Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 233 The Big Liar Sammy

"Bastard Sammy! What are you showing off! I'm not jealous!" Luffy was greedy but couldn't get it, and finally became furious.

He raised his eyelids and stuck out his tongue at Sammy, making a face: "Fall down!"

"Don't play such boring tricks!" Sauron scolded, "It's battle time, can you be more serious!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Luffy's mood went away as quickly as it came. The next second he immediately raised his fist and said seriously, "Kill them! You guys!"

The captain gave the order and all members of the Straw Hat crew mobilized.

Nami flew into the sky on her Thunderbird.

Usopp activates the Jet Fruit to move through the crowd.

Franky swings his iron fist and transforms into a boxer.

Sanji and Zoro transform into harvesting weapons.

Luffy began his playful journey.

The entire battlefield immediately showed a one-sided fighting situation.

The Phoenix people were stunned. They couldn't believe that the Aquino family, which they thought was so powerful and invincible, was actually helpless against the Straw Hats.

"Let's go too!" Sayer raised the wooden stick in his hand and rushed to help.

Pazeru grabbed him: "It's too dangerous! Sayer!"

"Let me go! Captain! I'm not afraid of danger! I want to avenge Dr. Chopper! I want to take back our pirate flag."

"Give up, Sayer. Since that pirate flag has been snatched away, it no longer belongs to us. There is no use in taking it back."


"I'm sorry, I no longer have the courage to lead you forward."

"No! My captain will never give in! He is a phoenix! He is the strongest in my heart!"

"Sail..." Pazeru looked at him, wanting to say something else!

"Captain!" Saier shouted loudly, "Did Picaro sacrifice himself to save us because he wanted you to become a coward?"

"I'm not a coward! I just...just..." Pazeru covered his head in pain.

Sayil finally said: "Don't let me look down on you! Pazeru!"

After speaking, he roared, raised his wooden stick and rushed towards the enemy.

His companions who were inspired by him also rushed forward.

"Captain!" Stanson was halfway through the rush and turned around and said, "Picaro has been sacrificed. You have already felt sorry for the dead. Do you want to continue to feel sorry for the living?"

After saying that, he also rushed forward.

Pazeru was left alone, kneeling on the ice, as dumb as a snowman.

On the other side, Sammy used his telekinesis to help the high-temperature man fly all the way to the seaside.

Along the way he kept struggling, trying to get out of control.

"Damn it! What tricks did you use! Why was I controlled for no reason?"

The high-temperature man's temper was furious, and the temperature of his whole body rose again.

But unfortunately, it is of no use to Sammy who has telekinesis.

In fact, Sammy's telekinesis is not very strong yet, and his physical skills are so powerful that he can struggle out of his way at the moment of being imprisoned.

Luffy can do it.

But it's a pity that the high-temperature man has been too dependent on the fruit for a long time, and his physical skills are extremely poor, so he can always be trapped.

After a while, Sammy finally flew to the seaside, and he was hovering on the sea.

With slight adjustment of his telekinesis, he pulled the high-temperature man in front of his eyes.

"You bastard! How dare you humiliate me like this! I will definitely kill you!" The high-temperature man didn't know that his death was coming, but he was still talking nonsense.

Perhaps it seemed to him that his children would soon come to his rescue.

He looked forward to the scene of scalding Sammy alive.

Sami looked at him and said coldly: "Do you have any last words?"

"Don't be too happy! Bastard! So what if you can control me? If you can't touch me, you still can't kill me!"

The high-temperature man cursed and said: "If you have the ability, just fight with me to see who of us dies first!"

"It seems you have no last words to say."

Sami moved his fingers, and the telepathy controlling the other party immediately disappeared.

The high-temperature man was delighted at first, but then he broke into a cold sweat!

Because under his feet, there is a vast ocean!

"Hey! What do you want to do! You don't mean to..."

The next second, he fell into the water with a "plop"!

The moment the seawater touched him, it immediately deprived him of all his strength and made him limp.

But his powers continued to activate.

Soon all the seawater around him was boiling, a lot of bubbles came out, and thick fog-like white smoke rose up.

He wanted to flutter and escape, but he couldn't muster any strength.

The sea water swallowed him little by little.

A few minutes later, Sammy received a notification tone from the system.

He kept watching, his face expressionless.

Ever since Chopper was injured, he had sentenced everyone in the Aquino family to death in his heart, so naturally his mood did not fluctuate.

Sammy asked himself that he was not a murderous person, but anyone who hurt his friends would definitely die.

Fortunately, I don't have many friends, only the Straw Hats and a few others.

Apart from them, Sammy treated everyone else the same - impatient, unsympathetic, uncaring.

Because of this, he is probably called the "God of Killing" by the navy.


When he thought of this nickname, Sammy immediately shuddered, and goosebumps fell all over his body.

"Horse, why do I recall this nickname? Did I accept it subconsciously?"

"No! Absolutely not! Let me accept this shameful thing. It's better to let me die!"

Sammy felt that his bounty nickname was more disgusting than Sanji's bounty portrait.

He shook his head and quickly got rid of these distracting thoughts, and quickly flew back to the Sonny.

At this time, Luffy and the others had already dealt with the rest of the Aquino family and had already returned to the Sonny.

The Phoenix group's ship is also gone, it seems they have left.

"That's good, it will save you the trouble of watching." Sammy thought, and immediately landed on the deck lawn.

The next second everyone ran over and surrounded Sammy.

"Sammy, have you killed that guy?" Zoro asked.

"Well, I threw it overboard."

Usopp shuddered. As a person with abilities, he has a deep fear of the sea.

"Stop talking that nonsense!" Luffy shouted, "Sammy! Take me to the sky and fly around!"

He said, his rubber body wrapped around Sammy like a beauty snake.

Chopper and Usopp also rushed over, hugged Sami and made the same request.

"No! This is my fighting ability, not for you to play with!"

"Just for a moment, Sammy, just for a moment, okay?" Chopper used his coquettish technique.

"I actually want to take you flying, but this ability can only be used on myself and cannot take others with me."

Sammy lied expressionlessly, not mentioning that he had flown with enemies before.

"Really? How annoying!" Luffy said angrily.


"What's the matter, Robin?"

"I also want to fly."

"No problem, we'll make arrangements later." Sammy replied casually.

After he finished speaking, he realized that he had made a mistake.

Sure enough, Luffy and the other three immediately shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Sammy! You lied to me! Bastard!"

"Sammy is a liar! I will never trust you again!"

"Sammy, it's unforgivable that you can lie better than me."

The three people angrily pounced on Sammy, slapping and biting him.

Sammy immediately activated his telekinesis to launch them away.

It's a pity that the force seems to be a little stronger.

The three people were unexpectedly out of control and all flew across the deck and fell into the sea on the other side.

Sami was shocked: "No! My hand is too heavy!"

Nami cursed: "Idiot! Do you want to kill them? Those three guys are all ability users!"

Without saying a word, Sauron and Franky all jumped into the sea. After searching for a long time, they dragged all three unlucky guys onto the boat.

Chopper and Usopp were already half full from drinking, and their bellies were bulging.

Luffy was even more exaggerated than them, his belly was as big as a mountain.

"Hey! Luffy, cheer up!"

Franky pressed his belly anxiously, and a large mouthful of seawater immediately spurted out of Luffy's mouth.

When Frankie saw the effect, he immediately pressed it again.


Another big mouthful of seawater.

Press again.




Luffy actually vomited out a big wooden barrel in the end!

Franky almost popped his eyes out!

"Idiot! Don't eat everything!!"

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