Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 198 The Secret to Quarrel

"Are you kidding me? When have we ever done this?" Nami said angrily.

Luffy grabbed the newspaper, glanced at it and said in surprise: "What? Uncle Bingshan was assassinated?"

"Yeah, they said we did it!"

"Ah! I didn't do anything like that!" Luffy was shocked.

Nami said angrily: "What's the use of saying this now? It's been published in the newspapers, and everyone in the city probably thinks we are the murderers now."

Usopp immediately swallowed and glanced furtively.

I found that many people were already looking at my group, and their eyes were fierce and malicious.

Long Nose was immediately startled and asked tremblingly: "Sammy, what should we do now? Do we still want to go to Carrera's company headquarters?"

"Of course." Sami nodded and said, "Originally I was thinking of finding some excuse to go in, but now this newspaper has helped me a lot."

Sanji immediately scolded: "Idiot! By doing this, aren't you just throwing yourself into a trap?"

"Hehe, but I call it going straight to Huanglong!"

"Don't be so confident! Do you understand the current situation? Now the whole city suspects that we are the murderers. Do you want to kill them all?"

"The whole city? That's not necessarily the case." Sami smiled inexplicably.

It seemed to confirm his words.

The next second, a roar came from the bridge above everyone.

"Straw Hat! Finally found you!"

"Huh? Who is it?" Luffy asked, pinching his nose.

"Ahhh! How dare you ask me who I am? How incredibly arrogant!" The man cursed, "Look how I deal with you!"

Only then did Luffy see his appearance clearly.

The tall body was wearing a floral shirt, and the lower body covered with hairy legs only had a pair of underwear.

His blue hair was combed into an airplane hairstyle, and he wore glasses.

"He is Franky, the leader of the Franky family." Sammy reminded.

Luffy suddenly realized and immediately cursed: "It's you, you bastard! You sent people to steal our things from Usopp and beat him seriously. I won't let you go!"

"I forgot about that little thing a long time ago! Who asked you to wander around on the street with so much money?"

Franky said nonchalantly, "That's so long-winded, Straw Hat Boy, it's me who wants to settle the score with you now."

"What do you want to do?"

"You actually injured my little brother and destroyed my house while I was away. I won't let you go."

The more Franky talked, the more angry he became. He put on a classic pose and shouted, "I am so angry right now!"

"What, I forgot about that little thing a long time ago." Luffy said nonchalantly.

"We have more important things now, get out of here!"

"Go to hell! Straw Hat!" Franky raised his hand and was about to attack.

"Jet Kill·Firebird Star!"

Usopp was faster than him and engulfed him with a fire bullet.

"Brother!" Sister Fang was shocked.

"Ahhh! It doesn't hurt at all!" Frankie opened his hands and shouted, and the flames were immediately extinguished by him, "Because I am Iron Man!"

"Then try this!" Luffy rushed over and punched, "Rubber rubber pistol!"

The two men immediately fought each other, and the streets were in chaos, filled with screaming and fleeing people.

Nami hugged her head and cursed: "That idiot! Don't you know what situation we are in now?"

"Others are knocking on the door. It's not our style not to fight back." Zoro said.

"But this will expose us all!"

"Forget it, it's too late to say anything now, we'd better wait!"

"Wait for what?"

"Waiting for someone to help us mediate the conflict!" Sami said with a smile.

"Who will come back to help us at this time!!" Nami collapsed.

Sammy pointed to the side, and a large group of people were heading here in a menacing manner.

"Isn't it coming?"

When Usopp saw it, his hair stood up in fear: "Ah! That's not good! It's the boatmen of Carrera Company, they are all Bingshan's subordinates!"

"It's over!" Nami and Chopper shouted as if they were mourning for their heirs.

Sure enough, after the group discovered the Straw Hats, they immediately ran over and surrounded Sami and the others.

A man wearing a blue jacket and hanging a cigar immediately shouted: "I found you, the criminal Straw Hats!"

"It's Mr. Barry! They're finally here!"

"Great! Now the Straw Hats will be captured and brought to justice! They will never be able to defeat Carrera's four foremen!"

"That's right! Catch all these damn pirates and execute them to avenge Mr. Bingshan!"

Carrera's employees were furious, the citizens were excited, and Nami and the others were completely passive.

Zoro unsheathed his sword and stood ready, while Sanji immediately blocked Nami behind him.

Everyone's nerves were tense, and they would start fighting if they had the slightest disagreement.

At this time, Sammy coughed and walked to the middle of the crowd.

He said coldly: "Slandering us as criminals without going through trial. Is this the rule of the Seven Waters City?"

"Asshole! How dare you quibble!" Barry scolded angrily, "Mr. Bingshan said this himself, how can it be false?"

"So Uncle Bingshan is not dead yet?" Nami asked immediately, "That's great. You can still explain things clearly before you are dead."

"Bad woman! Are you cursing Mr. Iceberg?" Barry misunderstood and immediately became furious.

When Sanji heard that someone dared to scold Nami, he immediately became furious: "Damn it, you dare to scold someone?!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Try to curse again if you can!"

"Just try it!"

"How dare you curse!"

"What's wrong with scolding you!"


Seeing that the scolding was about to turn to the level of a primary school student, Sami had no choice but to come out and say: "That's enough! Sir, you said that Mr. Bingshan personally identified us. What evidence do you have?"

"The evidence is too simple." Barry gasped. The scolding just now took a lot of energy out of him.

"Mr. Bingshan said that there were two people who attacked him last night. Although one was wearing a mask."

"But there's another one he can see clearly, and that's Nico Robin from your group!"

"What? Robin?" Nami immediately covered her mouth.

Chopper said angrily: "You're lying! Robin wouldn't do such a thing! Bastard!"

Sami responded: "Nicole Robin is indeed a member of our group, but I don't believe she would kill people for no reason. Do you have any evidence?"

"This is what Mr. Bingshan saw with his own eyes. Can it be fake?"

"Saw it with your own eyes? That means there is no evidence." Sammy scoffed.

"Asshole! Do you dare to doubt Mr. Bingshan?"

"He is your husband, not mine."

"You brat, if you dare to insult Mr. Bingshan, I'll kill you!"

Barry has a bad temper and a strong sense of justice. As soon as he heard that Sammy was disrespectful to his most admired iceberg, he immediately began to attack.

Two ropes swung out from his sleeves and headed straight for Sammy's face.


A long knife blocked the rope and cut it in half.

Sauron sneered and said: "Do you want to use force? I will accompany you at any time!"


Barry wanted to attack again, but Sammy spoke immediately.

"To be honest, Nicole Robin has been missing since yesterday, and we have been looking for her."

"What? Missing?"

"Now you say she appeared in Bingshan's room." Sami began to analyze.

"Can I reasonably surmise that Iceberg kidnapped Robin?"

As soon as these words came out, not only the people from Carrera Company, but also Nami and the others were shocked.

Chopper said directly: "What? Did Carrera's people kidnap Robin?"

Barry immediately cursed: "Nonsense! It was Nicole Robin who shot and wounded Mr. Iceberg last night!"

"Nicole Robin is a weak woman. Faced with the threat of a big shot like Bingshan, she could only stand up and resist, so she injured Bingshan in a panic."

"You are slanderous! Why did Mr. Iceberg kidnap Nicole Robin?"

"Because she is a criminal pursued by the World Government! Bingshan wanted to cooperate with the World Government, so he thought of kidnapping Robin to claim credit!"

"This is impossible! Mr. Bingshan has always been disgusted with the World Government and has repeatedly refused their cooperation. How could he want to take credit?"

Barry naturally denied it, his face turned red with anxiety.

Sammy sneered inwardly, knowing he would win this argument.

Because when faced with accusations from others, the best way is not to prove your innocence, but to immediately throw dirty water on others.

Once the other party starts looking for evidence to prove themselves, you take the initiative.

How the other person wants to die next depends on your kindness.

"Refuse to cooperate? What a joke! If Bingshan really refuses repeatedly, why hasn't the world government punished him?"

"Because, because..."

"You don't mean to say that the world government is afraid of icebergs, do you?"

"How, how is it impossible!" Barry yelled, scratching his neck.

"Hahahaha, the world government that has been suppressing the world for 800 years is afraid of a small mayor? Mr. Barry, you really know how to lie!"

"I, I didn't!"

Sami smiled and said: "Only you know whether it is true or not. Now, let me tell you the truth."

"The reason why the World Government has been tolerating Bingshan is because he has been secretly groveling to the World Government!"

Sammy's analysis sounded flawless and could stand up to scrutiny.

If Bingshan hadn't been extremely prestigious in this city, the citizens would have been deceived.

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