Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 115 Pinhole Cameras

"At first you said that you came to Nalohara to seek a living from a poor family, so I kindly took you in, but I didn't expect that you were actually the king."

"How many beautiful wives and concubines you have in your harem are not enough for you to cause trouble to you, so you still want to provoke me, a yellow flower girl."

"It's pity that I, an 18-year-old beautiful girl, have been ruined by a 48-year-old rotten old man like you."

The orange-haired girl became more and more sad as she spoke, and the desire of the onlookers to gossip became stronger and stronger.

They had completely forgotten what "Cobra" had just said, and they all stared at the show with wide eyes.

Xiao Feng was also numb.

He has never seen such a battle before. He is not a shemale and he doesn't like women.

This unplanned change caught him off guard, and he became stammering when speaking.

"I didn't, you, you're talking nonsense! Nujia... No, I have never done such a thing."

"You still said no." The orange-haired girl became angry when she heard this. "If there was no such thing, would I, a woman, use my innocence to frame you in public?"

"Ah? Please give me your opinion."

"Yes! This girl is so beautiful, you can't tell lies at first glance."

"That's right! You are a king, you are so talented, why do you still do this kind of thing!"

"It's just that it's so immoral that I'm embarrassed to hear it. Don't be afraid, little girl, just say more and we can criticize him together."

Xiao Feng saw that things were getting more and more out of control. He originally came to frame others, but ended up being framed by others. What should he do?

"you you you……"

"What's wrong with me? Did I say something wrong?"

"I, I, I..."

"What am I, you are talking!"

"Yes, tell me!"

The onlookers began to boo.



Wave after wave.

The abuse and denunciation made Xiao Feng sweat like rain, his face became increasingly ugly, and his anger and shame made him completely lose his mind.

"Just say it! The slave is a girl! How could you do something like that to her!"

Unable to bear it, Xiao Feng shouted out, his voice echoing throughout the world.

Also in his rage, he could no longer control his ability to transform and returned to his original appearance.

The onlookers were stunned.

"No!" Xiao Feng covered his mouth, realizing that the secret was revealed.

Nami immediately smiled wickedly: "You have been fooled."

Xiao Feng was shocked and immediately waved his arms and shouted: "No, no, you are wrong. The Nu family is not a transvestite."

"My family is Kobra, yes, I am your king."

He reverted back to his appearance as a king in an attempt to cover up the past.

But the people are not blind, how could they forget the impactful scene just now.

"Asshole! Who the hell are you?"

"How dare you pretend to be the king, how audacious!"

"Pretending to be the king to deceive the people and tarnish the image of His Majesty Kobra, aren't you afraid of being executed?"

No matter how stupid the people are, they still know what is going on in today's incident.

They all angrily accused him and wanted to catch Xiao Feng and torture him.

Seeing the crowd surrounding him, Xiao Feng was completely panicked. He kept retreating, hoping to find a way out.

"Damn it, it's all this woman's fault. If it weren't for her... By the way, wouldn't this woman be..."

Xiao Feng immediately thought that because of his excitement just now, he didn't even recognize who the woman in front of him was.

Thinking about it calmly now, isn't she the navigator he once met on the Straw Hat crew's ship?

Although she had put on makeup, her orange hair had not changed.

"Damn it, are you from the Straw Hats? Your name is Nami, right?"

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately there is no reward." Nami stuck out her tongue at him and made a face.

"Damn it, you guy, you actually dare to ruin my mission!" Xiao Feng said angrily.

"Watch me catch you and send you to Xiao0-chan to atone for your sins."

Xiao Feng couldn't care anymore at this time and started attacking Nami directly.

"Shemale Boxing · Gorgeous Swan Dance"


Sanji appeared in time and raised his leg to block Xiao Feng's attack.

"Hey, you stinky shemale, you actually want to attack Miss Nami, are you looking for death?"

"Where did you come from?" Xiao Feng said angrily when he saw that his attack was ineffective.

"What do you mean, you guy actually led us around in circles."

"It doesn't matter if you are tired. Miss Nami is busy working so hard. Let's see how I take care of you."

Sanji threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, loosened his tie, and prepared to take action.

"Damn it, what nonsense are you talking about? I don't have time to talk nonsense with you," Xiao Feng said.

"The mission has not been completed. It's no joke that Xiao0-chan is angry. The matter must be resolved immediately."

As he spoke, he turned to the escort behind him and said, "Hey, miss.doublefinger, I'll leave this man to you. I'll catch the woman first."

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman wearing a guard uniform walked out of the crowd. She twisted her body exaggeratedly as she walked, looking very awkward.

"Wow! Where did this beautiful and sexy big sister come from!" Sanji, who was originally about to take action, immediately lost his fighting spirit when he saw this woman.

Nami yelled: "Careful, Sanji, that's the miss.doublefinger from Baroque Studio."


Just as Sanji was about to reply, a sharp thorn came straight towards his head.

"Trampled by thorns"

"not good."


Rain feast.

As soon as Luffy and Chopper escaped from the secret room, they came to the street.

At this time, the originally bustling Yudi Street was deserted, and not even half a person could be seen on the street.

"Wow, where has everyone gone? Are you playing hide and seek?" Luffy put up a tent with his hands and looked around.

Chopper quickly shouted: "Don't be in a daze, Luffy climb up quickly."

"Wow! Pterodactyl, why are you here?" Luffy exclaimed exaggeratedly.

A Fengshen pterosaur was parked on the road, with two saddles on its back, and Chopper was sitting on the saddle in front of it.

"Sammy summoned it before he came." Chopper patted the pterosaur on the head and said happily.

"We can use it to quickly reach the rebel base camp."

"So that's it. Sammy can really think of anything."

Luffy jumped onto the saddle behind him.

"Sit down, let's go."

Chopper shouted, and the Fengshen Pterodactyl rose from the ground, its huge wings like two dark clouds, bringing up gusts of wind.

"Awesome! We are flying in the sky!" Luffy shouted excitedly, his voice echoing in the sky.

"Luffy, don't yell, be careful of falling." Chopper shouted while firmly holding on to the reins.

"No...ah! It's going to fall."

Luffy was blown off the saddle by a sudden gust of wind.

Fortunately, he had quick eyesight and quick hands. He stretched out his arms to grab the pterosaur's feet and hung it directly in the air.

"Ah!" Chopper stared, "Don't move, Luffy."

"It's okay, it's okay, hehehe." Luffy said with a heartless smile.

Soon, he quickly climbed onto the back of the pterosaur again. At this time, he was honest and didn't move anymore.

"Chopper, why are we looking for Zoro? Sammy didn't tell me."

"Of course I'm going to send evidence." Chopper said with a smile, "Vivi's father is negotiating with the leader of the rebels. If there is not enough evidence, the rebels will not believe what the king says."

"What evidence?"

"This is it." Chopper took off a button from his clothes. "Sammy said this is called a pinhole camera, and he installed it on me in advance."

"It contains the images of Crocodile admitting the crimes he committed. Just show this to the leader of the rebels, and he will understand."

"Really? Amazing!"

"Well, Sammy deliberately lured Crocodile into telling the truth when he was inside. He is really smart."

"You are also very powerful, Chopper. You did all the recorded things, right?" Luffy said distressedly, "I am the only one who doesn't know anything, and Sami doesn't tell me either."

"You idiot, stop praising me. I'm not happy at all." Chopper clapped his hands shyly.

"You don't look unhappy at all." Luffy frowned, then clapped his hands loudly and said, "Very good, I've decided."


"Since you are all doing your best to help Weiwei, I can't just sit back and watch." Luffy said seriously.

"I'm going to find Crocodile right now and beat him away to save this country."

"But Luffy..."

"Nothing to worry about. Chopper, you can complete the mission by yourself, right?"

"Yes, I want to be a man."

"Okay, I'll leave this incredible thing to you, and I'll go rescue Sammy."

As soon as Luffy finished speaking, he jumped off the back of the pterosaur and soon fell on the beach and disappeared.

"Luffy, are you okay?" Chopper quickly controlled the pterosaur to descend and shouted nervously toward the ground.

"I'm fine." Luffy jumped out of the sand quickly and ran forward.


"Don't worry, Chopper, I will definitely rescue Sammy." Luffy smiled confidently.

"No! You ran in the wrong direction! Albana is over there!"


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