Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 226 Visiting the new ship


Nami killed Zoro and Sanji with one punch.

Then he retracted his fist and asked, "You guys don't seem to be specifically helping us deliver reward orders, right? Tell me if you have anything to do."

"No, of course not, we have more important things to do."

Seeing Nami's unkind eyes, Franky's younger brothers quickly said, "Look at this."

He took out another reward warrant from his arms.

It's Frankie's picture above.

"Cyborg Franky has a bounty of 5000 million Baileys!"

"Huh? Is Franky also subject to a bounty?" Usopp said in surprise.

"This is what we are worried about." The younger brother said hurriedly.

"Brother Franky has become a wanted criminal. If we don't leave here quickly, the consequences will be serious."

"So please, Brother Straw Hat, you must take Brother Franky with you when you leave."

Luffy smiled and said, "That's what you want to say. I have already decided to take Franky away, so don't worry."

"We know this. It's just that we also tried to persuade the eldest brother, but he didn't want to leave at all, and even scolded us for it."

"So, we ask you to find a way to take him away! Even kidnapping is fine."

After Franky's younger brothers finished speaking, they fell to the ground and begged.

"Hey! This is the first time I heard that my younger brother asked someone to kidnap his older brother. Isn't that weird for you?" Sanji couldn't help but complain.

"There is no other way. My eldest brother refuses to leave, so we can only do this."

"Okay, since you asked, I will do it." Luffy agreed without thinking.

Sami said quickly: "Wait a minute, Luffy, don't agree yet."

"what happened?"

"What are you talking about? It's not sweet to force things. Even if you tie Franky on the boat, he won't agree. That guy is a man who cares about face."

"It's really troublesome, so what do you say?"

"Yes, Brother Sammy, you are the smartest, think of a solution!"

Sami breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That guy Franky has actually always yearned for the sea, but he just can't save his face."


"Yes, that guy is probably afraid that after he leaves, you will live on the streets again."

"So, brother, is he always worried about us?"

"Brother Franky, he is so good!"

"But the more this happens, the less we can implicate him!"

Franky's younger brothers talked all over the place, and their desire to let Franky go to sea became even stronger.

"I have a solution for this," Sammy said.

"I have asked Mr. Bingshan to take you in. You will all be Carrera's employees from now on."

"That way Franky doesn't have to worry about you."

"As expected of Brother Sami, you are so considerate!"

"Although we don't like those three guys in Barry, we will work hard for Brother Sammy's hard work!"

"Don't be too happy. If you want Franky to come on board, this is only the first step."

"What else needs to be done? Tell me, Sammy!"

Sami saw the urgency on their faces, so he buried his head and said a few words in his ear.

"I know, Brother Sammy, let's go now!" the guy shouted excitedly.

"Let's go, kids, this time you can only succeed and not fail!"


A large group of them yelled and ran away.

"These guys!" Luffy laughed and said, "Franky is really lucky to have such a group of friends." "

"Yeah, that's why he never wanted to leave," Sammy said, "but this time he won't get what he wants."

"Hey, Sammy, what did you say to them? Can it succeed?" Nami asked curiously.

"Of course you can, as long as you get Franky's inside..."

As soon as Sami finished speaking, Robin covered his mouth.

"Let's go take a look at the new ship? How about it? Everyone is looking forward to it, right?" Robin eagerly changed the subject.

"What is it, Robin, please finish." Chopper asked innocently, he was really curious.

"Chopper! Children shouldn't ask about this kind of thing, you know?" Robin said seriously.

Chopper immediately shrank his neck and shook his head like a rattle.

"Let's go, everyone! Let's go see the new ship!" Luffy had already become impatient with the waiting, and was about to run out after saying that.

Nami grabbed him and said, "Don't be so impatient. Just bring all your luggage and we won't come back."

"Okay! Miss Nami! It's all on me!"

"Thanks, Sanji, don't forget the new furniture we bought!"


Soon, a group of people came to Shipwreck Island with large and small bags, carrying them on their hands and shoulders like moving mountains.

Frankie saw everyone coming from a distance and immediately shouted excitedly: "Hey! You are finally here. I have been waiting impatiently."

"Hehe, long wait, Franky." Luffy responded.

"Hey, you look like this, are you about to leave? Don't you want to stay for a few more days?"

"No need, there are more interesting adventures waiting for me ahead." Luffy said excitedly.

"Franky, come with us!"

"I...forget it, no matter how many times I tell you, you still don't understand. I'll tell you one last time, I won't leave."


"No reason. Do you still want to see the ship?" he said impatiently.

"Look at the boat, look at the boat, we'll talk about other things later." Sammy hurriedly came out to smooth things over.

Franky glanced at Sami strangely, and his intuition told him that this guy must be holding back some bad moves.

"Hey, Ragnar, what do you mean by that expression? You're not planning some bad idea, are you?"

"No, I'm not that kind of person!"

"Tch, you know what's going on." Franky said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see the new ship."

As he spoke, he walked up to an object covered by a huge curtain and introduced it proudly.

"This is the work that Bingshan and I completed together. I can guarantee that it will be a treasure ship that will go down in history in the future!"

Franky's impassioned speech whetted everyone's appetite, and even Robin couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Next, please open your eyes and take a good look! Well~super!"

He screamed strangely and pulled hard, and the huge curtain slid down entirely.

A huge, graceful, and brightly colored pirate ship immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow!" Luffy and Chopper stuck out their trembling tongues.

Sanji was so surprised that he even dropped his cigarette.

Even Sammy, who already knew the answer, couldn't help but be intoxicated by the beautiful appearance of the new boat.

After all, this is what I saw with my own eyes.

"How's it going! Looks beautiful!" Franky was very satisfied with everyone's expressions.

"You're so awesome! Franky!" Luffy danced happily.

"Franky is the best!" Chopper jumped up and shouted.

"Hey! It's too early to be surprised now. Please listen to my detailed introduction!"

"This ship is 39 meters long, 56 meters high, and wide... Hey! Listen to my introduction!"

Franky realized that before he had finished speaking, the Straw Hats had all run to the boat.

No one stayed to listen to his introduction.

"You guys, please respect me!" he shouted angrily, trying to attract everyone's attention.

It's a pity that no one listens anymore.

Everyone cheered from time to time while wearing it.

"Wow! A locked refrigerator! My dream has finally come true!"

"What is this? An independent consulting room?"

"Hey! Usopp! Look, there are swings and slides! It's great!" Luffy's trembling voice could be heard throughout the ship.

"Robin! Our bedroom is so spacious! Come and see, it also has a separate bathroom!"

Everyone seems to be happy with the new boat.

Just when everyone was praising the new boat, Sammy's scream suddenly came.

"That's not right! Franky! Why didn't you fulfill the request I made to you?"

"Ah? What did you say? Why don't I remember?" Frankie pushed away his sunglasses and asked doubtfully.

"What? I obviously told you!" Sammy cried in collapse.

"During the pool party, I told you that I wanted you to leave a separate room for Robin and me, right?"

Robin's face turned red.

Sanji was furious: "What! Scheming man! How dare you make such an exorbitant request! See if I don't kick you to death!"

"None of your business! What are you excited about?"

"Why do you think I'm so excited? Miss Nami and I don't have a love room, and you're not allowed to have one either!"

"I want it!"

"Just don't!"

"You two!" Nami came over with an ugly face, "Don't argue with me about such boring topics!!"


After two punches, the two people who had been arguing fiercely just now immediately fought with their heads on the ground.

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