Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 242 Moria’s latest zombie

With just one strike, Sammy wiped out all the zombies.

The entire room was in flames, with smoke and flames everywhere.

The zombies in other rooms and corridors were alarmed and began to flee for their lives.

Sammy emerged from the flames and smoke like a demon.

In fact, Sammy didn't pay much attention to the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

Moria, the big boss in this level, is very weak and is no longer a match for the Straw Hats.

His men are just a bunch of weaklings, and it's difficult to pick any strong ones.

So originally, Sami was planning to lead everyone to push across. Unexpectedly, he was kicked by a bear halfway, and all plans were ruined.

"The Navy has reached a deal with Moria and provided him with a group of prisoners to advance into the city."

This sentence rang a warning bell in Sammy's heart!

Prisoners of Impel Down.

Those are all desperadoes, extremely vicious.

Especially those on the sixth floor, all of them are powerful pirates!

If Moria gets them, things won't be that simple!

Thinking of this, Sammy felt slightly anxious.

I activated my sighting color and scanned around. I found that there were only some weak zombies nearby, and none of them could fight.

Sammy then looked up.

Above the ceiling, at the top of the castle, is where Moriah is.

There may be the answer you want there.

Catch the thief first catch the king!

Thinking of this, Sami no longer hesitated, activated his telekinesis, and hit the ceiling like a cannonball.


A big hole was opened on the roof of the building by Sami. Countless sleeping zombies were awakened and they rushed towards Sami, cursing.

Sami responded politely with lava, while continuing to rush upward, breaking through the ceilings one after another.

Under his feet, magma continued to spurt out, dyeing all the rooms on one floor red.

Most of the zombies were incinerated before they even came into contact with Sammy.

Some of those who were lucky enough to escape ran away, only regretting that Moria didn't give him two more legs!

Soon, Sammy crashed through the first floor again.

A large group of zombies immediately rushed over. A tank zombie more than 3 meters high grabbed Sammy's feet and tried to drag him down!

Sami reacted quickly, kicking him away first, then flipping over and landing on the floor!

"Hey, everyone is here, waiting for me?"

"Asshole! Is there anyone else messing around here?" Tank Zombie yelled, "Come up and tear him into pieces!"

With an order, countless waiting zombies rushed over like a tide, and the entire aisle was packed to the brim.

In addition to the front, back, left and right, in order to prevent Sami from escaping, there were more than a dozen zombies showing off their power above the head.

Looking at the group of corpses rushing over like an avalanche, Sami grinned and didn't care.

What he likes most is when monsters pounce on him.

"Secret Technique·Spring Breeze Wild Fire!"

Sammy stamped his feet fiercely, and his whole body was like the Yellow River bursting its banks and spewing out countless lava, splitting into dozens of tributaries on the ground instantly.

This group of zombies was drowned and devoured in an instant.

Because the tank zombie was at the front, he was the first to receive a warm welcome, and a large lava wave directly swallowed it up.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Sami grabbed the zombie closest to him.

He raised it and asked, "Is this Moria's room up here?"

The zombie was shocked: "How do you know?"

Sammy sneered: "Shout for help!"

"What?" He was confused.

"Shout!" Sammy raised his magma fist.

"Help!!!!" The threatened zombie immediately shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Thank you!"

"Uh, you're welcome..."


Before he could finish his words, Sami burned him with lava and turned him into dregs.


top layer.

Moria's room.

Moriah, who was as tall as a garlic, was very excited at this time.

He was very satisfied with the group of prisoners from Impulse City sent by the Navy a few days ago.

With these powerful guys, he can quickly add a group of powerful subordinates.

Once his zombie army is formed, he can complete his revenge plan!

Thinking of this, Moria couldn't help but look at the zombie standing still in front of him.

He couldn't help laughing excitedly.

"Hehehehehe, the stupid navy actually sent this guy here! It's really incredible!"

This guy is the masterpiece he just completed.

It is also the most powerful zombie I have made so far.

Even the swordsman from Wano Country is completely incomparable.

I think back then, when it was first handed over from the navy, Moria was completely shocked.

At that moment he thought he was dazzled.

Until it was confirmed to be true, he thought the navy had made a mistake.

Or, the Navy is simply crazy.

After all, even if such a strong person is imprisoned on the sixth floor, it is impossible to give it to him!

"It seems that the Navy has spent a lot of money this time and is determined to kill the Straw Hats!" Moria thought.

"However, these newcomers are so bold that they even dare to destroy Judiciary Island. What a bunch of stupid guys!"

"If I hadn't reached an agreement with Big Bear, I would have turned you into my zombie army! Humph, I really gave you an advantage!"

Moria has always been greedy for those strong men, and ever since he knew that the Straw Hats who had made a big fuss on Judiciary Island were going to pass by him, he had been tempted.

However, after reaching an agreement with Daxiong, he gave up this idea.

After all, big bears are not easy to mess with.

What's more, not only can he get paid from the navy, but he can also make a lot of money. He is already very satisfied.

Thinking of this, Moria laughed triumphantly again, feeling proud of his wisdom.

It's a pity that he didn't realize at all why the navy would entrust such a powerful person to him.

It's not because he is too weak!


A scream came from downstairs, interrupting Moria's meditation.

"Who is calling?" Moria was stunned for a moment and thought of something randomly.

Big Bear once said that he would first send a guy to his castle and ask that he take good care of him.

It's a pity that I was busy making a zombie general at the time, so I didn't pay much attention to him. I just asked my subordinates to watch him.

Then he got busy and forgot about it.

It couldn't be that guy who woke up!

"No!" Moria secretly yelled, "Is something going to happen to that guy?"

You know, this castle is full of zombies!

Once a fight breaks out, no matter which party is injured, he will always be the unlucky one.

Especially if that kid is killed, the agreement between himself and Big Bear will be ruined!

When he thought that a large number of corpses of strong men were about to slip away from his hands, Moria could no longer sit still.

Immediately ordered the zombie next to him: "Hey! Go and have a look quickly. It's best to catch that kid. Don't kill him!"

The zombie who received the order turned his head and seemed to come to life.

He sneered and stamped his foot.

The floor immediately collapsed and he fell down with it.

"Asshole! Don't destroy other people's homes at will!" Moria yelled angrily.

He walked to the big hole and saw the zombie landing.

Then there was another explosion, and the floor was stomped to pieces by him again!

"Asshole! I told you not to do this! You guy, have you listened to my orders at all? I am your master!"

The zombie looked up at Moria and said: "I have no master, let alone companions!"

With a "boom", he fell down and disappeared!

"Bastard guy!" Moria was furious, "What do you mean by this guy? What do you mean by having no companions?"

Moria was suddenly startled in the middle of cursing.

"Wait a minute, who made that guy's body, and who is the one who used the shadow? Both of them... are not good! This is going to happen!"

Moriah seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed drastically.


"Boom" with a loud noise.

The ceiling suddenly shattered, and Sammy below immediately took cover.

He smiled coldly, knowing that his plan just now was successful.

Sure enough, someone came to find me.

Then there was a yellowish firelight in the corridor, and after the dust and smoke cleared, Sami saw the appearance of the guy.

His eyes immediately shrank.

"It's you?"

"Hey! Where is that boy?"


"That's the guy Garlic wants!"

"Who is Garlic Head?" Sami was confused.

The visitor looked at Sami strangely and complained: "The low-level zombie really has a bad mind."


"Whoever steps on the horse is a low-level zombie! Bastard!"

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