Sami felt excited. As a senior Haimi, is there anything more exciting than meeting the leading actor?

"Mackino, I want to eat, and I want to eat a lot of meat." Luffy walked directly to the bar and sat down next to Sami, shouting to Maginot.

"Ta-ta-ta, tap-ta-ta." He kept tapping the bar with a knife and fork in both hands, making a loud noise, "Eat! Eat! Eat!"

Maginot quickly waved her hands and said, "I understand, Luffy, please be quiet, there are still guests here."

"Ah?" Luffy turned around and saw Sami, "Why is there someone here?"

He is indeed a very nervous guy.

"I've been here for a long time, Luffy..."

"Thank you, Maginot, ugh." Luffy took the food from Maginot and started eating, completely ignoring Sammy.

Maginot said quickly: "Luffy, don't do this, it's too rude."

"It's okay, Maginot." Sammy waved his hand and said.

He already knew what kind of personality Luffy was, so it wasn't a surprise at all.

"My name is Ragnar Sammy."

"My name is Luffy, and I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King." He smiled with bright white teeth again.

"I am Dadan's nephew."

"Pfft!" Luffy spit out a mouthful of food with an expression of disbelief on his face, "You're lying, right?"

Even with his simple mind, he couldn't connect Sami with the vicious Dadan.

"it is true."

"You're adopted, right?"

"They are blood relatives."

"so amazing!"

"I think so too." Sammy said with a smile.

Maginot couldn't understand their conversation at all.

"Luffy, I heard Dadan say that you are going to go to sea tomorrow?"

"Well, I made an appointment with Ace and Sabo to go to sea when I'm 17. I'll be 17 tomorrow."

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"No, I've prepared the boat, food, and fresh water. There's no problem at all." Luffy said confidently.

Maginot couldn't help but become anxious when she saw Luffy's decisive refusal: "Luffy, Mr. Sammy has many years of sailing experience. If you have any questions, you can consult him."

"But I really don't have a problem."


"Really?" Sami said pretending to be regretful, "Originally, I had prepared many adventure stories."

"Adventure? Sammy, have you ever experienced adventure?" Luffy's eyes glowed golden.

"Well, there are many, many, many, many, many. Whether it's fighting pirates, searching for lost treasures, or saving oppressed villagers with my friend Sean, there's so much to talk about in three days and three nights."

"That's amazing! Sammy, that's amazing." Luffy opened his mouth exaggeratedly, "Tell me everything."

"Of course you can, but you're going to sea tomorrow, so you won't have enough time."

Luffy frowned and said seriously: "Okay, I've decided. Come on my boat, Sammy. From now on, tell me adventure stories every day. That's it."

"Are you inviting me on board? Captain Luffy."

"Well, Sammy, come be my partner."

Sammy narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, as an old man of more than ten years, his biggest wish in his previous life was to join the Straw Hats in their great adventure. Now that he is reborn in the world of One Piece, this wish will naturally come true.

Sammy looked at Luffy, blinked and said, "Okay."


"Hey? Do you agree?" Maginot said in surprise.

Luffy chuckled: "Of course, I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King, hehe."


For his first crew member, Luffy showed extraordinary enthusiasm. As soon as the meal was over, he invited Sammy to visit his pirate ship - the kind that he couldn't do without going.

Sami, who was familiar with the plot, naturally had no interest in a small broken boat, but when his new captain was wrapped around his body like brown candy and moving up and down, Sami felt that he had no choice.

On the way to the beach.

Sammy asked: "Luffy, I heard that you ate a devil fruit"

"Ang, I am the rubber man who ate the rubber fruit." Luffy pulled the corner of his mouth hard, pulling it out to a terrifying length.

"Interesting, it seems you are very strong."

"Hahahaha, my fists are as powerful as pistols." Luffy didn't know what modesty was. "By the way, Sammy, I heard Magino say that you just defeated a group of pirates easily! It's really amazing. !”


"I heard that that guy is a big pirate with a bounty of 300 million Baileys! Sammy, how did you do it?"

"Luffy, although I have never eaten a Devil Fruit, I have a more magical power than a Devil Fruit, and this power is no worse than a Devil Fruit."

"Si Guoyi, show me, Sammy, show me!" Luffy raised his hands, excited.

"The power I have is called the Twelve Talisman. It can give me twelve different abilities, but currently I can only use one ability, which is..."

Sammy paused at this point because Luffy's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Rat charm." Sammy snapped his fingers, and a big, living tiger suddenly appeared in the air.

Looking up to the sky and screaming, with a strong heart.

The majestic body and sharp claws tell others that this is a powerful beast.

"The Rat Talisman gives me the ability to summon animals, and I can freely control them to fight."

In fact, the ability of the rat charm is to give life and activity to non-living things, and it is not a summoning ability at all.

But after all, he is facing Luffy, and only by explaining it as a summoning ability can he understand clearly.

Looking at Luffy with stars in his eyes, Sami couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Although after his rebirth, he had no abnormal talent and no money to buy devil fruits, he eventually became the youngest merchant mate in the Kingdom of Goa and gained the respect of the entire ship, relying on the famous Twelve Talismans. .

Twelve spell system:

Name: Ragnar Sammy

Already have the talisman: Rat Talisman lv1

Already have experience: 86%

Very simple system.

It's so simple that it only has three lines, so simple that it doesn't even have a voice assistant, but it has been with Sami since his rebirth, giving him great courage and hope.

Luffy was so excited that he didn't know what to say. A tongue stuck out of his mouth and was trembling, and his hands were twisting and flying like seaweed.

"That's awesome, Sammy, you guy, you guy..."

Seeing Luffy's surprised look, Sammy smiled slightly.

From the beginning of rebirth to now, apart from giving me a rat charm, the only change in this system is the rapidly growing experience bar.

It took 23 years to accumulate 81%, and there is no hope of upgrading.

However, within two hours of meeting Luffy, it increased by 5%.

Sure enough, if you want to gain experience quickly, you must stay with the protagonist.

It seems that I will be upgrading soon. Should I upgrade the rat talisman at that time, or draw a new talisman?

If he drew a dog charm or a horse charm, wouldn't he be invincible?

Thinking of that scene, tears of disappointment flowed from the corners of Sammy's mouth.


Luffy's loud laughter suddenly woke up Sami who was addicted to his dream.

Then he was shocked.

Because this idiot captain no longer knew when to put the tiger's tail in his mouth and chew it.

"What are you doing, Luffy?"

"Ah? Isn't this meat for eating?"

"No, this is the pet I summoned." Sami was stunned.

"Ah? What, I thought it was the food reserve you conjured up."

"Gan! Is this why you were so excited just now?"

Seeing Brain Ax struggling for life and then being knocked unconscious by Luffy's punch, Sami immediately threw away the excitement he had just had.

You're going to get along with a boatload of perverts in the future, so what's the point of being proud of such a small achievement!

He forced a smile and said, "Luffy, can you please loosen your mouth first? If you bite your tail again, it will break!"

"Okay, let's not eat it for now."

"Don't ever think about eating it again!" A vein appeared on Sammy's forehead.

Luffy loosened his mouth and put on the straw hat, raised his fist and shouted: "Yoshi, boys, move towards the pirate ship."

Sammy sighed, turned the tiger back into a statue, and stuffed it into his pocket.

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