Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 141 About Domineering Ambition


The system's beep sounded again, indicating that Sami had once again obtained an experience star.

He quickly opened the system interface.

"The Twelve Talisman System:

Name: Sammy


Experience bar: 18%

Already have experience stars: 2"

After a series of battles in Hannabal, Sami accumulated two more experience stars.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to continue upgrading the existing spells.

After all, for now, his spell combination is very reasonable, and his fighting method has been fixed.

If you rashly extract new spells, not only will your combat power not be greatly improved, but it may destroy the existing balance of power.

"Choose to upgrade the Tiger Talisman!" Sammy said.

An experience star was immediately shattered, and soon the original lv.1 tiger talisman immediately became lv.2.

Sammy has never upgraded the Tiger Talisman since he drew it.

This time he made the decision to upgrade driven by curiosity, and he himself felt a little uneasy.

After all, the ability of the Tiger Talisman is too special, and the upgrade routes of other talismans can be predicted, but it has no clue at all.

"Tiger Talisman lv.2

1. You can use the Tiger Talisman to balance the power of two or more talismans so that they do not conflict with each other and can be used at the same time.

2. You can directly soul-bind the spell you already own.The bound charm will not be lost, stolen or destroyed..."

There was no difference between the first two functions and the lv.1 level. Sami ignored them and focused directly on the third one.

"3 You can use the lv.2 tiger talisman to balance the three dimensions of your own energy and spirit and accelerate the development of domineering power!"


Sammy was startled and checked again!

That's right!

It's domineering!

The lv.2 tiger charm can actually promote the development of domineering?

What kind of heaven-defying ability is this?

Sami quickly felt the power of the Tiger Talisman, and soon he understood the reason.

It turns out that Talisman believes that everyone's body has various abilities, which can be summarized as essence, energy, and spirit.

Jing refers to physical fitness, Qi refers to endurance and vitality, and Shen refers to will and thinking.

In the same person, all abilities are strong or weak.For example, Sammy is currently strong in essence but weak in energy, and his mind is the worst.

A perfect person should be balanced and consistent in three dimensions, but Sammy has highs and lows. This is a manifestation of uneven abilities.

The ability of the Tiger Talisman is to learn from each other's strong points and try to make Sammy's ability table more balanced.

There is only one purpose for doing this, and that is to develop domineering energy.

In other words, the Tiger Talisman will continuously nourish and harmonize Sami's body, gradually bringing the energy, energy and spirit into balance.

When the time comes, Sammy will naturally master Haki.

This process can be long or short, and there is no fixed timetable.

"But this is enough." Sammy murmured to himself, unable to conceal his excitement.

How long!

How long has he been looking forward to being domineering!Now that I have finally found a correct path, it will be enough to just keep going!

What else is there to complain about?

Sure enough, my power comes from the spell system. If I want to go further, I still have to continue to rely on the power of the system.

"The Twelve Talisman System:

Name: Sammy


Experience bar: 18%

Already have experience stars: 1"

Looking at the latest information on the system interface, Sami slowly gathered his emotions.Taking a deep breath, Sami closed the system interface.

After his consciousness returned to reality, Sami immediately felt slightly different from before.

The body becomes lighter and the mind becomes clearer.

My whole body felt indescribably comfortable and full of energy.

"Is this the power of the Tiger Talisman? It's so obvious that it's so amazing!" Sami couldn't help but sigh.

There was obviously no increase in strength, but Sami still felt that he was stronger than before!

Sammy nodded with satisfaction, opened the door and stepped out.

Outside the door is the deck, where the Straw Hats are gathering.

However, they were not fighting at this time. Instead, they all looked up at the sky, as if they were looking at something.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing that they were fascinated, Sami asked.

As soon as he saw Sammy, Luffy first shouted: "Hey! Sammy, come and see! There's something fun!"


"It's raining! It's raining wood!"

"Muyu?" Sammy looked up strangely.

At this time, the sky was clear and the visual conditions were excellent.When Sami looked up, he saw a lot of wood fragments falling from the sky.

These pieces of wood seemed to have fallen from a very high place, falling very fast, and hitting the deck with a clanking sound.

Usopp and Chopper were so frightened that they were jumping around and hiding.

"This is..." Sami seemed to realize something, and his whole body suddenly trembled!

His expression changed drastically, and when he looked up again, he saw that the originally sunny sky was now gloomy.

It’s not because it’s raining;

A huge shipwreck, like a dark cloud covering the sky, is falling from a high altitude!

"Danger! Run!" Sammy yelled!

Others also discovered this situation, and their mouths grew wide, and their eyes flew out of their sockets in fear.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Sami immediately summoned a mosasaurus to pull the boat.Sanji and Zoro also reacted and quickly shook the oars as hard as they could.

In this thrilling moment, the big ship in the sky almost brushed against the hull of the Meili and slammed into the sea.

Huge waves rolled up like a tsunami, and the Meili was like a leaf.

Swinging with the waves on the wrinkled sea, the ship's hull screamed amidst the violent shaking.

After a long, calm moment, Sammy took back the mosasaurus.

Everyone on the boat was in shock. Usopp was shaking all over, his teeth chattering and making a rattling sound.

"It's so scary! It's really scary!"

Nami also looked at the wreckage of the ship that was slowly sinking in front of her with an ugly expression.

She asked with lingering fear: "What is going on? Why are ships falling from the sky!"

"C-could it be a flying ship? Have we encountered a flying ship?" Luffy's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

This guy seemed to have discovered some treasure. He jumped up and down excitedly and quickly climbed up the side of the ship with his hands and feet.

"What are you going to do? Luffy?" Zoro had a bad look on his face.

"Adventure! Adventure!" Luffy laughed loudly, "I'm going to go up there and take a look. Maybe there will be an angel!"

"Really?" Chopper believed Luffy's silly words again.

"Yes, yes, since it is a flying spaceship, of course the crew members are angels." Luffy said matter-of-factly.

"I want to go too, Luffy! I also want to see angels." Chopper also climbed up the fence and stood with Luffy, jumping up and down.

"Please wake up!" Nami yelled, "This ship doesn't look like a spaceship! Look at how broken its hull is!"

"What does that have to do with it? It might be an abandoned spaceship."

Luffy said nonchalantly, "Sanji! Pirate bento! Hurry up, I'm going on an adventure!"

"Idiot! That ship has sunk to the bottom of the sea! Do you, a landlubber, want to die?"

"Ah! It really sank!"

Luffy then realized that while he was speaking, the wreckage of the ship had completely sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Now only its dark shadow can be seen through the sea water.

"I don't care, I don't care, I'm going to take risks. Shipwrecks on the bottom of the sea are the most interesting!"

"Don't make trouble unreasonably, I won't let you go." Nami said decisively.

"But there might be treasures inside!"

"Usopp! Prepare your diving suit immediately. Didn't you see that our captain is waiting impatiently?"

Nami's attitude changed 180 degrees.

"I think you care about treasure!" Usopp complained.

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