water burned his skin, making a constant "squeaking" sound!


Shiji screamed in pain.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from Sammy's grasp.

The golden lion's consciousness became increasingly blurred, and he felt that all his strength was gradually losing.

The heat was ripped from the body by death, which brought with it a bone-chilling chill.

In his drowsiness, Golden Lion's vision gradually blurred, and he seemed to see a familiar figure walking towards him.

"Roger?" The golden lion muttered to himself.

"Hahahaha, Shiji, long time no see!"

The figure laughed at him, as if he was an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.


The golden lion used all his strength and raised his right hand, trying to catch this old friend who suddenly appeared.

But it was clear that this was in vain.

The moment his hand was about to grab the figure, it suddenly fell down weakly.

Sammy let go.

The body of the golden lion fell softly to the ground, lifeless.

One of the three legendary pirates!

Admiral of the Flying Pirates!

The top powerhouse of the past era!

Golden Lion Shiki!

Declared dead!

Sammy took a few steps back. Excitement was followed by endless exhaustion. He slipped and fell to the ground.

His eyes met the golden lion's unbending eyes.

Sami was silent for a long time, just looking at Shiji quietly.

I don't know why, but a trace of sadness suddenly appeared in his heart.

This was something he had never felt in so many years.

Maybe it's because it was Shiji the Golden Lion who died.

Sammy sighed, something inside told him.

The last era is really coming to an end.

Roger and the golden lion died one by one and disappeared into thin air.

There are still many people left on this long list of deaths.

Whitebeard, even Garp...

A new era is coming.

Sammy pursed his lips and slowly stood up, without looking at Shiji again.

He is not a sentimental person, so he will not feel sad about the death of someone.

What's more, this person still died in his own hands!

He looked around, and there was chaos all around. There was no complete piece of land anywhere.

Seeing Sami stand up again, the three guys from the Guns N' Roses Pirates immediately ran over with joy.

Stand before him and jump for joy!

Caroline glanced at Skye first, confirming his death.

Then he turned around and stared at Sami with adoring eyes.

"As expected of you, Senior Sammy!" Caroline said excitedly, "You actually defeated the Golden Lion! This is incredible!"

She sounded excited and couldn't help herself.

Even the calm Caroline is like this, let alone the passionate Barbara.

She was holding her hands and staring at Sami. If she didn't have the last remaining trace of reason and reserve, she might have pounced on him.

"No wonder the captain admires you so much!" Natalie also said in surprise.

Sami smiled and said, "But you still didn't tell me, what is your captain's name?"

Natalie smiled slyly and said, "I don't dare to reveal his name. I'll just wait until you see him in person next time and let him tell you!"

Sammy shook his head and smiled bitterly.

A name that makes it so mysterious.

He was about to say something else when suddenly the ground beneath his feet began to tremble violently.

The next second, the ground suddenly began to crack, and countless huge clods of soil fell down.

Sami was startled and said quickly: "The Golden Lion is dead. The islands affected by his ability have lost their floating ability and are about to fall!"

The three Guns N' Roses were startled.

Barbara immediately shouted: "Falling! It's over! We are still on the island!"

"Don't worry, there must be a way!" Caroline quickly comforted.

"Senior Sammy!" Natalie screamed.

Sami rolled his eyes helplessly, and immediately hugged them as soon as his telekinesis was activated.

The ground under his feet finally failed to support him, and he fell down, slamming into the sea.

The waves were turbulent for a while!

"This, this is?" Barbara was stunned.

"Are we flying?" Caroline asked in disbelief.

"Senior Sami?" Natalie looked at Sami and asked doubtfully.

"It's me." Sammy nodded.

He said nothing more and took them flying towards the sky.

Underfoot, not only the island where the palace is located, but also dozens of floating islands are falling.

The scene is spectacular!

These islands fell into the sea, and soon the empty sea was re-stacked to form a new group of islands!

Sami floated in the air, ignoring the three Guns N' Roses who were chattering beside him, and kept searching with his eyes.

Soon, he found his purpose.

A large group of people with feathered arms were flying out of a falling island.

They were like a flock of freed birds, constantly flying into the sky.

They shouted and laughed, as if celebrating this wonderful moment.

Sammy quickly found Schiavo.

The little girl was waving her hands happily like a nimble swan.

Sami smiled, turned to Guns N' Roses and said, "Wait a moment, I have something to do."

After saying that, he flew towards Schiavo.

The little girl was very happy and waved to him from a distance.

"Brother Sammy!"


"You are so awesome, brother Sammy, you defeated the Golden Lion, and my dad is back too!"

"Really? Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Brother Sammy!"

"you are welcome!"

"Hehe." Schiavo smiled and suddenly asked with a sad face, "Brother Sammy, are you leaving?"


"Can you not leave?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Then, will you come back to see me?"

"do not know."

"Oh~~" Schiavo couldn't help crying, and his tears couldn't stop flowing out.

Sami touched her head and said, "The sea is very big, Schiavo, will we meet one day?"


"Well." Sammy waved goodbye to her, "Goodbye, Schiavo."

"Goodbye! Brother Sami!" Xia Woqiang cheered up and said goodbye to Sami with a smile.

Sammy turned around and flew back to Guns N' Roses.

"Senior Sammy!" Caroline asked, "What are your plans next?"

"Me? I still need to find my companions, where are you?"

"We have to go back to find the captain too. He should be worried after being away for so long."

"Okay, let's say goodbye then."

"Senior Sami!" Barbara suddenly said, "Will we meet again?"

Sami scratched his head with a headache and thought to himself, why is this kind of problem happening again? I don't like saying goodbye.

He had no choice but to comfort her with words to comfort Schiavo: "The sea is so big, we will see you again."

"Okay, let's meet again in the new world!" Barbara smiled.

"By then, Senior Sammy, you must have become a big pirate, right?" Caroline smiled.

"Of course, senior Sammy is so powerful!" Natalie said matter-of-factly.

It seemed like he was more confident than Sammy himself.

The four people looked at each other and laughed.

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