Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 136 Naval Fortress

When Luffy saw Sammy coming back, he jumped up in anger.

"Sammy! You defeated them all, what should I do? I haven't made a move yet!"

Sami laughed and advised: "Don't worry, Captain, you are our general, of course you have to save your strength to deal with that guy Gaspardi!"

"Really? Do you want the best for me?"


"Hehe, it turns out you were thinking about me. Thank you Sammy, I'm not angry anymore."

Sami broke into a cold sweat, this guy was still so easy to deceive.

Luffy, who had regained his mood, jumped to the bow of the ship and saw that the Merry was about to climb to the top of the hillside.

He immediately shouted in surprise: "Everyone, we have reached the top of the mountain!"

"The top of the mountain! Doesn't that mean..."

Usopp and Nami looked at each other, as if they thought of some bad news.

Then, just as they expected, the Meili suddenly fell rapidly!

Who would have thought that this mountain-climbing waterway would be cut off when it reaches the highest point, leaving only a waterfall with a drop of several hundred meters!

"Ah! Help! Someone help me!"

"This is completely different from Upside Down Mountain! People will die!"

Usopp and Nami hugged each other and cried.

Sami immediately gave command: "Chopper, hold the rudder steady and don't yaw! If it falls outside the water, the entire Mellie will be shattered!"

"Understood!" Chopper shouted, "Sanji, come and help!"

The cook immediately dodged over and hugged the rudder with Chopper, turning it hard to the left. The Merry immediately corrected its course to the left.

"Nami, pterosaur!"


Three pterosaurs suddenly appeared, pulling the Meili and rushing straight towards the waterway below. Only a roar was heard, water splashed everywhere, and the Meili landed smoothly!

"Hahahahaha! It's so funny. Let's do it again, Sammy!" Luffy clapped his hands and shouted heartlessly.

"No! Isn't it good to live?" Usopp and Nami raised their hands to refuse.

"What? It's obviously so fun."

"It's not fun at all! I told you that you shouldn't come to this competition." Usopp muttered to himself.

"I was scolded at first, and just now I fell from a height. I wonder what else I will encounter later?"

"Really, if a pirate competes in such a big battle, isn't he afraid of being discovered by the navy?"

At this point, Usopp suddenly woke up, his face changed drastically, he bowed in all directions, and muttered something.

"Dear gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, I am just kidding. Never come to the navy, especially the navy fleet..."

"Ah! Navy fleet!" Luffy suddenly shouted!

"What?" Usopp jumped three feet high like a frightened rabbit.

He dodged and hid behind, and carefully stuck his head out to observe, but unfortunately the sea was calm.

Except for the pirate ships sailing at full speed, there is no shadow of a warship.


"Hahahaha, Usopp, you are too timid!"

"I'll strangle you to death!" Usopp had never experienced such a shameful humiliation. He rushed forward and fought Luffy desperately, and the two of them got into a fight.

"You two, please stop making trouble!" Nami's face was full of impatience.

Robin noticed something strange and asked, "What's wrong? Miss Navigator?"

"Hmm~ I feel something is wrong with the weather. It seems like it's going to fog up and a heavy rain is coming." Nami looked up at the sky and said worriedly.

"Fog? How can there be fog with such a strong wind?"

Sauron was about to refute, but then the magical weather system of the Grand Line taught him a lesson.

I saw large areas of dark clouds suddenly stacking up on the sea that was originally clear and clear.

Clumps of mist gathered from all directions, like someone hanging layers of tulle on the sea.

For a moment, nothing could be seen.

"Is it really foggy?" Zoro was startled, and once again sighed in his heart at Nami's sensitivity to the weather.

Sanji looked around and said, "The fog is too thick. I can't see other ships clearly."

"Don't be careless, they should still be nearby." Sammy reminded.

Usopp quickly pulled down the telescope on his head, adjusted the magnification and looked around: "The fog is too thick, I can't see anything, I can only see the faint shadow of the ship."

"What should we do next?" Chopper asked the key question.

"What do you need to say? Of course, keep moving forward!" Luffy naturally couldn't back down and said still full of enthusiasm.

Sammy and the others looked at each other and knew that this was the best thing to do.What's more, there is thick fog all around, so it's not safe to go back.

The Meili continued to move forward. At this time, the wind had weakened and the ship's speed suddenly dropped.

It seems that even it knows that it needs to be careful about the current situation.

Sammy told everyone to spread out around the ship in case something unexpected happened.

Sure enough, after a while, Usopp, who had the best eyesight, was the first to notice something strange.

"Come and see, this ship, this ship..."

"What's wrong, Usopp?" Everyone gathered around quickly.

"Look at this ship." Usopp did not answer, but pointed forward with a horrified expression.

Sammy turned around and looked, only to see a ship quietly listening on the sea not far away, a ship that had just experienced a brutal battle.

All the white sails were destroyed, the hull was full of holes punched out by cannons, and clumps of flames on the deck were swaying in the wind like weeds.

What's more, the ship was filled with dead bodies, from bow to stern, from mast to deck.Corpses littered the fields and rivers of blood flowed.

"What a tragedy! The ship looked like it was destroyed in an instant by huge firepower."

"It's impossible. No one except the navy can possess such huge firepower."

"What if it's the Navy?"

"Impossible. This is a death contest. The confidentiality is very good. It has not been discovered by the navy for decades."

"Really? Do you really think the Navy is so easy to deceive and so incompetent?" Sammy said.

"As pirates, the navy will always be our biggest enemy. If we despise such a maritime overlord, we will not be far from death."

"But wasn't the route of this competition decided by lot last night by the organizer? Can this be faked?" Nami asked in disbelief.

Last night, she saw with her own eyes the toad-faced man from the organizer mixing dozens of notes with different routes written on them.

Then one is randomly drawn to determine today's game route.

With this kind of randomness, even the organizers themselves can't know where the pirates will gather in advance, right?What's more, what about the navy?

“It doesn’t matter where the route is, what matters is where the destination is!”

"What?" Nami was stunned.

Robin reacted immediately, his face changed and he said: "Miss Navigator, show me the permanent pointer!"

She was referring to the one she got from the organizers.

As soon as Robin took it, he examined it carefully and soon discovered something strange.

She took out the dagger she carried with her and pried it at the nameplate representing the address on the permanent pointer.

The nameplate immediately fell down, revealing the real place name underneath.

Robin couldn't help but scream softly.

"What's wrong? Robin?"

Robin showed the new address to everyone and murmured: "I am familiar with this address. It is the naval fortress closest to Hannabal!"

"What!" the Straw Hats shouted together!

What answered them was a sudden burst of deafening shelling!

Sami judged from the sound alone that there were at least five hundred cannons!

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