
The mission Sammy gave himself was to go to the casino in the rainland, attend the meeting alone, and face the sand crocodile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and Bell looked at Sami like a monster.

"Mr. Sammy, absolutely not." Weiwei was the first to stop him. "This is too dangerous. Even with you and Luffy here, it's impossible to defeat Crocodile!"

"His Shasha Fruit ability can easily devour both of you."

"Although your words are true, they are also too shocking!"

"I want to stop you from going to death!"

Sami shook his head and said, "Who said we were going to die? Am I that stupid?"

"If you're not going to die, then what are you going to do?" Nami asked quickly.

Sami pointed at Luffy who was sleeping soundly and said, "That guy's head is worth 3000 million. I'm going to use it to find the Sand Crocodile in exchange for some money."

Everyone was stunned at first.

Of course they didn't believe Sammy would do such a thing.

Coupled with the evil smile on Sammy's face when he said this, they immediately realized that Sammy had definitely come up with another evil plan to deal with the sand crocodiles.

Zoro, Vivi and Sanji looked at each other and immediately took a step back, fearing that Sammy's venom would splash on them.

Usopp and Nami had evil smiles on their faces.

Chopper looked at Sami and muttered to himself: "Sammy, it's so scary..."

Only Bell of the Falcon was confused, and his body couldn't help but shudder.


The plan was made, and the Straw Hats immediately took action.

"Sammy, we hid the Merry." Usopp gave Sammy a thumbs up and grinned.

Because they had to abandon the boat and land ashore, Sami asked Usopp and the others to hide the Merry in a leeward mountain col.

It is very hidden here, and outsiders cannot find it unless they get close.

"Very good." Sami nodded, then turned around and asked, "Sanji, has all the wood been transported?"

"It's all here." Sanji asked strangely, "Sammy, what do you want all this wood for? These things are very expensive in Alabasta."

"Of course it's a desert sled." Sammy replied, "Are you going to walk on foot in this big desert?"

"Desert sled? That's right, why didn't I think of that!" Sanji suddenly realized, "With this thing and a pergola built, Miss Nami won't have to suffer!"

"When we sit together and cling to each other, oh oh oh oh! I feel the storm of love!"

"Hold each other? Don't you feel too hot in this big desert?" Zoro complained mercilessly.

"You need to take care of it, you stinky swordsman!"

"If I didn't need to take care of Miss Nami, I wouldn't let Vivi-chan be protected by a rude guy like you!"

"Ah! Weiwei-chan, please put up with this boring guy for a while."

"When I complete my mission, I will rescue you from this pervert!!"

As Sanji spoke, he kept circling around Weiwei, as if he was seeing a vicious dog with flesh and bones.

"Who is the pervert? You pervert with curly eyebrows!" Zoro responded mercilessly.

Chopper asked curiously: "Sammy, are there sleds in the desert? I... wow! It's done!"

Just as he was about to ask what the desert sled looked like, he saw Sammy already standing aside, with three desert sleds appearing around him like magic.

"Of course, with the drawings and tools provided by Captain Usopp, we can naturally do it quickly and well!" Usopp said brazenly from the side.

"Wow! Usopp, you are so awesome!" Chopper said with admiration.

"It's a joke, it's a joke, Chopper."

Nami rolled her eyes: "You didn't even do anything, okay?"

"By the way, Sammy, even if there is a sled, we don't have the animals to pull the sled. Velociraptors can't run fast in the desert, right?"

"It doesn't matter, I've been prepared for it." Sammy said slowly and confidently, and then took out three weird statues from his arms.Passed it to Nami.

"Huh? Strange, what kind of animal is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

Sami thought it was strange if you had seen it before.

Because this thing is not a product of this world at all, but comes from a game that Sammy played in his previous life.

"Ark: Survival Evolved: Scorched Earth Chapter"

Hump ​​beast.

A large, small herbivore with two huge humps on its back. It has a docile personality and can move quickly across the desert.

The reason Sammy planned to summon this creature was not just to get some random camels.

It's not just that humpback beasts are so strong that they can pull desert sleds loaded with people and cargo.

What's more, the hump beast has another hidden ability, which is extremely useful in the desert.

Sami handed the three statues to Nami and said, "Nami, go and summon them, then put on the reins of the desert sled. I'll go see Luffy."

Nami nodded and left with the statue, followed by Usopp and Chopper who looked curious.

There is no Luffy.

very strange.

Normally this kind of thing would never happen to him.

But now this guy was squatting on the sand beside him. He hadn't moved for a long time, and he hadn't said a word until now.

Abnormal to the extreme.

This guy was feeling sad about Ace leaving without saying goodbye and sulking at Sami.

Sami walked over with a headache and tried to communicate with him: "Hey, Luffy, don't you go and take a look? There is something fun at Nami's place."

"Hmph! I'm angry with you, so I don't want to talk to you." Luffy said angrily, turning his head to the side and not looking at Sammy.

When this guy woke up and found Ace leaving, he cried very sadly.

Then when he learned that Sami didn't wake him up at that time, he was not only sad but also even more angry.

So he wouldn't pay attention to Sammy at the moment.

"Really? It's very interesting." Sammy continued to seduce.

Along with Sami's seductive words, Nami's conversation was clearly heard in the distance.

"Wow! That's amazing, Nami."

"Is this a humpback beast? I've never seen it before. Is it another prehistoric creature?"

"It looks like a desert creature like a camel, but why does it look nothing like it?"

"Anyway, it's really mighty and looks very domineering."

"Sure, it's indeed what Sammy brought out. It's really magical." Usopp sighed, and then couldn't help bragging in front of Chopper.

"Chopper, do you know? I once killed four monsters like this in one go."

"Really? Usopp, you are so awesome!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

This heated discussion seemed to be like wine to Zoro, beauty to Sanji, Bailey to Nami, alluring.

The angry expression on Luffy's face gradually relaxed, and his eyes kept glancing towards Nami, almost writing "I want to see" written on his face.

"I-I don't care."

"Really? Oh, forget it, just stay here by yourself, I'll go over first."

After Sammy finished speaking, he turned around and left.

"Wait a moment!"

Luffy shouted immediately.

"what happened?"





"Time's up! Okay, Sammy, I forgive you."


"Yes, I just decided to be angry with you for 10 minutes. Now that the 10 minutes have passed, I will forgive you."

Sammy has black hair.

How can this be 10 minutes?

It's not even 3 minutes.

But forget it, he is quite good if he can give himself a step down.

"Then thank you, Luffy, thank you for forgiving me."

"You're welcome, hehehe." Luffy grinned.

Then he suddenly stretched out his hands to grab the hump beast in the distance, and as soon as his feet relaxed, he flew down on it.

"Hey, Sammy, how did you create such an incredible guy?"

He jumped up and down holding the hump beast, sighing repeatedly, "What is he used for? To store food?"

"No, Luffy, don't eat it." Chopper was the first to object, "Sam, it's not a food reserve, it's our transportation."

"It's a means of transportation, okay, then I won't eat it." Luffy generously let go of the trembling hump beast underneath him.

Then he asked strangely, "Is your name Sam? You have a name."

"Yes, all three of them have names. The two over there are called Merry and Pippin. They are three brothers." Chopper introduced to Luffy.

"They all have names, it's incredible! Hey, Chopper, can you understand what they are saying?"

"Yes, I can understand what animals say. Those are what they told me personally."

"Awesome, Chopper, by the way, can you ask them a question for me?"

"No problem, what do you want to ask?"

"They will pull..."

Before Luffy could finish speaking, Sami slapped him on the head.

"Sit tight, Luffy, we're leaving. Nami and the others have already set off."

Sammy shook the reins, and the hump beast neighed, stretched out its four legs and started running.

Pulled by it, the desert sled traveled fast and smoothly.

There was a gentle breeze blowing, and it didn't feel hot at all hiding under the awning in the car.

Chopper snorted so comfortably.

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