Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 11 Teaching Luffy to Play Chess

After formally saying goodbye to Kerby, the small sailboat took advantage of the sunset and set off in the wind.

The sea is clear and the sand is white, and the orange sunset dyes the sea into a piece of dancing gold, as if it is a mysterious treasure under the sea exuding dazzling pearls.

Breathing the fresh air, Sami was in a good mood: "Where are we going next? Captain?"

"I don't know. Anyway, let's move forward." Luffy shouted, spreading his arms.

It doesn't matter where he goes, as long as he keeps moving forward, there are always endless adventures waiting for him.

Sauron felt the same way.

In the past, he had always been a loner, disdaining to interact with others and at the same time being afraid of others, so this feeling of walking with others made him feel very strange.

Of course, the reason why he doesn't know the direction may simply be because he is a road addict.

For now, Sammy still can't escape the boring job of steering the ship.

Find something to do.

"Hey, Luffy, do you want to come and play chess?" Sammy looked at Zoro who started to sleep as soon as he got on the boat and gave up on waking him up.

"Chess? What is it? Is it a kind of barbecue?"

"No, it's a chess game."

Luffy was even more puzzled: "What is chess? Is it a type of barbecue?"

"It's not food." Sami shook his head, "Sit still and listen to me."


"Chess is a game where two sides play against each other. There are a total of sixteen chess pieces on each side, red and black. For example, knight and bishop are two of them. Do you understand?"

"Got it, there's a horse and an elephant."


Luffy immediately cheered: "It's indeed barbecue!"

"It's not barbecue, idiot." Sammy felt that his mood, which was about to be relaxed, became even more irritable.


"Listen to the rules honestly. Soldiers can only move forward but not retreat. Chariots can only move in a straight line...horses can move along the sun...like flying fields..."

Sammy enthusiastically told Luffy the rules of the game, but Luffy was really quiet this time and didn't interrupt without saying a word.

Because he has fallen asleep very obediently.

Sami was furious when he discovered the truth.

"Wake up!" Sami grabbed Luffy's collar and shook him tightly. "Damn guy, you dare to fall asleep while I'm in class. It's simply unforgivable!"

"How can you become the Pirate King in the future with such a lazy and unlearned attitude? I must teach you how to play chess today!"

Someone's stubborn temper suddenly rose.

"Meat...meat...delicious." Luffy was talking in his sleep while breathing in snot bubbles.

No matter how much Sammy shook and slapped, he couldn't wake up.

"Very good, in that case, everyone should stop sleeping." Sami took a deep breath and shouted: "The swordsman is here with meat!"

"Sword hero?!"


Sauron immediately opened his eyes and pulled out three sabers at lightning speed.

Luffy jumped up and yelled: "Get out of the way, let me come, rubber meat grabber..."



"Sammy, help!" Luffy shouted.

In mid-air, for some reason, his head got stuck in the mouth of a big bird, and he couldn't get free no matter how hard he struggled, so Luffy was soon carried away by the big bird.

The only thing left in the sky was his cry for help, like a slaughtered pig.

Sami's jaw dropped in shock: "Damn! Is it such a coincidence?"

Zoro shouted: "What is this guy doing!"

"Stop talking and row quickly!"

After giving the order, Sauron and Sami shook the oars frantically, and the boat shot out like an arrow.

"What if this idiot falls into the sea!"

"It's all my fault, I completely forgot about this incident."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, we are about to be left behind."

"Speed ​​up!" Sami was about to cry, "How did I meet such a captain!"

"I have begun to regret agreeing to him. Who is this guy?"

"It's a fool."

"Sure enough, only fools would force others to board the ship." Zoro looked at Sami sympathetically, "As the first person to board the ship, how did you get deceived?"

Sami cried out: "Oh, I came here on my own initiative."


"Sure enough, no matter who you are, it's easy to be careless when chasing stars." Sami finally knew what a brainless fan is.

In the previous life, I was a Uimi for more than 20 years. In this life, I have been thinking about getting on Luffy's ship for more than 20 years, and it has almost become an obsession.

As a result, it takes 3 minutes to get on the boat and a lifetime to get off.

People still can't have dreams, otherwise they may regret it even if they come true.

"Hey, Sammy, look, there are three people bathing in the sea in front." Zoro said suddenly.

Sami, whose train of thought was interrupted, looked up: "That's..."

"Hey, help us, we were thrown overboard."

The three people on the other side shouted immediately when they saw a boat coming.

Sami reacted immediately: "Go and save people."

These three people are all crew members of the Bucky Pirates. With their guidance, Luffy should be found soon.

And with three more people rowing, I can take a break.After all, my frail body was as tired as a dog after just five minutes of paddling.

Sauron yelled at them: "It's too late to stop the ship, hurry up and climb out yourself."

After saying that, the whole boat crashed towards them.

"Hey! Wait a minute!"

"Asshole, do you want to hit us to death?"

"Quickly open!"

The ship passed quickly, and the three people actually used their agility to catch the speeding ship in the sea.

"Finally saved."

The three men climbed onto the boat tremblingly, and then immediately took out their knives.

"Hand over this ship immediately."

"We are Lord Bucky's crew. If we don't want to die, we will be captured without mercy."





"I'm sorry, two gentlemen, it's because we are blind, so please forgive us." The man with a bruised nose and swollen face spoke with force.

"Quick, I'll kill you if we don't reach Orange Town within an hour."

The three coolies were so frightened that they rowed their oars very fast and waved their arms like a whirlwind.

"Although Luffy is an idiot, he will definitely not land on the sea. The nearest island is Orange Town, and we will probably find him there."

Sami explained to Zoro that he knew where to find Luffy because he knew the plot well.

"Okay, I'll do as you say." Zoro nodded, "I hope that guy doesn't run too far."

"Since Bucky the Clown is on that island, Luffy will definitely go find him. After arriving in Orange Town, we can just go directly to Bucky's camp."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because our captain is a guy who will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't cause trouble." Sammy said, "I heard that Bucky is a vicious pirate who likes to bully civilians. If Luffy knew about it, he would definitely shout and beat him up. .”

"Um, sir, do you know our Captain Bucky?" The pirate wearing a hat asked cautiously.

"Ah, that guy, I have admired his name for a long time."

Who wouldn't know that he is the only one in One Piece who possesses the fourth type of Haki - lucky color Haki.

"Well, hehe..." Pirate A said coyly, "Since you have heard the name of Captain Bucky, you should know our great strength."

"What, do you want to fight?"

"No, no." Pirate A was startled and quickly explained, "What I mean is that the reason why the Bucky Pirates are so powerful is because Captain Bucky is very hungry for talents, like the two If such a master can join us, Captain Bucky will be very happy to reward the two cadre positions. When the time comes..."

Don't tell me, this guy looks like a fool, but his brain is quite good, since he wants to directly recruit opponents on the spot.

If you succeed, not only will you not have to worry about losing the treasure and being punished, but you will even be rewarded for recruiting masters to the pirate group.

Kill two birds with one stone!

but!The ignorant are fearless.

"Shut up, who would want to join that kind of pirate group?" Zoro said with a look of disgust on his face.

Sammy said that Bucky is a person who likes to bully civilians, and this kind of pirate group is not to his liking.

"You're right." Sami smiled evilly at the side, "It's impossible to join you, but I'm very good at breaking you up."

"Ah, devil..."

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