Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 151 Descendants of Nolando

Looking at the fainted bird in his hands, which was still tied up, Sami finally felt relieved.

"Look how arrogant you are now!" Sami was filled with joy.

He threw Nannan Mitori on his back and walked back to the road with long strides, preparing to meet Luffy and Usopp.

Compared to finding birds, it was a hundred times easier to find those two guys in the forest.

Before Sammy had gone far, he heard the shouting of the two idiots coming from the forest.

"Come on, Usopp's battleship, kill it!" This is Usopp's voice.

Then came Luffy: "Don't lose, Big Pincer! You are the man who wants to become the Bug Fighting King!"

"Luffy! Yours seems to be a female."

"Ah? Well then, Pliers, quickly become the Bug Fighting Queen!" Luffy was not discouraged and stretched out his hand again and shouted.

That's right, the two guys each caught a beetle, and now they were facing each other, head to head, playing a game of fighting bugs.

Judging from their serious expressions, they didn't even notice that Sammy had walked behind them.

"Luffy, we should go back." Sami looked at the darkening sky and said to Luffy.

"No, Sammy, I haven't decided the winner with Usopp yet." Luffy said without raising his head.

"That's right, Sammy, don't you see that we are having fun?" Usopp was also very excited, "Do you want to try it too?"

"Try? I didn't catch any bugs? Do you want to give me the Atlas in your hand?"

"Don't even think about it! I won't give this to anyone!"

Usopp protected his beloved and looked coldly at Sami.

Luffy seemed worried that Sammy would come to snatch his things, so he actually stuffed the beetle into his mouth to protect it.

"Don't do weird things! Is that edible?"

Sammy slapped Luffy on the back of the head, "I won't steal your bugs, you idiot."

Luffy was stunned by Sammy's slap. He swallowed hard and swallowed what was in his mouth.

"Eat it!" Usopp was shocked, grabbed Luffy's neck and shook it, "Spit it out! Spit it out quickly."

Sami was also shocked: "Usopp is right! Luffy, spit it out! What should you do if it's poisonous?"

Usopp was still shouting: "Luffy! How could you eat such a precious thing!"

"Spit it out quickly! If you die, I will never be done with you!"

"So you're worried about bugs!" Sammy blurted out.

Seeing that Luffy didn't respond after shaking it for a long time, Usopp immediately took out a white dagger from somewhere.

He said seriously: "Well, in that case, I can only cut open your stomach."

"Don't blame me Luffy, I will try not to touch your intestines, hehehehehe."

His eerie look startled Luffy, and the Straw Hat boy broke away immediately and ran wildly out of the forest.

"No! Usopp is going to kill someone!" Luffy screamed as he ran.

Usopp held the dagger and imitated Crocodile's laughter while chasing Luffy calmly.

The two men ran and chased each other, causing mischief all the way to Montblanc's residence.

At this time, the Naomis had already met their owner, Uncle Montblanc, and a group of people were having a banquet.

Even Montblanc's men and the two leaders of the Ape Mountain United Army were also there, and the group of people was enjoying themselves.

Luffy panicked and stepped on the fire that was rising at the door, kicking over the soup pot that was cooking on the grill.

Fortunately, Sanji's quick eyesight and quick hands caught the food without spilling it.

"Luffy! You should know that I hate wasting food."

Sanji's expression completely changed, and his entire body was filled with anger and clouds.

"I'm sorry, Sanji...I..."

"Go to hell and repent!" Sanji kicked him directly.

"It's okay to come back so late from playing. If you still dare to act like this, I'll kick you to death!"

"Ah!!!" The unlucky Luffy had just escaped Usopp's pursuit, but was about to be beaten violently by Sanji.

"Wait a minute!" Nami yelled suddenly.

"What's wrong? Miss Nami." Sanji's raised long legs suddenly stopped in mid-air.

"Sanji, don't hit people indiscriminately. I don't think Luffy did it on purpose."

As soon as Nami's words came out, everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the violent navigator would one day persuade others to calm down.

Chopper and Zoro opened their mouths wide, their faces full of disbelief.

"Okay, Miss Nami, since it's you who begged for mercy, I won't be angry." Sanji immediately gave up his position.

"I knew it." Zoro said he was no longer surprised.

"That's right. Friends should get along well with each other." Nami smiled and touched Sanji's head.

The lustful chef had never tasted such a gift before, and all the bones in his body were numb.

He fell at Nami's feet and enjoyed his master's caress like a dog.

"Sanji!" Chopper was shocked, "Sanji, what's wrong with you? Your heartbeat is too fast, it will explode!"

"Leave him alone and let him die."

Zoro grabbed Chopper who was about to go for first aid, then turned to ask Nami: "You are protecting Luffy like this, don't you have other motives?"

"Don't say that, I just don't like violence." Nami said pretending to be reserved.

Zoro obviously didn't believe it.

Nami immediately couldn't pretend any longer: "Of course, I'm a little concerned about that Atlas or something. Didn't Sami say it's very valuable? Don't let Sanji break it."

"Sure enough, this is your purpose!" Zoro said matter-of-factly.

Nami smiled shyly, turned around and asked Luffy gently: "Captain, have you found Atlas?"

"Yeah! Usopp and I caught both, and we even played together."

"What? Since you caught it, why don't you send it back to me quickly? You actually have fun with it!"

Nami was about to get angry, but she held it back immediately, and then she pretended to be gentle and asked.

"Where is that thing now? Take it out and show it to me."

"No more, I swallowed it." Luffy said with a smile.

"D-Swallowed it?" Nami blinked, expressing her incomprehension.

"Well, I just ate it."


"Ah!! You actually ate something as precious as the Great Secret Treasure!!!" Nami's eyes immediately turned blood red.

"Hmm~~It's not delicious at all."

"You have the nerve to say that!!! I'm going to strangle you to death!!" Nami pounced on the food and instantly turned into an Asura from Hell.

"I'm sorry!!" Although Luffy didn't know why Nami was so angry, he had already developed the habit of apologizing.

"Ah! I'm so pitiful. I finally got so close to the big secret treasure, but I didn't expect that the cooked duck flew away again."

Nami sat down on the ground and pretended to cry.

"What! Nami, do you want to see Atlas? I have some here too, let's see them for you."

After Usopp, who had just returned, learned the reason for Nami's crying, he immediately generously showed his treasure to Nami.

"Usopp! Thank you so much... Bugs!!" Nami's originally excited face turned pale the moment she saw Bugs!

She screamed and punched Usopp, causing Usopp to vomit blood and fly away.


Usopp, with a bruised nose and swollen face and a few missing teeth, fell to the ground and twitched while subconsciously apologizing.

"Sammy!" Nami glared. If looks could kill, Sammy would have been reincarnated eight times.

"Didn't you say that Atlas is as precious as the Great Secret Treasure? How could it be a bug?"

Sammy dug his ears and said, "It's as precious as the Great Secret Treasure, isn't it Luffy?"

"Yes! Atlas is the best!" Luffy said with a smile.

"I shouldn't believe your lies!"

Nami was so angry that she walked aside and sat down angrily.

Montblanc, the orangutan and the orangutan next to him jumped and moved to the side to avoid being accidentally injured.

"What a scary little girl." Montblanc couldn't help but sigh while smoking.

Only then did Luffy realize that there was someone else here. He immediately tilted his head and asked, "Uncle, who are you?"

"It's too slow!" the orangutan and the ape said in surprise.

"Hahahaha, it seems I haven't introduced myself yet."

Montblanc didn't care, but laughed and said, "My name is Montblanc Couriquet, and I am a man who was expelled because of his dreams."

"Being expelled because of a dream?" Luffy didn't know why, "How strange."

"Is it strange? Maybe." Montblanc said indifferently.

"Compared to my life experience, this is nothing."

"After all, I am a descendant of the famous 'Big Liar Nolando', and the fate of being rejected and ridiculed runs through my blood."

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