"Do you know me?" Sammy asked doubtfully.

"Of course!" The chief of staff nodded happily, "We all know you, Senior Sammy."

"That's right, that's right." Natalie's eyes shone with excitement, "I didn't expect that I would actually see the living senior Sammy."

"God bless me, I am so happy now!"

"Senior Sammy alive?"

Sammy's mouth twitched.

Seeing her excited look, like a crazy fan who saw her idol in her previous life, made people's skin crawl.

Not only her, but also Barbara over there became abnormal at this time.

She was covering her red cheeks with both hands and kept mumbling: "Senior Sami touched my head, Senior Sami touched my head..."

As he talked, the cricket pupa lay on the ground, looking like a big white and tender worm.

"Damn! I was obviously beating you up!"

"What the hell are you looking like you're enjoying so much!"

Looking at Barbara, who was completely different from the irritable image before, Sami could no longer complain.

He couldn't help but shiver, and quickly moved to the side, further away from the female pervert.

Seeing that Sami suddenly became wary, the chief of staff immediately realized that the enthusiasm of the three of them must have frightened him.

He quickly comforted him by saying, "Don't be afraid, Senior Sammy."

Sami swallowed, shook his head and said, "I'm a big pirate, I'm not afraid."

After saying that, he moved aside again.

He shook off Natalie who was approaching him and smelling his scent like a cat.

The chief of staff quickly pulled Natalie away who was still trying to get closer.

She smiled awkwardly at Sami and said, "Sorry, senior, we are just too excited."

"Excuse me, what are you excited about?"

"Of course I'm excited to see you in person." The Chief of Staff said, "You don't know something, but our entire pirate group is your ardent fan."

"Especially our captain, we regard you as a great hero, a guiding light, a born saint and a soul mate. We..."

"Stop, stop, stop! The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes." Sami quickly interrupted her.

He felt cold sweat breaking out and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Returning your soul mate? Fortunately, Robin is not here, otherwise I would be castrated just by saying this!"

Sami swallowed and said, "Who are you? Tell me clearly the cause and effect, or I'll leave now."

"do not!"

"do not want!"

"I beg you!"

When the three people heard this, their expressions immediately changed, and they immediately began to beg.

"Then why don't you tell me quickly?"

"Okay, listen to my explanation." the chief of staff said quickly.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Caroline, and I am the Chief of Staff of the Guns Blossom Pirates!"

"Their names are Natalie and Barbara. They are navigators and combatants of the pirate group."

"We are all from the East China Sea, and we are a newly formed pirate group."

"The reason why we are so excited to meet you is because we are all huge fans of yours. In a way, we are all here because we admire you."

"Worship me?" Sami was completely confused, "Why do you want to worship me?"

"But because I know those great deeds of yours." Barbara replied quickly, "Whether it was punishing the strong and supporting the weak before becoming a pirate, or repeatedly defeating powerful enemies after becoming a pirate, we all know it."

"That's right, the captain will organize us to study your advanced deeds every night. I can recite the content of each class by heart." Natalie said.

"Organizational learning?" Sami broke into a cold sweat.

"Yes." Natalie nodded, "I also have collected all the photos of your reward orders."

"Me too, me too!" Barbara said not to be outdone.

"Actually, I also..." Caroline said with a blush, her voice as quiet as a mosquito.

"Stop it, stop it completely." Sammy stopped again, and then asked, "Are you sure what you are saying is true?"

"It's true."

Sami was stunned for a moment and asked: "Do you know a man named Bartolomeo?"

"I don't know." The three of them shook their heads together.

Sammy immediately held his head and squatted down.

His heart was screaming.

"What the hell? I have fans too? Doesn't it look like I'm still a crazy fan?"

"Luffy will have a fan club in two years - the Balto Club. I had one two years ago?"

"Is this also a kind of symmetry?"

Sammy felt like he was completely out of ideas.

"Senior Sammy?" Seeing that Sammy didn't speak for a long time, Caroline touched him cautiously.

"Caroline?" Sammy suddenly raised his head.

"Here, senior!"

"You said you are the chief of staff of the Guns Blossoms Pirates, does that mean the captain is someone else?"


"Can I meet him?"

"I'm afraid not. The captain was injured by the golden lion before, so he didn't come with us."

"Such a coincidence?"

"I'm not lying to you, senior. The reason why the three of us dare to come here is to protect the East China Sea and to avenge the captain."

Sammy stared at Caroline closely and found that her face was calm and serious when she spoke, and she did not seem to be faking.

Although things are bloody and coincidental, that may be the reality.

"Forget it, never mind." Sami gritted his teeth and said, "It doesn't matter who you are, as long as you are the enemy of the Golden Lion like me, that's enough."


"Caroline, let's continue our previous topic." Sammy said seriously, "We can work together to deal with the Golden Lion."

"That's great, Senior Sammy." Caroline said happily, "With your joining, we will definitely be able to successfully implement the plan."

"Okay, it's settled." Sami smiled, "I will be responsible for facing the golden lion, creating chaos and attracting attention during the bonding ceremony."

"Then the three of us secretly went to blow up the laboratory." Caroline said excitedly, "This way everything will be foolproof."

"Yes, this way everything is foolproof." Sami smiled, "This chief of staff is very qualified, Caroline, and the plan is very good."

"Thank you for the compliment, senior, but I know I am still far behind you. I will definitely learn more from you and carry forward..."

"Stop it, stop it, my head hurts." Sammy waved his hand.

Caroline blushed and smiled sheepishly.

In order to ease the embarrassment, she quickly turned to the other two people and said, "Natalie, Barbara, do you have anything to add?"

"No, no." Natalie shook her head desperately, "With the plan you made, Chief of Staff, and with the participation of Senior Sami, why should I be worried?"

"That's right." Barbara said, "As far as I know, Senior Sammy is a big pirate with a bounty of 4 million, which is much higher than us!"

"Yes, even the captain only has 5000 million Baileys, which is completely incomparable."

"Sammy-senpai plays high!"

In an instant, the two people began to compare with each other and praise Sami, making him feel like he was in a group of compliments.

"Wait a minute!" Natalie suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Sammy was startled.

"It's over. This is my first time working with senior Sami. Should I dress up and change my clothes?"

"That's right!" Barbara also exclaimed, "What I wore today is too unladylike. Will Senior Sammy hate me?"

"I heard that senior likes intellectual beauties the most. If I had known, I would have worn glasses."

"It's best to keep a book with you so you can read it if you have nothing to do."

The two of them spoke to each other with very serious expressions.

Sammy has black lines all over his head.

"Where did you get all this information?!"

"That's what the captain said. He's the best at collecting these little gossips about you."

"Yes. And he also stipulated that every time there is new gossip, we must share it with her immediately."

"Then she would record all the gossip in his little notebook and take it out often to read."

"That's right, senior, how far has your relationship with senior Robin come to? Can I kiss you?"

"I heard that your relationship with Nami-senpai is unusual in private. Do you have anything to explain?"

"I also heard that Senior Zoro had an affair with you, so Senior Robin is actually the third party, right? Can you elaborate?"


"Me and Zoro?"

Sammy almost vomited blood and died.

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