"Return of Life, Paper-painted Martial Body!"

Lu Qi, who was extremely angry, fell into a strange calm.

His body shrank rapidly, from a giant to the figure of an ordinary person.

This is the return of life, reducing strength and increasing speed, which is one of Lu Qi's unique skills.

"Finger Gun Madara!"

In an instant, countless paper guns were poking at Sami like mosquitoes.

"Ah!! Your opponent is me! Lucci!"

Luffy roared, his speed in second gear was faster than "Shaving", and he blocked Lu Qi's attack almost in the blink of an eye.

"Rubber jet machine gun!"

Two evenly matched opponents come to a fight.

Sami watched with interest, without the slightest worry in his heart.

After the battle on the empty island, Luffy not only awakened the Haki of seeing and hearing, but even touched the threshold of Haki of Armed Haki.

At this time, Lu Qi was no longer his match.

Not only Luffy, but also Zoro and Sanji. The three powerful forces refused to give in to each other, and their strength was very tight.

Luffy has already taken action here, and Zoro and Sanji are naturally not idle either.

"Give me that woman!" Zoro bit the knife and rushed forward.

"Ah? Why! Green Algae Head!" Sanji cursed dissatisfiedly.

"Idiot! Isn't it because you can only be beaten passively when you meet a woman!" Zoro said angrily.

"If Sammy hadn't told me, I wouldn't have bothered to care about you."

"Take care of yourself!" Sanji said not to be outdone.

"Devil Wind Feet Level [-] Ground Meat!"

"Two swordsmanship, two slashes!"

Zoro and Sanji were firing on all cylinders, almost overwhelming their opponents as soon as they struck.

Kaku's face was full of disbelief.

As the recognized number two figure in CP9, no one has ever been able to put so much pressure on him except for facing Lu Qi in so many years.

The yellow-haired young man in front of him kept attacking himself with his burning right foot. Every kick was fast and hard, making him completely unable to resist.

What is even more surprising is that one person reacts extremely quickly.

Every time he was about to attack, he had already prepared his defense in advance, as if he knew it beforehand.

how can that be!

"Iron block, broken!"

Bruno suddenly fell from the sky, and his body hit Sami like a cannonball.

At this time, Sami was completely focused on the others and had no reaction to Bruno's sneak attack.

"Hehe!" Bruno was secretly happy.

Although Sami had only made a few attacks just now, he clearly knew that he was no match for Sami.

Therefore, he had been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the moment when Sammy was distracted!

As Bruno smiled gradually, his right hand was still about to touch Sami and complete the killing blow.

But the next second, Sami disappeared from his gaze.

Before Bruno's brain could process this matter in time, Sammy had already appeared behind him.




The heavy object suddenly fell to the ground.

All those fighting at the scene were disturbed by the splashing stones and the diffuse smoke.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on Sammy.

Soon, the smoke and dust cleared and his vision returned.

Sami stood on the ground easily, and under his feet was a huge pit. Lying in the pit was Bruno, who had just attacked him.

"No, it can't be?" Kalifa was shocked!

Bruno was actually killed by someone in one blow when he was sneak-attacking someone else!

How can this be?

You must know that Bruno is the fourth most powerful among them, far ahead of himself by three places.

If the woman can kill Bruno instantly, wouldn't it be effortless to deal with herself?

Kalifa looked at Sami with a smile on his face, feeling as scared as if he was seeing a devil.

"Bruno!" Lu Qi gritted his teeth in pain as he saw that his side had lost another general, "Damn pirate!"

"Lucci!" Kaku shouted, "The mission is urgent!"

Lu Qi's eyes that were full of murderous intent immediately died down.

Yes, missions!

As a secret espionage agency directly affiliated with the World Government, life, honor, emotions, and wealth are not important to them. The most important thing is whether they can complete their mission.

Lucci knows better than anyone how important Pluto is to the world government.

Lu Qi couldn't help but shudder when he thought that this mission might fail. He couldn't even think about the cost.

"Blu blu blu!"

The voice of the phone bug suddenly rang.

Lu Qi was startled and reached out and took out the thing he least wanted to face right now.

"Blu blu blu!"


"Asshole! Why didn't you answer the phone until now?"

"Sorry, sir, we're in a bit of trouble."

"Trouble? Hello? Bastard, you don't want to tell me that the mission may fail, do you?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Hmph! That's the best! Hurry up, I'm impatient to wait."


Lu Qi said as he was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait a minute!" Sammy said suddenly, "Spandam!"

"Asshole, who is calling my name?" Spandam asked in an extremely corrupt manner on the other end of the phone, whose identity was revealed.

"You don't need to know who I am, just wait and die."

"What? Bastard! Bastard!! Bastard!!!"

Spandam was furious at being threatened. He had never been insulted like this before.

"Lucci! Kill this arrogant guy for me!"

"Yes, sir!"

The call bug was hung up immediately. Lucci looked at Sami and sneered: "You have offended the wrong person, Ragna, and you will pay a heavy price."

Sammy shrugged indifferently.

Lu Qi rushed over angrily: "It's your attitude that disgusts me the most!"

"Six Types of Mysteries · The Largest Wheel · Six King Spears!"



Smoke and dust were everywhere, flames were lingering, and a powerful shock wave swept through the entire room.

"Sammy! Are you okay?" Zoro asked quickly.


"Lucci, where are you? Come out!" Luffy yelled.

Sammy used his sense of sight to explore the area and said, "Stop screaming, Luffy, they escaped."

"What?" Luffy quickly checked.

Sure enough, after the smoke cleared, only the Straw Hats and Iceberg were left in the room, and everyone in CP9 had disappeared.

Not only the lions Natsutori and Otonashi Owl, who were knocked unconscious by Zoro and the others, were brought here, but Robin was also missing.

Only Bruno's body remains here.

Sami sneered, it seemed that Lu Qi was a sensible person.

Knowing that the situation was not good for them, they immediately retreated decisively.

At least for them, even if they couldn't get Pluto's blueprint, they could make up for it by taking Robin away.

"Ah! Sister Robin is gone too." Sanji was shocked. "Damn CP9, you are still evil! I'm so angry!"

"We must get Robin back!" Luffy said firmly, "Sammy, let's go after him!"

"Are you sure you want to chase her?" Zoro asked doubtfully, "This woman obviously wants to quit on her own, so we have no reason to save her."

"Asshole Green Algae Head, what stupid words are you talking about!" Sanji said angrily, "How could Sister Robin quit voluntarily? If you dare to slander her again, I will kick you to death."

"Zoro is an idiot!" Luffy also scolded him dissatisfied.

The three men soon struggled with each other.

"That's enough!" Sami frowned, "Robin had his reasons for leaving us."

"What's the reason?" Luffy asked.

"It's to protect us."

"Protection?" Zoro was stunned, "Are you sure we need protection?"

"Yes, Sammy. I just understood the strength of CP9, but that's it." Sanji said.

"Sister Robin, there's no need to sacrifice yourself to protect us, right?"

"It's not from CP9, it's the navy that wants to kill us."

"Navy?" All three of them were puzzled.

Sami asked Bingshan: "You should know the Demon-Slaying Order, right?"

"Devil-slaying order?" Bingshan's face changed drastically, "Could it be that?"

"That's right, the Navy is already preparing to use the Demon-Slaying Order in order to eliminate us."

"This, this, can't be right?" Bingshan felt his body shaking.

Luffy asked: "Uncle Purple Head, what is the Demon-Slaying Order? Why are you so afraid?"

Bingshan glanced at Luffy and explained: "The Demon-Slaying Order is an indiscriminate destructive attack authorized by the World Government to be used by the Navy Headquarters."

"It consists of 10 warships, 5 vice admirals and a large number of naval elites."

"The areas subject to the Demon-Slaying Order will be completely cleared without distinction."

"Both men, women, children, women, children, and buildings will be completely destroyed."

"In short, just wipe this area out of the entire world!"

"What?" Sanji asked in disbelief, "The navy actually has such a cruel order?"

Even Zoro opened his mouth wide: "This, this is simply a massacre!"

"Yes, it's massacre." Bingshan said with a gloomy face. "For the world government, massacre is the most beneficial way of governance. It is efficient, simple, and can hide the truth."

"Sammy?" Luffy looked at Sammy.

"Robin's hometown, O'Hara, the once prosperous city of scholars, was destroyed by the Demon-Slaying Order."

Sammy's heart felt a terrible pain, "Everything on the island was eventually destroyed in the fire, including everyone Robin knew."

"And that year, she was only 8 years old!"

Sauron gasped.

Sanji was already in tears.

Luffy's face was expressionless, his brows furrowed.

The childhoods of the three of them were miserable enough.

But compared to Robin, he can still be said to be happy.

At least there were a few people who loved and protected them.

And Robin, after that disaster, had nothing.

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