Before Usopp finished speaking, a figure hurriedly shot over from the sea.

I saw him wearing a square horn mask, shirtless, and carrying a rocket launcher on his shoulder.

There is even a pair of strange shoes under his feet, gliding on the white sea.

Almost instantly, he was close to the Meili.

"Hi, hello, may I ask..."

Luffy was about to say hello to him, but to his surprise, this weirdo not only refused to speak to him, but instead fired a cannonball directly at Luffy.

Luffy immediately jumped away, followed closely by Zoro, who cut the incoming cannonball in half with a knife.

"Who is this guy?"

"I don't know, but since he dares to attack us, don't blame me for fighting back." Zoro said, drawing his sword and about to strike.

"Wait a minute, let me do it." Luffy put on his straw hat and said seriously.

Seeing that his attack was not successful, the masked monster did not hesitate at all. He immediately raised the muzzle and fired seven or eight shells at the Meili.

"Rubber Rubber Balloon!"

Luffy quickly puffed up his body, and all the incoming cannonballs were blocked by him and bounced back again.

This strange move surprised the masked weirdo, and he quickly used his shoes to dodge left and right.

Rebounding shells exploded around him, and the smoke quickly overwhelmed him.

"Dead, dead?" Usopp asked hiding in the corner.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Sammy said with a frown.

Sure enough, as soon as Sammy finished speaking, the masked monster emerged from the smoke unscathed.

With a kick of his feet, he rushed onto the Meili, like plucking onions on dry land.

"Rubber Rubber Pistol!"

The masked monster easily dodged the blow with the help of his shoes, and turned around to fire a few more cannonballs at Luffy.

Zoro couldn't bear it anymore, so he drew his sword and struck: "Asshole! If you dare to damage the Meili, I will chop you to death!"

He cursed and rushed forward. With a swing of his knife, the cannonball was cut in half.

Sanji kicked the shell fragments away with two feet, and then shouted to Zoro: "You idiot, Green Algae Head, look at it clearly. If you hurt Ms. Nami, I will kick you to death!"

Zoro said angrily: "It's none of my business, why don't you scold him!"

Sanji kicked the masked weirdo, but the guy dodged again.

Seemingly sensing that the Lu Suoshan trio were not easy to mess with, the guy immediately changed his target and attacked the girl on the side.

The first target is Robin.

A cannonball hit Robin in the face, and Robin quickly took a few steps back to avoid it.

Sammy immediately stood in front of him, and a ball of lava emerged from his body, swallowing the cannonball in one go.

"You guy, do you know what you are doing! How dare you hit my wife, you bastard!"

Sammy was furious and punched him.

This punch was as fast as lightning. Not to mention the masked weirdo, even the three combat powers couldn't see clearly.

There was only a loud noise, and the masked monster fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

His head is embedded in the deck of the Merry.

"Okay, so awesome!" Usopp was stunned, not expecting Sami to explode suddenly.But soon he realized something.

"Ah! Idiot! Who asked you to destroy the Meili?"

Only then did Sami realize that his hateful punch had no power at all. It not only knocked out the enemy, but also damaged the ship.

"I'm sorry!" Sammy apologized immediately.

Usopp cursed angrily: "Is an apology useful? Look at it! Such a big hole! It's enough to bury two Choppers in it!"

Chopper: "Usopp!!!"

Sami said hurriedly: "I'll fix it later."

"If you can't fix it, I'm not done with you!"

Luffy pulled the masked monster out of the floor, and Zoro chopped off the mask on his face with one knife, revealing a resolute and gloomy face.

"Who is this guy?" Chopper asked like a curious baby.

"I don't know. If you want to kill someone without saying hello, I'm afraid it's not a kind person."

Zoro said calmly: "Forget it if you can't figure it out. I'm not interested anyway. Why don't you just kill him and save yourself a lot of trouble."

"Well said, you do it." Sanji glanced at him and said.

"Are you kidding? I never kill anyone who has no ability to resist. It's better for you to do it. Aren't you the best at taking care of rotten fish and shrimps?"

Sanji was furious: "What? How dare you say that to me? If you can, don't eat my food in the future!"

"Where did I mention you? I was talking about him!"

"I don't care who you say, anyway, I'm not dealing with rotten fish and shrimps."

"Are you being unreasonable? Curly eyebrows?"

"You're the one who's being unreasonable, right? Seaweed Head?"

Chopper looked helplessly at the two people who were pinching together again, and had no choice but to turn his attention to Luffy, hoping that the captain would take responsibility.


"Hahahaha, these shoes are so interesting! They can actually skate on the water, it's incredible!"

At some point, Luffy took off the masked monster's strange shoes and put them on himself.

At this time, we were running back and forth on the sea, having a great time.

Usopp looked at it with envy, and shouted anxiously from the side: "Luffy, come back quickly, let me play too!"

"No! I haven't had enough fun yet. Hahahaha!"

"L-Luffy!! Oh no! Luffy fell into the sea!"

"That idiot!" Sanji yelled, and without saying a word, he jumped into the sea and fished out the idiot captain.

"Pfft!" Luffy spit out a large amount of water and said weakly, "Thank you, Sanji."

"Are you an idiot? Do you know that you are a landlubber? Don't mess around on the sea!" Sanji pulled his ears and roared.

"Yes, sorry."

Sanji was still angry, threw Luffy down, turned around and asked: "Sammy, what should we do now? How should we deal with this person?"

"Keep him and tie him up with a rope."

Nami on the side immediately shouted: "Stay? Sammy, are you crazy? Such a dangerous guy stays on the ship, what if something happens! Don't you know I'm weak?"

"Then what do you say?"

"Of course I threw him into those clouds," Nami responded immediately.

"Okay, Miss Nami!" Without saying a word, Sanji kicked the masked monster away.

"Wait a minute! I haven't finished talking yet," Sami shouted, and then asked Nami, "What happened after you threw him down?"

"Of course I should leave as soon as possible and stay far away from him."


"Of course, yes..." Nami choked up mid-sentence.

This was an empty island with no familiar people and no map. She didn't know where she was going.

Sami smiled and said: "Look, you are stupid. This guy is the only Sky Islander we have seen so far. I still want to keep him to get some information."

Nami naturally wanted to get information, but this guy's brutal behavior just now really scared her.

I don't want to leave this guy on the boat at this moment.

"I don't care. For the safety of my life, this guy must stay away from the Melly."

Nami said decisively, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Sammy scratched his head with a headache. This was going to be difficult.

"How about leaving this guy to the old man?"

An old voice suddenly came from above the Meili.

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