Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 176 We want to create a new world

"Attack the shell!" The enemy attacked immediately without saying a word.


"Chopper, stay away, I'll deal with him!"

Usopp pulled Chopper away, but he was hit by a powerful impact and his body immediately rolled out.

"Poof!" Usopp spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"It hurts! My chest, my chest seems to be broken!" Usopp gasped in pain, and cold sweat broke out like rain all over his body.

"Usopp!" Chopper struggled to crawl over.

"Don't move, Chopper!" Usopp shouted quickly, "Don't come over, you'll get hurt!"

"I, I want to help you! Woo~" Chopper cried.

Usopp smiled easily and said: "Idiot, don't worry about me! Have you forgotten what I said? I am Captain Usopp!"

He forced himself to get up and said seriously to Zhongwu and Xiaowu: "I once defeated Captain Crowe, who is famous in the East China Sea."

"Even the overlord Aaron knelt down and begged me for mercy."

"I don't even care about the Shichibukai!"

Zhongwu and Xiaowu looked at Usopp and made no further moves.

Usopp immediately continued happily: "Are you afraid? Hahahaha, if you are afraid, run away quickly. I, Captain Usopp, promise not to hurt you!"

Zhong Wu blinked and said to Xiao Wu: "This guy is lying!"

"Oops! It was seen!" Usopp's expression changed.

"What an idiot." Xiao Wu said disdainfully.

Usopp was furious: "Asshole! No manners!"

"Brother, let us deal with him! Hoho."

"Ho ho ho, no problem."

The enemy rushed over again and fired flames at Usopp.

Usopp yelled hurriedly, and two jets of gas suddenly spurted out from his feet, speeding up his movement.

"what is this?"

"He obviously isn't wearing jet boots, why?"

"Humph, I didn't expect you guys to notice it. Yes, I am the Jet Man who ate the Jet Fruit! Don't be scared!"

Zhongwu and Xiaowu looked at each other and said in unison: "It's so boring!"

"Discourteous!!" Usopp was so angry that he immediately attacked, "Speed ​​Kill·Three consecutive Gunpowder Stars!"

"Shock shell!"

The hot fireball was blown away by an impact, and the enemy followed closely, extending his palm towards Usopp.

"Slash Bei!"

"No!" Usopp immediately activated his fruit power, slipped and crashed into a big tree.


A stream of yellow smoke spurted out from the gloves, and a stink filled the sky.

"It stinks! What is this?"

"Hoho, you've been fooled, this is Weibei, I've stored the shit in advance!"

"Ho ho ho, what an idiot!"

The two men started jumping up and down again and taunting Usopp.

"Damn it!" Usopp immediately cursed, "This can't go on like this!"

"The two opponents cooperated tacitly, and they were dazzled just to distinguish people, and they didn't notice the weapons at all."

"If this continues, I will be killed sooner or later."

Usopp looked at the two of them with an ugly expression, swallowed, and slowly squatted down as if he had made up his mind.

"Hoho, are you ready to kneel down and surrender to us?"

"But we won't accept it, Hoho."

"Hey, open your eyes and see clearly the true strength of Captain Usopp."

Usopp said, and two streams of air were ejected from his feet again, more violent and massive than before.

Pushed back by these two air currents, Usopp immediately lifted into the sky like a rocket.

"This, what is this?"

"He actually, actually flew!!"

"Usopp!" Chopper said with stars in his eyes, "That's so cool!"

Usopp, who rose into the air, slowly stopped and looked at the enemy on the ground with his mouth wide open and said.

"I've always been the weakest one on the ship. I didn't dare to fight or even land on a new island."

"As long as everyone puts forward risky proposals, I will be the first to object."

"Usopp!" Chopper shed tears.

"Attack! Attack quickly!" Zhongwu's expression changed drastically, and he and his brother immediately attacked Usopp.

"Yan Bei!"

"Slash Bei!"

"Shock shell!"

The attacks were so airtight that Usopp didn't care at all and continued to talk while avoiding them.

"However, if you look down on me and hurt my companions because of this, I will not forgive you!"

"Because, I am Captain Usopp who wants to become a brave sea warrior!!"

"Jet Kill·Firebird Star!"

With a huge fire bird, he rushed towards Xiao Wu who was flying forward.

He was immediately wrapped up and burned violently.

"Brother!" Zhonggo shouted at the side, and with a fierce kick, he came to Usopp, stretched out his hand and pressed hard on his injured chest.

"Shock shell!"

"Oops! There's no way to escape!"

"Carved Hoof Cross!"

Usopp opened his eyes suddenly and was pleasantly surprised to see Chopper running out of nowhere and hitting Nakago hard.

The opponent was immediately interrupted from attacking, spitting out a mouthful of blood and flying out like a kite with its string broken.



The two looked at each other, then immediately hugged each other and cried.

Around them, the Sandia guerrillas and the Divine Guards were fighting anxiously.

What a magnificent picture.


"This is the only entrance!" Sammy pointed to the entrance of a temple.

"If my guess is correct, Shantara is under this cloud. Do you want to open it?"

Robin took a deep breath to calm down his excitement and nodded towards Sammy.

Sammy then squatted down and pointed like a knife, and lava came out of his fingers.


The hot magma melted the clouds the moment it touched it. Sami quickly cut a large gap with his fingers.

Below the gap is a dark lower space.

"I'll go down first and wait until I notify you before I come back down."

Sammy jumped down and soon landed on a piece of hard ground.

The surrounding area is narrow and cramped, and it should be a small corridor. There is a little light in the tangled vines not far away.

"No problem, just jump down."

Sammy shouted upwards, then stretched out his hands to hug Princess Robin who fell down.

"Is this Shantora?" Robin asked with a trembling voice.

It could be heard that she was very excited at this time.

Sammy raised his chin toward the light, indicating that that was the exit.

Robin ran over immediately without saying a word.

The narrow corridor was quickly left behind.

An ancient city that was far larger, more exquisite, more spectacular, and more majestic than the one above appeared before her eyes.

"Shandara!" Robin muttered to himself as he looked at the silent golden city in front of him.

Sami had a panoramic view of Shantara and said with a smile: "It is indeed the land of gold. The whole city is actually made of gold."

"Even the floor is made of gold nuggets. Nami would go crazy if she were here."

"What a great achievement, a city that has been immortal for thousands of years." Robin sighed again, "It's a pity that this place has been abandoned for many years because of the war."

"History is covered with a layer of dust and lies quietly underground in this unknown place."

"Yes, no matter how great a city is, it will eventually be abandoned because of war."

Robin caressed these glorious golden buildings and calmed down in his own consciousness: "Why do humans treat the history they created like this?"

"Isn't there a forever peaceful and free home in this world?"

"Land, gold, history, these are beautiful things, but in the end they all bring war and evil. Why on earth is this?"

Sammy pursed his lips tightly, not knowing what to say.

He knew that Robin was not speaking out of emotion, but a cry based on his own tragic experience.

He silently walked forward, took Robin into his arms, and did nothing else.

Robin's tears wet his clothes.



"Do you believe it? One day, I will study all history and expose the lies of the world government."

"Reinterpret that lost history and make it public."

"I know this is your dream and I support you."

"But Sammy, can I do it?"

Sammy smiled and said, "No, you should ask if we can do it?"


"Yes, not only you and me, but also everyone."

"Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, all of us will support you without hesitation." Sami said.

"There are many kinds of evil in this world, and I believe we will eventually discover their source, solve it, and create a new world of freedom!"

"A new world of freedom?"

"Yes, a new world that everyone longs for."

Robin was stunned for a while, then smiled and said, "Well, a new world!"

Sami responded to her smile and said: "Okay, don't be stupid, don't you want to find the historical text? Let's go quickly!"

As soon as Sammy mentioned the historical text, Robin immediately woke up and she almost forgot about it.

Seeing her nervous look, Sami quickly comforted her: "Don't worry, the chief said that the historical text is on the pedestal under the golden clock. It should be easy to find."

Robin nodded and said: "Yes, the golden bell, as a symbol of Shandorla, has a noble significance, so it will definitely be placed..."

Sami and Robin looked at each other and looked at the towering pyramid in the middle of the city.

"On top of that!"

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