Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 179 Ring the bell for the deceased

"The Ark's Proverbs is in the forest over there." Sammy pointed in a direction in the distance.

"There is a cave there. In addition to the ship, there are many people imprisoned in it. Please rescue them when you go."

"No problem, I'll take care of it!" Nami agreed simply, "Zoro, Sanji, and everyone else, let's go together."

"No problem, Miss Nami! Please use me as much as you like!" Sanji naturally nodded in agreement.

Sauron also rubbed his head and said helplessly: "This woman really knows how to trouble others. I obviously have no interest in gold at all."

Fortunately, he only spoke in a low voice and did not dare to object openly.

The group of people quickly left, leaving only Sammy and Robin.

Just as Sammy was about to say something, he saw Weber running over from a distance.

"Hey, so you're here!" Weber shouted with a smile as soon as he saw Sammy.

"You're injured, is it okay?" Sami asked with concern when he saw that he was covered in bandages.

"It doesn't matter. I think I can still hold on." Weber said with a smile, unable to hide the excitement on his face.

All four priests were successfully killed, and Enelu was about to be defeated.

Seeing that the dark clouds suppressing the Sandians were about to disperse, how could Webber not be excited.

Sammy knew what he was thinking and was happy for him.

"We have just settled the wounded."

"How's the situation? Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone is fine!" Weber said sincerely. "Thanks to your help, no one was seriously injured. Thank you, Sammy!"

"Don't say such unreasonable things." Sammy smiled, "If you really feel sorry for me, just do me a favor."

"Just say it."

"Robin and I have been to Shantora, but unfortunately the Golden Bell is not there."


"Don't worry, I know where it is." Sami said quickly, "Let Robin lead you. She also wants to see the historical text."

"Great!" Weber trembled with excitement, "The golden clock has disappeared for hundreds of years, the unfinished agreement between Kalgra and Nolando..."

"We're about to find it!"

"Ring it, don't let the dead wait too long!"

"I know." Weber nodded solemnly, but quickly realized and asked doubtfully: "Why, aren't you going with us?"

Sami shook his head and said: "There is one more unresolved matter, give that to me."

"That one?" Weber was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was doing. He immediately pulled out a dagger from his waist and handed it to Sami.

"You don't want to make a dagger made of sea floor stone..."

"Yes, it's time to end."

This sentence was very short, but after hearing this, Weber could no longer control his tears and slowly flowed out.

Sami patted him on the shoulder: "Wait for my good news."

After saying that, he turned to look at Robin, who gave him a firm smile.

Sammy smiled back.

He looked up towards the top of the huge vine above his head, where Luffy had been fighting Enel for a long time.

It's time for him to show up.

Soon, with the help of the scattered petioles on the vine, Sammy climbed all the way up to the top of the vine without much effort.

At this time, the battlefield fell into an eerie silence.

Enelu stared at the monkey-like straw hat boy in front of him, his face extremely ugly.

Why didn't it work?

It was clear that the thunder god state had been activated just now, but the opponent still survived the 2 million volt electric shock and was still unscathed!

What the hell is going on in this world?

What the hell am I doing?

Sami knew what was happening as soon as he saw Eniro's expression and couldn't help laughing.

Enelu noticed him immediately, and the anger in his heart rose.

He roared at Sami: "Ragnar Sami! You bastard! How dare you lie to me!"

"Cheating? I don't have the time. It's just that you are stupid."

"Unforgivable! Godless ant! I will destroy you and that disgusting monkey!"

Eniru stretched out his hands fiercely, and two thick thunder pillars rose into the sky and struck towards Sami and Luffy.

Unfortunately, Luffy and Sami saw through his actions almost the moment he raised his hand.

"Enter second gear!"

Luffy quickly entered second gear, and all the blood in his body was pumped toward his heart rapidly, his speed and strength greatly improved.

"Don't hurt my friends!!" Luffy roared and punched out with both hands, "Rubber jet rocket launcher!"

In the blink of an eye, two palms hit Enelu hard on the stomach, and he immediately flew away and rolled to the ground.

"Sammy, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Sammy gave Luffy a thumbs up and said with a smile, "Well done, Captain, you're very keen on seeing, hearing, and being domineering."

"What are you talking about? Hehe, don't forget that I was the first to learn it." Luffy said proudly.

Yes, long before setting foot on the Sky Island, all four of the Straw Hats had awakened their Haki. Luffy was the first.

This is also the trump card that has kept Sami so at ease and calm all the way.

"To be honest, at first I was not happy with Sammy that you kept calling us for special training."

Luffy said to himself, "But now I finally understand your painstaking efforts. I'm sorry, Sammy."

"It's good that you know." Sami rolled his eyes at him. During the special training, this guy was the most passive and sabotaged. "When did I say the wrong thing?"

"Hehe, I will never blame you again."

"I don't believe it. You don't know how many times you have said this."

"Really? It seems that I am still aware of my mistakes and corrected them."

"Idiot! You are so incorrigible!"

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment."

"I didn't praise you!"


Enelu, who fell to the ground on the other side, looked at the two people who did not put him in their eyes at all.

Unable to control it any longer, a mouthful of angry blood spurted out.

Luffy quickly asked: "Are you okay? You're vomiting blood!"

"You didn't hit me!"

"I obviously didn't use any force. He must be too weak."

"Don't be so rude, he is a god after all."

"What a weak god."

"Poof!" Enelu spat out another mouthful of blood, and his face was already turning purple.

"Ragnar!!! Straw Hat!!!"

How had God Enel ever received such an insult!

He was completely blinded by anger, and his Thunder Fruit ability was activated at full power.

Countless lightnings crackled like heavy rain, as if even the air had become sticky.

"Go to hell! Lei Ying!!"

With an angry shout, Enilu's whole body quickly transformed into a huge thunder ball that expanded rapidly.

It occupied half of the sky in the blink of an eye.

Sammy took a breath of air. This move was a trick that could destroy the entire Sky Island.

In the original work, Enelu must use the power of the Ark's Proverbs to cast it.

How come this can be performed independently?

It seems like this guy wants to blow himself up!

Sammy immediately yelled: "Luffy! Come on!"

"I told you to stop messing around! Bastard!" Luffy rushed out and yelled at Enelu.

He suddenly put his right thumb into his mouth, took a deep breath, and blew hard.

A large amount of air was immediately blown into the gap between the bones, and his right hand immediately expanded, becoming even bigger than Lei Ying's thunder ball.

"Three blocks!"

"Rubber Giant Pistol!"

The huge fist and the thunder ball collided violently.

Only a loud "boom" was heard, and the thunderball was immediately shattered by the giant insulator hand.

Then, the giant hand hit Enelu's body hard again.

This guy's weak body couldn't bear the blow and he immediately flew backwards.

As for Luffy, due to the side effects of the Third Gear, his body shrunk sharply, and in the blink of an eye he became a little two-headed person.

Sami immediately showed a smile that showed success: "Luffy, leave the rest to me."

After saying that, he flashed forward and suddenly appeared behind Enelu.

Before he could react, he pinched his neck and pressed the seastone dagger tightly against his carotid artery.

The sharp tip of the knife pierced Enelu's skin, and the stinging pain made Enelu suddenly wake up and open his eyes wide.

"how come?"

"This is a sea stone weapon that restrains the natural element. It is specially used to deal with you."

Sami sneered, "Did you see the polished marks on it? Each one contains the owner's deep hatred!"

"no no!!!"


Sammy gently inserted the dagger into Enelu's neck.

The blood was like tap water flowing from a broken pipe, spraying everywhere.

But Sammy didn't even frown.


Enelu stretched out his hands in vain, trying feebly to grab something.

But the strength leaked out of his body quickly, and he finally caught nothing.

His consciousness gradually blurred, and at the last moment of his life, Enelu suddenly heard a crisp voice.




That's the sound of the golden bell!

After 400 years, the beautiful sound of the golden bell spread throughout the sky island!

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