Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 194 I can’t live without you

Looking at Sami who was frozen into a popsicle in front of him, Aokiji stopped attacking.

"Ah la la la, have you really gone too far? I can't control my anger when I see someone using lava."

He scratched his head, sighed and continued: "The little brother now is really interesting."

"Not only is he smart, but he is also very handsome when chasing girls. It seems that I am really old."

Finally, he stood up straight, put his hands in his pockets and said, "Since you did have murderous intent just now, there is nothing you can do about it now. Whether you live or die depends on your own fate."

After saying this, Qingzhi turned around and prepared to leave. After taking a few steps, he turned back and wanted to say something.

"Also, that, ah, I can't remember, forget it."

He walked aside, got on his bicycle, and Shi Shiran left.

"Jingle Bell!"

The sweet ringing of the bicycle drifted farther and farther away, and soon it was no longer heard.

The scene was peaceful, the frozen ground glistening in the sunlight.

Sammy, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, still had a surprised expression on his face, and his open mouth seemed to be shouting something silently.

Not long after, the sound of rapid footsteps came.

"Hey! That guy is gone!"

"Leave him alone, where's Sammy? Is he still alive?"

"Ah! Sammy was frozen into an ice sculpture!"

"Sammy, let me save you!!"

"Idiot! Don't use so much force! Sammy will break!"

"Gently move him back to the boat and slowly melt the ice with warm water!"

"Let me do it, I'll be gentle!"

Luffy and the others hurriedly carried Sammy to the bathroom of the Merry.

Nami and Usopp had already filled the bathtub with water, and Sanji put Sami into the water.

His movements were gentle and careful, and he was more caring than he was with Nami and Robin.

Luffy squatted beside the bathtub and asked nervously: "Chopper, is Sammy okay?"

"Well, as long as you use warm water to melt the ice, Sammy will be out of danger."

"Sammy, can't Sammy control magma? Why was he frozen?" Usopp said incredulously.

"That's a general. It's not difficult to do this." Zoro said, "Fortunately, he didn't break Sami, otherwise we would have to pick up the pieces now."

Nami and Usopp immediately trembled when they heard this.

"Hey! Green algae head, don't say such terrible things!" Sanji said dissatisfied.

"What does it have to do with me! I didn't do it!"

"You just said you wanted to abandon Sammy! You bastard! I'll kick you to death!"

"Are you looking for a chop? There's nothing I can do, idiot!"

The two people once again disagreed and prepared to fight.

But this time it was no longer Nami's fist that stopped them, but Chopper.

The little reindeer roared angrily: "Shut up, you two! What the patient needs now is silence. Whoever is talking should get out!!"

It is said that honest people are the scariest when they are angered. Chopper, who has never lost his temper before, frightened everyone when he opened his mouth.

Not only Nami and the others, but also Zoro and Sanji were too scared to move.

"Chopper..." Usopp reminded.

The little reindeer reacted and was immediately frightened and scrambled, Lian Lian said: "Zoro, Sanji, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scold you, I, I..."

"Well done, Chopper!" Nami patted him and said encouragingly, "As a doctor, everyone here must listen to you now."

"If anyone dares to disobey me, I will beat him hard! Do you hear me clearly?"

The last words were addressed to others.

Everyone swallowed and nodded fiercely.

Robin's eyes never left Sammy from the moment he was rescued. No matter how much trouble the others made, she never raised her head.

Sammy was lying in the water, and she squatted beside him, holding Sammy's head in her arms to comfort him.

Her eyes were melancholy and loving, as if she were holding a newborn baby.

It wasn't until all the ice on Sammy's body melted that she raised her head and said in a hoarse voice: "Chopper, what should we do next?"

Chopper quickly listened to Sammy's heartbeat with a stethoscope, then opened his eyes and looked at the pupils.

Then he said: "Sammy is out of danger."

"Really! That's great!" Luffy cheered.

Others also had joy on their faces.

"I'm going to prepare dinner. He will be hungry when he wakes up later!" Sanji said happily.

Luffy immediately shouted: "I want to eat meat! Lots and lots of meat!"

“I want to eat seafood fried rice!”

"More wine! Today is worth celebrating!"

Several boys were talking among themselves and didn't notice Chopper's expression at all.

"Shut up! Wait!" Sanji scolded, and asked diligently: "Miss Nami, sister Robin, what do you want to eat?"

Nami shook her head and signaled him not to speak. Then she turned around and asked, "Chopper, is there anything else you haven't said?"

Chopper's eyes immediately turned red. He looked at Robin, then at Nami, and almost cried with grievance: "Sammy, Sammy may not wake up."

Robin's body immediately stiffened.

Nami turned pale again.

Usopp asked anxiously: "What? What do you mean by that? Why can't you wake me up?"

"Sammy, Sammy has a very strong constitution. He should have regained consciousness as soon as the ice melted."

"But, but he hasn't woken up yet, which means, means..."

"What do you mean, you should tell me!" Sanji shouted.

"Quiet!" Nami pushed Sanji aside and said warmly, "Chopper, don't look for you. Speak slowly."

Chopper sniffed and said, "Sammy hasn't woken up yet. There are only two possible situations."

"First, the cold froze his nerves and turned him into a vegetative state."

"The other is that his self-consciousness fell into a deep sleep in order to protect himself."


"A deep sleep?"

The two pieces of news made the Straw Hats feel numb all over.

Luffy was the first to not believe it: "Impossible! How could Sami not wake up!"

"He promised to adventure with us until the end of the world!"

"How come he can't wake up!"

"I don't know, I don't know!" Chopper cried. He had never seen Sammy's current condition.

Zoro and Sanji looked at each other, and both saw impossibility in each other's eyes!

Do not believe!

I don't want to!

How could that young man, who was full of energy and confident in everything he did, never wake up?

"Wow!" Usopp couldn't control himself anymore and fell to the ground crying.

Nami also covered her mouth and sobbed silently.

Luffy couldn't accept this result at all. He yelled at Sammy: "Sammy! Can you hear me? Sammy!"

Sammy still had his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

"You can hear me, right? You are so smart, why can't you wake up?"

"Speak! Sammy!" Luffy finally shed tears.

"Luffy! Stop shouting, Sammy needs to rest!" Zoro said.

"No! I'm going to shout! I'm going to shout until Sammy hears me!"

"Luffy! Stop messing around!"

"I'm not fooling around!"

"Sammy is not dead yet!" Zoro scolded, "As long as you are alive, there is still hope! What are you doing? Are you going to lose your mind?"




"You all go out, I want to be quiet."


"Okay?" Robin looked up and smiled.

She looked tired and her eyes were lifeless, but Luffy could hear the overwhelming determination.

"I...okay!" Luffy was finally defeated by Robin's expressionless face and walked out of the room with his head lowered.

Zoro and the others also walked out silently.

Nami was the last one. She patted Robin on the shoulder and said, "Take care of yourself, Robin, we can't lose you anymore."

Robin turned a deaf ear.

Nami sighed and walked out slowly.

With a "click" sound, the door was closed from the outside.

The noise seemed to be a signal.

Robin, who had never shed tears, couldn't control his tears and flowed down his face.


She cried out sadly and fell beside the bathtub, sobbing softly.

Crying seems to be a very common word for Robin who had a miserable childhood.

But in fact, she has never cried since the tragedy when she was eight years old.

This is the first time in more than 20 years.

A man took away his strength.

What flows out along with the tears is not only sadness, but also regret, pain and despair.

"Wake up, I beg you, Sammy."

"I will never lose my temper again. I will obey you in everything. Just open your eyes and look at me."

"It's me who made you like this. Why? Why does everyone who cares and loves me leave me in the end?"

At this moment, Robin finally understood why he was called the son of the devil by the navy.

Because only demons will harm their relatives, friends and lovers.

Now, the last ray of light has disappeared from Robin's world.

She knew that she was like a drowning person who had lost the last straw and no longer had the strength to swim back to the shore.

She was going to sink.

Sinking to the bottom of the dark, terrifying, breathless water.

Putting Sammy's hand on his face, Robin finally said, "I can't stand it anymore, Sammy."

"I can't live without you."

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