Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 230 The Aquino Family

"Actually, I don't like to use violence."

Nami retracted her fist, most of her anger gone.

Luffy and the others swallowed.

If Sanji hadn't been lying on the ground twitching, they would have believed this.

"What should we do next, Nami?" Usopp asked, "I think the icebergs here all look the same. Are we already lost?"

"How is it possible! Have you forgotten that I am the most powerful navigator in the world?" Nami said confidently, "I have memorized all the ways in, as long as we return the same way!"

"That's amazing, Nami!" Chopper said with admiration.

"It's a joke, it's a joke." Nami said proudly, "Now, we only need to find the pagoda-like iceberg to be sure... Wait a minute! Where is the pagoda iceberg?"

Nami rubbed her eyes and looked carefully again.

Just now, she clearly remembered seeing a pagoda-shaped iceberg and then turning right. Why did the iceberg suddenly disappear now?

Such a big iceberg!

Just disappear!

What a joke!

Cold sweat dripped from Nami's head.

Sami said quietly: "If I read it correctly, the iceberg you were looking for just ran away."

"How is that possible!" Nami shouted, "There is no iceberg in this world that can run by itself!"

"I didn't say he ran away on his own, but someone moved him!"

"That's even more impossible! An iceberg is just an island. Who can be so capable of moving it quietly?"

Seeing that she still didn't believe it, Sami had no choice but to say: "Summon your white crocodile and let it go to the bottom of the sea to explore and you will find out."

"That's right!" Nami suddenly realized, "If you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten about that good boy."

The brilliance flashed.

A huge, ferocious-looking white crocodile appeared on the deck.

It has a huge mouth, and its teeth are as big as boning knives. It looks terrifying.

Even though they knew that this was Nami's pet and would not harm them, Usopp and the others were still frightened and backed away.

Nami patted its head and said lovingly: "Good baby, go explore the way for mommy, please."

The white crocodile rubbed Nami's head with enjoyment, then screamed and jumped into the water quickly.

"Okay, I believe my dear son will tell us the truth soon." Nami clapped her hands and said confidently.

Sammy raised his eyebrows: "Good son?"

"What are you doing! No!" Nami frowned.

"Okay, okay!" Sammy said quickly.

Nami rolled his eyes at him.

Luffy, Usopp and Chopper had hurried to the bow of the boat as soon as the White Crocodile entered the water, watching curiously.

The white crocodile is a strange beast with ice attributes and is naturally fond of the iceberg environment.He first rolled around comfortably in the water a few times, then plunged into the water and disappeared.

Luffy quickly asked: "Hey! White Fang! How's it going? Have you found it?"

"Who is White Fang?" Chopper asked doubtfully.

"It's this big white crocodile."

"Is his name White Fang? What a lovely name!"

"Don't listen to Luffy's nonsense, Chopper." Usopp revealed, "He took the White Fang himself, and it's called White Crocodile."


The three of them hadn't been chatting for long when countless rolling waves suddenly surged out of the originally calm seabed, and the entire sea surface seemed to be boiling.

"What's going on?" Usopp asked in surprise.

"That's incredible!" Luffy yelled, "Hey! White Fang, what are you doing?"

"hold head high!"

Suddenly the cry of the white crocodile came from the bottom of the water.

Chopper's expression changed: "It said there are enemies under the water?"

"What!" Luffy said hurriedly, "Hold on, White Fang, I'll save you!"

As he said that, he jumped down. Sami waved his hand quickly, and the guy flew directly over.

"Wow! What's going on?" Luffy shouted in surprise.

Sami went up and slapped him, scolding: "Idiot! Have you forgotten that you are a landlubber?"

"But White Fang is in danger!"

"Don't worry, it can handle this little thing by itself!"

Sure enough, as soon as Sammy finished speaking, the white crocodile suddenly emerged from the water, seemingly fine.

He also had a struggling penguin in his mouth.

Nami asked quickly: "My dear son! Are you okay?"

The white crocodile barked several times.

"You said there is a large group of these penguins pushing icebergs in the water?" Nami was startled. "What are these guys doing with nothing to do? Doing such boring things!"

Robin said: "Penguin will not do this kind of thing out of boredom! Someone must be instigating it secretly."

"Who! So boring!" Zoro asked.

"Needless to say, it must be those group of flag hunters." Robin said, "Maybe they have been targeting us from the beginning, and those fake warships must also be their masterpiece, in order to force us into this iceberg group. "

Sammy immediately applauded: "You guessed it right, Robin."

Others also looked at Robin with praise.

Sanji twisted his body like seaweed and praised loudly next to Robin.

Robin smiled brightly and happily accepted everyone's compliments.

"Damn it!" Luffy cursed, "Those guys dare to attack us. No matter how many there are, I will beat them up."

"There were not many of them, including a young couple and a young man carrying a hockey stick," Sami said.

"How do you know? You can guess this! I don't believe it!" Usopp was shocked.

"Believe it or not!" Sammy said.

Zoro also said: "I also know that those three people must be wearing skate boots."

"Why do you know it too! Zoro!"

"Idiot! Because I have already seen them on the iceberg opposite!" Zoro cursed.

Usopp quickly turned his head, and sure enough he saw three people standing on the iceberg opposite, wearing the same clothes and appearance as Sami and the others said.

The young man carrying the hockey stick shouted loudly: "You bastards! How dare you hurt my sister's pets! I don't think I can spare you!"

"Pets? He refers to the group of penguins, right?" Chopper asked doubtfully.

"Looks like they are the flag hunters, well done!" Luffy said, clenching his fists and preparing to fight.

Seeing that Sammy and the others didn't speak to each other, the young man with the hockey stick on the opposite side thought they were scared, so he immediately sneered and said, "Don't think I'll get around you if you don't say anything. Just wait and see!"

He took off his hockey stick and swung it hard, and a round ball was hit by him.

"what is that?"

"Miss Nami, sister Robin, be careful!"

"Secret Technique Lotus Pill!"

Sammy waved his hand, and a ball of magma collided with the ball, swallowing it whole.

"Damn it! Is that guy an esper?" the hockey stick young man asked doubtfully.

Not to be outdone, he fired several balls again, but Sami shot them down one by one.

"Asshole! Are you showing off to me?" The hockey stick was very dissatisfied with Sammy's defensive behavior and cursed angrily.

"Hoklu! Back off, it's obvious that you are no match for him!" said the woman who had been motionless, "Let me and your brother-in-law deal with them!"

"Sister!" The hockey stick youth, Hoklu said unwillingly.

He wanted to do something else, but when he saw the unquestionable look in his sister's eyes, he pushed back timidly.

The woman came forward, looked at Sami and the others, and introduced: "Everyone! We are the Aquino family of flag hunters, specially here to take away your pirate flags! How are you, are you scared?"

"No! Not at all!" The Straw Hats waved their hands repeatedly.

"Hi! Beautiful lady! Just take whatever you want!" An abrupt voice seemed out of place.

No need to look, it must be Sanji.

The woman's beautiful face has completely captured him. At this time, let alone the pirate flag, Sanji's entire body can be taken or taken away.

The woman glanced at the Straw Hats, then turned back to the man next to her and said, "Dear Brother Salu, my husband, those people look so ugly, but you are indeed the most handsome."

Brother Salu, who looked like a greasy man, immediately responded: "Oh! Beautiful Aluberu, you are also the most beautiful in my heart!"

The two of them became more and more moved as they talked, and then they got together and started exchanging saliva with each other in broad daylight.

Sammy and the others were almost sickened.

Only Sanji was furious when he saw his new goddess being defiled by the greasy man.

"Hurry up and let go of Miss Aluberu! You greasy man!"

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