Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 208 Breaking into Judicial Island

"Hey! Sammy, are you kidding?" Usopp shouted excitedly.

Usopp expressed a hundred objections to Sami's announcement to everyone to prepare to attack Judiciary Island as soon as he returned to Rocketman.

What a joke!

That's Judiciary Island!

An important location of the World Government, there is a Judicial Island guarded by at least [-] elite soldiers!

There are at most 50 people on our side, so what's the difference between attacking there and dying.

Even if he manages to escape in the end, he will still have to face the endless pursuit and arrest by the World Government from now on.

This is not a joke.

"Think about it again, Sammy. Is there any other less extreme method?"

"No more," Sammy said. "Since we got involved, there's no other choice."

"No way!" Usopp broke into a cold sweat and murmured, clutching his chest, "I can't survive. I have a disease that prevents me from going to the island..."

"Usopp! Are you okay? I'm here to treat you."

"Leave him alone, Chopper." Zoro said, "Is he being cowardly again?"

"Cowardice?" Chopper cried, "I'm sorry, Usopp, there is no cure for this disease."

He hugged Usopp, and Usopp hugged him, and the two of them cried.

Nami was so annoyed that she had a headache, so she punched him one by one.

She looked at Sami and asked with a solemn expression: "Do you have any plans, Sami? You can't just go in like that, can you?"

Just as Sammy was about to speak, the French family shouted.

"Brother Sami, sister Nami, we have a solution!"

"You?" Nami asked doubtfully, "What can you do?"

"Oh! Don't underestimate my brothers, they are super capable!" Franky said with a classic pose.

"That's right!" the brothers shouted, "our plan is very beautiful."

"Tell me."

"It's very simple. Have you seen the big guy we brought?"

"Big guy? You mean those two huge Brus?"

"To be precise, it should be Emperor Blue. Their names are Sodom and Gomora." The younger brothers introduced them proudly.

"Don't look at these two being stupid, but they are actually very motivated."

"That's right." Another younger brother continued, "So, later we will take the two of them ahead and break open the door of Judiciary Island."

"Then you can all swarm in and go in."

Nami had two black lines on her head: "Is it that simple?"

"That's right! How about it? It's a perfect plan, right?"

"Where's the perfection? Idiot!"

The younger brothers who were scolded didn't care at all, instead they began to boast in whispers.

"I didn't expect we would have such a smart day."

"That's right, you can see that Brother Sammy is stunned by our plan. It's so cool."

"Oh, kids, I'm so proud of you!" Franky hugged them excitedly and jumped up and down.

Nami raised her fist in collapse, wanting to beat them up.

Sammy quickly stopped her and said, "Forget it, Nami, just do as they say."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure."


"It's too late. Look out the window. Judicial Island has arrived."

"It's still a little bit better!"

"But Luffy has already jumped in!"

"What?!" Nami was shocked and turned her head sharply.

I saw outside the car window that Luffy's two rubber arms had firmly grasped the door of Judiciary Island, and then let go.

He smashed into the crowd of the island like a cannonball and was never found again.

"Idiot!!" Nami hugged her head and cursed.

Sami sighed and said, "That's why I don't make plans."

After all, no matter how good your plan is, if you meet the captain Luffy, he will make trouble for you.

"That idiot! I will beat him to death later!" Nami said angrily, "Now, we can only fight in."

Sami nodded and ordered: "Frankie and his family, set off immediately to clear the way!"

"Roger that!"

Sami turned around to comfort Nami and said, "Don't worry! There's nothing wrong with what Luffy did."

"I originally planned to lead everyone in to fight in an upright manner, and I didn't want to play any tricks."


"Because I want to give the world a little shock!" Sami smiled confidently.

If they could penetrate Judiciary Island and then retreat calmly.

Then the World Government will definitely consider what price it will pay if it tries to trick Robin next time.

After all, the best way to avoid trouble is to let people know you're not to be trifled with.


Judiciary Island, the first gate guard office.

The CP9s who were escorting the criminals had just been sent in, and the guards who were relieved were about to take a rest.

A sharp-eyed person immediately saw the Rocketman speeding over from a distance.

"What is that, another sea train?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Judiciary Island is under martial law today, why are there still cars coming here?"

"Could it be passing by?"

"Sir! It's starting to slow down. It seems to be coming towards us."

"What? Call us immediately to inquire about the situation. Everyone be prepared and be careful of enemy invasion!"

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the commander who gave the order.Today is too important a day to be careless!

"Sir, you are making too much of a fuss. This is Judicial Island. Who dares... I will go!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, he saw Luffy flying directly over from the Rocket Man!

"what's going on?"

"Raise the gun, raise the gun quickly!"



It has to be said that the quality of the defenders on Judiciary Island is very high. Most of the soldiers were still in shock and opened fire almost subconsciously following orders.

"No matter who he is, kill him first!" the officer said coldly, "This is Judiciary Island, we can't be careless in the slightest!"


Another row of bullets flew past.

Luffy did not reject anyone who came, he opened his arms to welcome them all, and then continued.

"Give it back to you!"

All the bullets bounced back, causing the defenders to flee.

"what happened?"

"That guy is an esper, and guns are useless!"

"Draw your sword! Line up!"

The defenders who were counterattacked were not confused at all, and immediately formed a sword formation under the command.

Luffy landed on the ground with a thud, and then burst into laughter.

“I was the first to arrive, which was great!”

"Hey! Straw Hat, who are you!"

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm the man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

"One Piece?" The officer was stunned for a moment, then yelled, "Asshole! Where do you think this is? There must be a limit to joking!"

Furious, he immediately ordered an attack.

Hundreds of knife-wielding soldiers rushed towards Luffy.

"Hee hee, get out of my way!" Luffy yelled and immediately took action, "Rubber rubber machine gun!"

The rubber fist surged like electricity, instantly knocking away a large number of enemies, and the sound of wailing filled the air.

"Damn it! This guy is so strong, we can't stop him at all." The commander realized that something was wrong and immediately ordered to call for reinforcements.

Just as he was anxiously waiting for reinforcements to arrive, a report from his subordinates completely dragged his heart to the bottom.

"Report! A large number of enemies appeared at the door, they seem to be Straw Hat's accomplices."

"What?" The officer looked over quickly.

I saw that the Rocket Man had slowly come to a stop, and two huge Emperor Blues swam from the end of the train to the front, and then actually crashed into the gate.

Just hearing a loud "bang", the door was knocked open, and a large group of perverts wearing fishnet stockings squeezed in.

The house leaked and it rained all night, and the officer's face looked as ugly as his dead parents.

The two emperor blues didn't stop at all after they broke in, rushing towards the inside of the island.

The huge size is like two steamrollers, crushing all the defenders blocking them.

Sammy followed closely with the Straw Hats and the Carrera Three Foremen.

Zoro was the first to cut the already dilapidated door into pieces with one strike.

The Judiciary Island immediately opened up, like an undefended treasure house, waiting to be ravaged.

Sami shouted loudly: "Don't stop, rush in directly, and kill through the first gate!"

Everyone was very motivated and used all their firepower to defeat the defenders.

"What's going on inside? Are reinforcements coming?"

"Reporting to the commander, reinforcements have arrived and are gathering behind the gate!"

"how many people?"

"At least five thousand!"

"Very good. We can't defend here any longer. We will retreat immediately to join the reinforcements, and then form an army to fight again!"


Following the order from the garrison chief, the defenders who were still struggling to hold on breathed a sigh of relief and retreated towards the door.

Sammy and the others followed closely, chasing after them.

As a result, the first gate of Judiciary Island was completely captured!

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