Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 113 Dreams and Laughter

"Hahahaha." Sand Crocodile's laughter echoed in the room.

"You two want to join forces to defeat me? The plan I have worked hard on for so many years will not be destroyed easily by two mice."

Sami smiled: "Putting your so-called dream of climbing to the top on a mythical legend. In the final analysis, you are the short-sighted guy."

"Pluto is real!"

"Whether it's real or fake, it doesn't matter if that kind of thing can destroy the entire world. After all, it's just a dead thing."

Sami said, "Dead things can be easily obtained and lost easily. The world government has ruled the sea for 800 years. Does it rely on weapons that can destroy the world?"

Sammy stared at the sand crocodile.

From this moment, he felt that the guy in front of him who was known as a hero was actually nothing more than that.

Really looking forward to Sand Crocodile in two years.

At that time, he won over Hawkeye, organized the Cross Union, and stirred up a new storm in the new world. Only then did he truly live up to his reputation as a hero.

And now this guy is just a fool who got sick and went to the hospital indiscriminately in order to make a comeback after being defeated by Whitebeard.

"Your ambition is dead. No matter what you do now, you will eventually fail."

Sami turned his back on the guests and actually walked up to him, stared at the livid face of the sand crocodile, and spoke word by word.

"Because, what can make people move forward is dreams, what can rule the world is laughter, and you have neither of these two things."

"Laughing? Hahahahaha, it's really ridiculous." The sand crocodile laughed angrily.

He suddenly punched the railing, shattering the sea stone that Luffy had tried so hard to destroy before.

"Good opportunity! Rubber rubber pistol!"

Luffy, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately attacked.

"Arc Moon Sand Dunes!"

The Sand Crocodile didn't panic at all. With a wave of his right hand, an arc of sand swept across the entire prison, hitting all the people inside.

Luffy fell to the ground, the water in his body was quickly sucked out, turning into a dry mummy.

The sand crocodile grabbed Sammy who was about to fall to the ground, pinched his neck and lifted him up in the air.

"I don't want to waste any more words with you. Since you don't believe it, I'll let you see with your own eyes how I got Pluto step by step and completed my plan."

Sami grabbed his hands and tried hard to escape, but the Sand Crocodile's right hand was like steel, and it didn't move at all.

"S-Sammy! Let him go! What do you want to do to my partner!"

Luffy struggled to get up from the ground and stumbled towards the Sand Crocodile, hoping to fight again.

"Desert Sword!"


Luffy was slashed to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"L-Luffy!" Sammy stretched out his hand towards Luffy, who could hardly breathe.

"Don't waste your efforts. I won't let him die easily."

The sand crocodile snapped his fingers, and the surrounding walls suddenly flooded into the turbulent seawater, and several crocodiles struggled to swim in from the seawater.

"Sea, sea water?" Luffy reluctantly raised his head and looked at it feebly.

"Enjoy everything that comes next." Sand Crocodile said coldly, dragging Sami and turning around to leave.

"Sammy, put him down!"

Luffy tried to get up, but the water submerged his legs, and a feeling of weakness spread throughout his body, and he fell back into the water with a plop.

"Sammy! Sammy!"

Luffy struggled and watched as the sand crocodile snatched Sammy away until he disappeared.

"Chopper! Chopper!"

"Luffy, I, I have no strength anymore." Chopper cried while struggling in the sea water.

"Don't move, I'll save you!"




A secret area of ​​the palace.

Vivi, Zoro and Usopp, who arrived after a long journey, met King Kobra and the Kingdom Guard Captain Ikarem, who had been waiting for a long time.


As soon as Weiwei saw Cobra, she immediately rushed towards him and couldn't stop her tears from flowing out.

"Weiwei, my daughter." Cobra also shed tears of excitement, "You have suffered these days. It is your useless father who actually wants you to endure all this."


The heartwarming scene of father and daughter meeting again was truly touching. Not only Bell and Icarem, but also Usopp was moved to tears.

"I said, now is not the time for mother-in-law and mother-in-law. We still have business to do."

Zoro couldn't stand this kind of scene, so he had to forcefully try to divert his attention.

Usopp hit him on the head with a knife: "Idiot, don't ruin the atmosphere of such a touching scene."

After adjusting his mood, Kobra was worthy of being a king. He was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he spoke to Sauron very gently.

"You must be Mr. Sammy that my daughter has always mentioned. He is indeed a quick talker. He is extraordinary at first sight and has been admired for a long time."

"Dad, this is Mr. Sauron." Weiwei reminded her father and smiled sheepishly at Sauron.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry." Cobra reacted immediately, turned to Usopp and said, "I guess you are Mr. Sammy that my daughter has always mentioned. He is indeed a fast man..."

"Dad, this is Usopp. Can you look at the person clearly before you speak? Mr. Sami is not here."

"Hahahaha, sorry, sorry, I can't help myself when I see all the young heroes." Kobra said with a smile, not feeling embarrassed at all.

Weiwei covered her face with shame.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. I'm not here to command Sami." Usopp had caught the opportunity to show off and immediately started bragging about himself.

"My name is Usopp. People call me the great Captain Usopp. I am a great pirate with 8000 million subordinates, and..."

"Fake." Cobra said expressionlessly.

"Ah! I've been seen through!" Usopp quickly made up for it, "Actually, actually, my subordinates don't have 8000 million, but 8000 billion, that's right..."


"I was seen through again." Usopp looked downcast.

"Usopp, stop talking nonsense." Zoro pulled away his depressed long nose and said to Kobra.

"Uncle, we don't have much time. Let's leave quickly. I don't want to disrupt Sammy's plan."

If it's delayed, I don't know what that scheming man will do to me.

Zoro shuddered at the thought of being hacked to death while sleeping, caught in a mousetrap while walking, or poisoned while drinking.

"Yes, yes, let's set off quickly. There is still a long way to go from the base camp of the civilian army."

"Military Army? Shouldn't it be the rebels?" Usopp asked curiously.

"No, Mr. Usopp, those people just had to resist because they couldn't survive anymore. It was me who was wrong in this matter."

"As a king, I cannot let them live a life of laughter. How can I still have the dignity to call the desperate people rebels?"

Kobra said seriously.

Usopp blinked, unable to believe that a king would have such thoughts and ideas.

Wapol, you really deserve to die!

Sauron grinned.

He was not surprised by Kobra's attitude.

Sami repeatedly called this man a rare benevolent king, so Zoro naturally expected it.

In fact, if Kobra was not a benevolent and righteous man, the Straw Hats would never have interfered in this troubled waters.

After all, no one wants to confront a Shichibukai for no reason.

"Okay, Dad, let's go."

Weiwei saw that Bell and Ikarem had piled all the supplies on the sled again, but they were still trying their best to add more.

Ignoring the ugly expression on Humpback Beast's face, he immediately spoke to remind him.

"Okay, let's set off." Kobra said, walking to Humpback and showing a gentle smile, "You must be Mr. Humpback that my daughter has always mentioned. You are indeed a talented person..."


"Sorry, sorry, professional habit." Cobra laughed dryly and climbed onto the sled.

"Your Majesty, are you sure you don't want me to go with you? As the captain of the kingdom's guard, it would be really derelict of my duty to not be able to accompany you when you are in danger."

Icarim shed tears as he spoke.

"No, Icarim, this operation must be hidden and cannot be carried by many people." Kobra comforted, "What's more, you have worked hard before and you should take a good rest."

"Your Majesty the King." Ikarem burst into tears.

"Bell, please escort Ikarem back. During my absence, you have worked hard to disguise yourself."

"Yes, Your Majesty the King."

Seeing that they had finished explaining the matter, Usopp shook the reins, and the hump beast used its strength to eat and left.

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