Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 216 Torture Spandam


Sammy opened the system interface.

"The Twelve Talisman System:

Name: Sammy


Experience bar: 43%

Already have experience stars: 6"

6 experience stars!

At any other time, to Sammy, this would have been a huge sum of money, a good thing that he never dreamed of.

But now, Sammy just felt dull.

"Do you want to spend 3 experience stars to repair the broken rat charm?"


"Ding! Please wait...it has been repaired successfully!"

Sami felt a lot more at ease as he saw the icon representing the Rat Talisman in the system space brighten up again.

He looked at the remaining three experience stars shining brightly, as if three peerless beauties were waving to him, tempting him to spend.

Sami swallowed secretly and closed the system interface with difficulty.

He is brewing a big plan in his mind. He doesn't know how many experience stars will be consumed. The current three are not enough.

Therefore, he could only choose to live frugally and become Liu Xiahui.

I looked up at Judiciary Island, which had been plunged into a sea of ​​fire. There were ruins and howling ghosts and wolves everywhere.

Only the Tower of Justice, which had not had time to be bombarded, still stood, like a silent giant, looking coldly at this hell on earth.

The Tower of Justice, which symbolizes fairness and justice, can only fight with silence when facing the cruelty of the navy?

Sami sighed and was about to rush over when he suddenly heard a deafening sound.

Then, a huge fist blasted through the wall of the Tower of Justice, like a giant hammer breaking a window.

Rob Lucci, who was hit in front of his fist, was as small as a fly.

Is the battle over?

Sammy was suddenly startled and quickened his pace.

Soon, he arrived at the foot of the Tower of Justice, where Luffy was jumping down from the hole and landing on the ground.

"Sammy!" As soon as he saw his vice-captain, he shouted in surprise and rushed up to give him a bear hug.

He sat entirely on Sammy's shoulders, holding his head tightly with both hands.

She was so excited that she cried loudly: "Sammy! You really came back alive, you didn't lie to me!"

"Okay, okay, am I okay?" Sammy comforted his captain like a child.

He could clearly feel Luffy's excitement at this time.

After all, for them now, facing the Demon-Slaying Order alone is no different than seeking death.

Although Luffy firmly believed that Sammy would come back, he was still excited at this time.

After finally pulling Luffy off of him, Sammy asked, "Well done, Luffy, you really defeated Lucci!"

"Hehe! I didn't even use Armament Haki, I only used the third gear!" Luffy said proudly, he never knew what humility was.

"Hahahaha, give me some face, that guy is also known as a genius that is rare to see in Cp9800 years."

"I want to become the Pirate King, so I won't lose to him."

"Okay, you're right."

Luffy smiled, then suddenly his expression changed and said, "No! Sammy, that masked man escaped with Robin! We must chase him quickly!"

Only then did he remember the business, and he was suddenly sweating profusely.

Sammy quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, Luffy. To retreat from the Justice Tower to the port, you still have to pass through the Bridge of Hesitation."

"Spendam can't move that fast. Don't worry, we can make it."

Luffy finally felt at ease. He scratched his head and said, "No matter what, it's better to rescue Robin as soon as possible. Let's leave now, Sammy."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out one arm to wrap around Sammy, and flew to the top of the Justice Tower with the other hand.

"Hey! Luffy, are you going to..."



Amidst Sammy's long series of screams, Luffy flew directly over the Tower of Justice and landed directly on the Bridge of Hesitation with Sammy.

"Hahaha! We're here, Sammy!" Luffy laughed heartily.

Sammy punched him hard.

"I'm sorry!" Luffy apologized immediately.

Then he hurriedly pulled out Sammy who was stuck upside down in the stone!

"Idiot! You want to kill me, bastard?!" Sammy yelled at him.

"Ah! Robin is there!" Luffy pointed forward, shouting to the stunned Spangdam and Robin.

"Don't change the subject!!!"

"Ah! Straw Hat! Ragnar! How did you catch up?" Spandam woke up and asked in horror.

"I defeated Lucci, and Sammy broke the demon-slaying order, so here we are!"

"What?!" Spangdam screamed and almost fainted.

Luffy's two sentences, no matter which one he said, were ruining his outlook on life.

The genius in Cp9 who is said to be rare in 800 years was defeated?

The symbol of the navy, the demon-slaying order to annihilate everything, was actually destroyed?

are you kidding me?

Or is the sun coming out in the west today?

"Impossible! Impossible! You must be lying to me!" Spandam shouted angrily, "Lucci! You idiot! Come here! Luchi!"

"Stop shouting. I don't know whether that guy is alive or dead now. You'd better save some energy!" Sami sneered.

"Asshole! Ragnar!" Spandam roared, "It's all you! This is all your plan, isn't it!"

"Except for you, no one in the world can dare to raid Judiciary Island with only such a small number of people!"

"Whatever you say." Sami approached step by step, "I only know that you will die today!" "

"W-what do you want to do?" Spandam was startled and greeted quickly.

"Come and protect me! Kill him! No! Stop him!"

There were many naval soldiers and government agents on the Hesitation Bridge. Under Spandam's order, they immediately began to attack.

Sammy didn't even raise his eyelids: "Luffy!"

"Look at me!" Luffy jumped and landed in front of the group of enemies, blocking them firmly like an iron plate.

Sammy slowly walked up to Spandam.

"You, what do you want to do? You stinky pirate! Let me tell you, if you dare to kill me, Tianlong will definitely not let go..."


Sammy struck suddenly, breaking his limbs in the blink of an eye.


Spandam screamed like a rooster whose throat was stuck, and his wailing sound was even comparable to that of a baby without milk.

"It hurts! It hurts so much! My hands! My legs! Ah!!!"

Sami ignored his whining and directly lifted him up by his clothes.

"Spare me! Ragnar! No! Master Ragnar! Spare me! I will never dare again! I will never dare again!"

Spangdam screamed in fear when he saw that Sammy was going to torture him.

The snot and tears on my face were all mixed together, and my pants were soaked all over.

Naturally, Sammy would not be moved to pity by his pitiful appearance.

He pinched Spandam's mouth open, and then condensed a magma ball the size of a glass ball with his other hand.

Ignoring Spandam's desperate expression that almost made his eyes pop out.

With a gentle push, the fiery red glass ball rolled into Spandam's mouth, rolled down the throat, into the esophagus, and then into the intestines.

Maybe it was because the taste was so good, Spandam was so happy that his whole body was trembling, and even his screams disappeared.

Sammy tossed him aside and walked over to the stunned Robin.

Robin looked at him, tears streaming down her face. She opened her mouth and said, "Sammy, did you really break the demon-slaying order? Isn't this...ah!"

In the middle of Robin's words, he suddenly screamed.

It turned out that Sammy suddenly picked her up, placed her across his knees, and then turned her over.

Robin seemed to realize something, his face turned red, and he began to struggle.

But Sammy is faster!


A slap hit her round part!

The sound is loud and crisp!

Robin almost died of embarrassment. As a mature lady, there was no way she could stand such behavior.

"Let me go! Sammy, you bastard!"


one more time.

Sammy said fiercely: "I asked you to leave me!"


"I made you think so!"


"I asked you to leave without saying goodbye!"


"I'll hit you when I say I'll hit you! I'll do what I say!"


"Let's see if you dare again!"

"I don't dare anymore! I don't dare anymore!" Robin quickly begged for mercy.

After these few slaps, she had no time to think about anything else.

I just hope this humiliation in broad daylight can stop soon.

Sammy gasped, slapped him again unwillingly, and then stood up with Robin, who was glaring at him angrily.

Not to mention, this thing actually became addictive as soon as it was played, and Sami was almost reluctant to stop.

"Hurry up and unlock the handcuffs for me, you stinky guy." Robin said coquettishly.

But Sammy held her in his arms and said with tears, "Never leave me again, okay? Robin!"

Robin seemed to be struck by lightning, his mouth curled up, his nose twitched, and he burst into tears.

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