Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 214 Dragon Ancestor Statue, 4 Emperor Level Combat Power

In the waters of Judiciary Island, the Demon-Slaying Order Fleet!

The rumbling sound of cannons kept ringing, and the firelight kept blooming like fireworks.

Every time these human-eating fireworks bloom, hundreds of people will die instantly on Judiciary Island over there.

But they are still vying to bloom, showing a cold disregard for life.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, the first round of bombardment has ended, do you want to fire again?" The ship's steward came to report.

"Do you need to say this? Idiot!" Lieutenant General Dauberman scolded.

"Have you ever seen a demon-slaying order that stopped before destroying the island? Continue the bombardment! Until the entire Judiciary Island is destroyed!"


After giving an order, the sound that had just stopped sounded again, making people's eardrums hurt.

"Damn it! These big guys are really ferocious!"

Sami looked at the demon-slaying order warship that was getting clearer and clearer in his field of vision, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

As we all know, the navy is divided into three major categories due to different locations.

That is, the Four Seas Branch, the Grand Line Branch and the Naval Headquarters.

Because they face different enemies, their equipment levels and personnel quality are also different.

As far as personnel are concerned, when the navy officers from the Sihai branch go to serve at the headquarters, they will be demoted three levels to show the huge gap between them.

The same goes for warships.

The warships of the Sihai Branch not only have a small displacement tonnage, but many of them are old ships.

The headquarters is different. The ones on the water are huge warships that can cross the windless zone, and they are replaced every year.

But even so, the headquarters warship is not the most powerful war weapon in the navy.

There is another level above them, and that is the Demon-Slaying Order warship.

The tonnage of warships of this level far exceeds that of headquarters warships.

Not to mention the Sihai Branch, the difference between a small fish boat and an aircraft carrier is completely different.

In addition to its huge size, the Demon Slaying Order warship also has top-notch firepower.

There are four decks and more than 120 artillery pieces. The gunners are all elites selected from the entire army, with the lowest rank being second lieutenant!

Not to mention that they are also equipped with five vice-admirals of the Demon-Slaying Order level.

Yes, Vice Admirals are also divided into Demon-Slaying Order levels and non-Demon-Slaying Order levels.

The second round of shelling was quickly completed under Sami's nose, and the entire Judiciary Island was already a sea of ​​fire.

Except for the Tower of Justice, which the artillery fire had not yet reached, all other areas had turned into a burning lunar surface.

Sammy didn't dare to neglect, and after accelerating all the way, he finally arrived at the beach.

He looked at the fleet showing off in the distance, gritted his teeth and took out something from his clothes.

A statue as big as an arm.

Carved on it is a vivid and imposing blood-red oriental dragon.

"I have kept it for so long, and now it is finally put to use!" Sammy said to himself.

That's right, this statue was the only trophy he took from the National Treasure House on Drum Island.

What Dalton calls the throne statue.

At first, Sami just thought that the material of this statue was extraordinary and the craftsmanship was superb, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Later, after Dalton reminded him, he learned that this statue was part of the throne of the king of the Drum Kingdom.

Inlaid on the top of the throne, it is known as the twin treasures of the kingdom together with the king's scepter.

And what is carved on it is said to be the totem of the ancient Cigu Island royal family - Dragon Ancestor!

A phantom beast!

Worshiped as a god by the ancient residents of Cigu Island!

Only then did Sami realize that he had picked up the treasure by mistake.

So it has been carefully preserved since then in order to cope with today's situation.

"Summon the Dragon Ancestor!" Sammy said simply.

The third round of shelling has begun, and time waits for no one!


"The current level of the rat talisman cannot summon phantom beasts. Do you want to force the summons?"

"What's the price?"

"[-]. Forced summoning requires one experience star."

"Two, the talisman will be damaged immediately after the forced summoning. The talisman will not be usable until the repair is completed."

Samiton felt that something was wrong, so he quickly asked: "What are the conditions for repair?"

"It takes three experience stars to complete the repair."


Sure enough.

Sammy had an "I knew it" look on his face.

He knows the profiteer of the system too well and will not miss any opportunity to exploit him.

It's a pity that I always fall into its hands.

It's the same this time.

Sami looked at his savings. From the Capital of Seven Waters to Judiciary Island, he had accumulated a total of two experience stars.

Half of it will be spent first.

Holding back his heartache, Sami gave the order again: "Forced summons!"

"Force summoning activated!"

After the system gave an emotionless response, the statue in Sammy's hand immediately seemed to be alive and started to struggle in his hand.

Sammy quickly let go and it fell to the beach.

Dragon Ancestor at the resurrection point glanced at Sami dissatisfied, then stood up again and pointed at the warship in the distance with his short claws.

"Is that the goal?" a voice thought from Sammy's mind.

This voice is very strange, it sounds like an adult and a child at the same time, making it difficult to tell his age.

Sammy was startled and immediately realized that it was Longzu speaking.

"Can you speak?" he asked.

"Nonsense, you spent money." Long Zu rolled his eyes at him.

"Fuck, don't mention this!"

"Stop talking nonsense, is that the target?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"That's good!" The Dragon Clan looked back at Sami and said, "Then I'll go and say goodbye forever."

It jumped into the sea and disappeared.

Sammy still hasn't recovered yet.

Holy shit, are all fantasy beasts so awesome?

"Wait a minute, system, what does he mean by farewell?" Sami vaguely felt something was wrong.

"When the forced summoning ends, the statue will be directly damaged and cannot be recycled."


? !

Grass! ! !


Demon-Slaying Order Fleet.

After three rounds of shelling, Lieutenant General Dauberman, who was in charge of the command, asked: "Shipman, how is the shelling going?"

"Report! Firepower has covered the entire island. Except for the Tower of Justice, the island has been completely destroyed!"

"It's not enough! Three more rounds of shelling to make sure there are no survivors!" Dauberman said.

"Remind people in the government to evacuate quickly. After three rounds of shelling, we will destroy the Tower of Justice!"

"As ordered!"

The ship's steward was about to leave after receiving the order, when the warship suddenly shook violently under his feet.

The navy on the deck immediately staggered and fell over a large area.

"what happened?"

"Something is attacking the warship at the bottom of the sea!"

"This is impossible! The bottom of the ship is inlaid with sea tower stones, so it is impossible for the Sea Kings to get close to it!"

Dauberman sensed something was wrong, and his senses were giving warnings.

"Go and check! No! Evacuate immediately!"

"Your Majesty Lieutenant General, the Demon-Slaying Order is not over yet!"

"Evacuate first!"

As soon as Dauberman finished shouting these words, the storm rose on the sea and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

A huge oriental dragon suddenly sprang out from the bottom of the sea.

His whole body was wrapped in bloody flame clouds, like a sun rising from the bottom of the sea.

The sky turned dark in the blink of an eye, dark clouds pressed down directly from the top of the head, lightning danced violently in the clouds, and the wind was strong.

This giant dragon that shines like the sun is tens of thousands of meters long from head to tail, and the human eye cannot accommodate it all.

All the navy could only see clearly his huge head!

"That is……"


Before the marines finished speaking, Longzu swung his huge tail and hit a warship hard.

The image is like an electric mosquito swatter hitting a mosquito.

Only a "crack" sound was heard.

Only one electric light was seen.

The mosquitoes are gone!

A powerful Demon-Slaying Order battleship was easily destroyed by Dragon Ancestor.

He turned over in mid-air and roared lazily, as if he was not satisfied at all.

Then he lowered his head, his mouth was filled with light, and his breath was ready to go.

The ordinary navy has been completely frightened. No one wants to escape, no one dares to escape, and no one can escape.

Only the five lieutenants on board the ship were the first to respond.

Ghost Spider, Stoloberg and Huoshaoshan looked at each other and rushed forward without saying a word.

The black energy of the armed forces condensed, and the red light of the sighted areas overflowed. At this moment, the three people had used their full strength without reservation.


There was a soft sound like burning wood.

Dragon Ancestor waved his tail and wiped out the three lieutenant generals who rushed over.

Then the breath that had been accumulating for a long time spurted out, directly penetrating and vaporizing five warships.

In just a few seconds, most of the arrogant Demon-Slaying Order fleet, the absolute symbol of naval strength, had been lost.

The instigator, Sami, looked on in shock.

He could swear that this Dragon Ancestor definitely had the strength of the Four Emperors.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such an easy and comfortable battle.

After all, not to mention the six destroyed warships, just three lieutenant generals who jointly attacked are not ordinary goods!

They are Lieutenant Generals of the Demon-Slaying Order, senior leaders of the Navy, and they are all outstanding leaders!

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