Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 188 So, what’s the stakes?

Usopp held a small palm-sized spoon in his hand and looked at Muchigoro with a sinister smile.

"I advise you to admit defeat as soon as possible! I have won the championship of the 10000th East China Sea Goldfish Fishing Competition."

"The bounty is 2000 million Baileys, and he is known as the Yonko of Goldfish - the great Captain Usopp."

"You're lying!" Muchigoro hit the nail on the head.

"Ah! I've been seen through." Usopp quickly covered his mouth.

When the Carnival Baron saw that both players were ready, he immediately announced: "In this competition, whoever catches the goldfish first will win."

"Now, let's invite our goldfish to appear!"

"G-goldfish?" Usopp asked quickly, "Wait a minute! Wait a minute, aren't the fish we want to catch from this pool?"

"Of course not!" the Baron sneered, "Since it is a trial from hell, how could it be possible to use ordinary goldfish? That's the one you want to catch!"

The baron pointed with his hand, and water suddenly splashed on the sea.

A huge goldfish jumped out of the sea. His huge size was almost as big as the Meili.

"Ah!" Usopp's mouth dropped to the ground.

"The game officially begins!"

"Wait a minute!!!" Usopp suddenly shouted, "We are changing players here, Chopper, come on!"

"Why?" Chopper was startled when he was suddenly called.

"Nonsense! If you catch such a big goldfish with such a small spoon, you will die!"

"Then I don't want to die either!!"

"That's none of my business."

"You devil!!"

Muchigoro looked at the two former companions who were quarreling, and his face immediately showed a smile of success.

I saw him reaching back and pulling it out.

A huge net bag that could cover the Meili suddenly appeared.

"You just keep arguing slowly! I won the game first!" As he said that, he was about to catch fish.

"Wait a minute!!" Player Usopp once again chose to stop.

"What's the matter?" said the Baron impatiently.

"What are you talking about! It's obviously a foul for him to hold such a big net bag!"

"Sorry." The Baron smiled, "There are no restrictions on fishing tools in this competition, you can take anything!"

"Asshole! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Usopp was furious and incompetent.

"Hey, there's nothing I can do. I can only blame you for being too stupid." The Baron continued to spray venom, "Remember, as long as the rules don't stipulate it, you can do whatever you want!"

"Hahahaha, you'd better admit defeat quickly!" Muchigoro laughed from the side.

Sami suddenly sneered and said: "As long as the rules don't stipulate it, we can do whatever we want, right?"

"W-what do you want to do?" Muchigoro felt a chill on his back and stepped back.

"What I can do, of course, is to be a real pirate."

As soon as Sami finished speaking, he suddenly appeared behind Muchigoro.

The enemy didn't react at all at this time, standing still like a statue.

The lv.3 level rabbit charm is so powerful.

Sami snatched the huge net bag from Muchigoro's hand, and then kicked him hard on the butt.

Then he suddenly appeared at the beach and fished the big goldfish still in mid-air into the net.

When it was all over, the world suddenly returned to normal speed.

Others only felt that their eyes were blurred, and Muchigoro ran straight into the pool.

"What, what's going on? Muchgoro! Are you okay?" The baron didn't expect that such a big change would happen in the next second.

Muchigoro struggled to get up from the pool, stroking his dazed head, unable to figure out the situation for a moment.

"Who did it! Who hurt my Muchigoro?" said the baron furiously.

"It's me!" Sammy poured the goldfish in his hand into his own basin and said with a smile.

"How is it possible? How could you catch a goldfish? How come the huge net bag is in your hand?" the baron asked in shock.

"Of course I stole it."

"Rob? Who are you?"

"My name is Ragnar Sammy, and I am a pirate."

"Asshole! Who asked you about your profession?" the baron said angrily, "You actually dare to steal things during the game. This is cheating!"

"Cheating? Is there a rule in the rules that says you can't steal other people's things?"

"No!" Usopp immediately jumped out and said, "I heard clearly just now that he didn't say this at all!"

"that is!"

"I didn't hear that either!"

Chopper and Nami immediately retorted!

"Damn it! Shut up!" the Baron yelled, "This is my territory, whoever I say loses loses!"

"You're cheating!" Chopper's face turned red with anger.

"That's it! You're cheating!" Luffy also jumped and said, but there was no sign of anger on his face.

"Humph! Who calls me the Baron of Carnival? All you have to do is obey!"

The Baron said proudly, "However, it's not impossible if you win, but you must promise me to compete again."

"No problem!" Luffy nodded immediately.

"Idiot!" Usopp scolded immediately.

"Idiot!" Nami also scolded her.

"Idiot, idiot!" Chopper imitated the two of them.

"Hahahaha, what's wrong? Isn't it interesting? Hahahaha!" Luffy laughed heartlessly.

"Since you agreed, let's get started!" the Baron sneered.

"The next game will be held in the park, come in quickly."

"Wait a minute! Who wants to participate in such a boring competition again!" Nami scolded him.

But the baron didn't listen at all, and urged the elephant to carry him inside.

"Luffy!" Nami strangled the captain's neck with almost all her strength.

"Who asked you to agree! I told you that I want to quit and will never participate!"

"Me too!" Usopp immediately raised his hand.

"Hey! You two are too boring!" Luffy said angrily.

"Sorry, we don't have time for such childish games." Nami waved her hand towards Luffy.

"Come on, Usopp, let's go see what else is fun."


"Wait a minute, Miss Nami, I'll go with you." Sanji said and followed him.

Sami came over, patted Luffy on the shoulder and said, "I won't play with you anymore, Luffy."

"Sammy! Are you leaving too?" Luffy said in surprise.

"I'm sorry, I've already done my best, now it's up to you."

Robin also said: "Come on, Captain!"

Then, they both left together.

Only Luffy, Chopper and Zoro were still standing there, staring with big eyes.

"Really! Everyone is so unreliable!" Luffy made a big face at the person leaving.

"Who is the unreliable one?" Sauron complained, "It's not you who promised others randomly."

Chopper immediately asked with a guilty conscience: "Zoron, you don't want to leave too, do you?"

Zoro sighed and said: "Forget it, that baron doesn't know what tricks he is going to play yet, I'd better accompany you to see it."

"You're so kind! Zoro!" Chopper said, hugging his leg.

If Zoro also leaves, Chopper will really collapse.

Over here, Sammy and Robin were walking down the street side by side.

Robin said: "There is something wrong with that Baron, you noticed it too, Sammy?"

"Well, it probably has something to do with the flower on his shoulder."

"Would you like to check it out?"

"Of course, you want to come with me?"

"It still doesn't work." Robin said, "That guy named Muchigoro looks stupid. I'm going to see if I can get some information."

"Okay, then I'll walk around and see if there are any clues."

"Would you like to compete, Sammy?" Robin said with interest, "Let's see who can find out the truth first."

Sammy was stunned, not expecting Robin to come up with such a lively idea.


Robin was dissatisfied: "Why did you answer so perfunctorily? Do you look down on me?"

"How could it be? Who doesn't know that you are the best."

"That's pretty much it. Then I'm leaving. Don't let me go."

"Of course not." Sami seemed to have thought of something and said hurriedly, "Wait a minute, we haven't discussed what the bet is yet?"

"what do you want?"


"I didn't ask you to make a wish."

"How about Bobo?"

"Why do you men like to think with your lower body?"

"Nonsense!" Sami said righteously, "I always think with my upper body."

"What about the lower body?"

“Support thinking.”

Several black lines immediately appeared on Robin's face, and she no longer wanted to pay attention to Sami.

"Hey, don't walk so fast! The bet hasn't been discussed yet." Sammy called from behind.

Robin ran faster.

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