"I realize I can't talk about it, but I've heard of him." Sami nodded.

"That guy once appeared on Drum Island and destroyed the Drum Kingdom there."

Then, he briefly told Ace what happened on Drum Island.

"But unfortunately, when we got there, Blackbeard and his gang had already left, and we couldn't meet up."

"It's better not to meet each other." Ace said with lingering fear.

"That guy's ambition and city are unfathomable. With his current strength, even I can't guarantee that he will win. If you meet him, you will definitely suffer a big loss."

"In that case, why are you still chasing him, Ace?" Sami asked quickly.

He hopes to dissuade Ace from pursuing Blackbeard.

Even though he knew it was a long shot.

After all, Ace has been stubborn to the point of being stubborn since he was a child, and even Whitebeard couldn't stop him when he was furious.

Not to mention yourself.

"Sammy, I know what you want to say, but please don't persuade me." Ace shook his head and said.

"After all, that guy was once my subordinate, and I have the responsibility to deal with it. If I can't arrest him personally, I will feel sorry for the man who is already in the sky."

Sammy knew who he was talking about.


Ace's first friend after joining the Whitebeard Pirates, he has always cared and loved him like an older brother.

In Ace's heart, he always regarded Sachi as an amiable and lovely brother.

Now, he died in the hands of Blackbeard, and he died with his eyes open.

It can be seen that Ace must be carrying a heavy burden in his heart, so heavy that he can hardly breathe.

In fact, let alone Ace, if this had happened to Sammy, he would have lost his mind long ago.

Sami patted Ace on the shoulder and said softly: "Okay, now that you have decided, do what you think is right. Don't forget, Luffy and I will always support you."

"Thank you, Sammy." Ace breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Sammy would persuade him to stop. If so, he would definitely get into trouble with Sami.

After all, Sami has always regarded Ace as a younger brother. As an older brother, Sami never wants Ace to take risks for this.

Seeing Ace relaxed and continuing to eat and drink, Sami couldn't help but smile.

But my heart became calmer.

It seems that I have to plan ahead again.

Going to war?


Sengoku, Akainu and the World Government.

Let me see, what kind of chess pieces should I use you as?

While Sami was thinking about it, Ace, who was eating and drinking, suddenly stopped and fell down on the dining table.

"Ah! What's the matter?"

"Did you suddenly get some strange illness?"

"Sanji! Ah! The food is poisonous!"

"Doctor! Doctor! Huh? It seems like I am the doctor!"

The Straw Hats, who had never seen such a thing before, immediately panicked.

After reacting, Chopper immediately walked up and carefully felt Ace's pulse, then his expression changed and he collapsed to the ground.

"Oh no!"

"What's wrong!"

"The pulse is still there!"


"Then what's your name? You fell to the ground, did you want to scare us to death?"

"I'm sorry! I-I was just scared that my legs were weak." Chopper said pitifully.

"What happened to that guy?"

"He just fell asleep."

"Asleep? While eating? So suddenly?"

"What kind of bad habit is this? It's outrageous."

"But considering that this guy is Luffy's brother, it makes sense to me."

"Hey, I heard that Sammy and the three of them were all raised by the same adoptive mother. Why is Sammy so normal?"

"Are you sure Sammy is normal?"

"Oh, yes, that guy is a hundred times scarier than Luffy and Ace combined."

Sami raised his eyes and said conspiratorially: "Usopp, I heard this."

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry Sammy, I'm sorry!" Usopp collapsed and knelt on the ground, kowtowing repeatedly.

Chopper quickly asked: "Sammy, are you sure Ace is okay with this situation? Do you want to wake him up?"

Sammy nodded and reached out to poke.


Ace's snot bubble suddenly burst.

The sound immediately woke him up.

"Huh? It's really bad, I actually fell asleep." Ace said sleepily, and then his expression suddenly changed.

Nami and the others looked stern, thinking something had happened.

"Oops, all the wine was spilled." Ace said sadly.


"You've got to stop this, you bastard!"


Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the banquet on the Meili was also over.

Luffy was sleeping soundly with Usopp and Chopper in his arms, and Zoro was sitting on the side with his eyes closed to relax.

Sanji, Nami, and Vivi were cleaning up the messed up cups.

Ace took the last sip of wine and looked at the sunset in the desert in the distance, lost in thought.

"Ace." Sami asked drunkenly, "How are you doing in the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Yeah." Ace said, "Dad treats me like his own son. I've never had that kind of experience."

Sami nodded and said: "Does Whitebeard know your true identity? I mean..."

"Roger's son?" Ace murmured, "Dad doesn't care about this at all."

"Really?" Sammy said, "Then have you let it go, Ace?"

Ace shook his head: "I don't know, Sammy. I used to hate Roger very much."

"I hate that I once had such a father. I wish that I was an orphan who grew out of the soil and jumped out of the stone."

"But now I have met my father, I have tasted the love of my father, and I have lived under my father's wings. So now I don't know whether I hate Roger or not."

"But no matter what, my father has a white beard, only a white beard." Ace turned his head and looked at Sami and said seriously.

"Sammy, I have decided to assist Whitebeard in becoming the Pirate King."

Sami smiled and said, "Really? My captain will not agree with this."

"Luffy? Haha, Sammy, that guy Luffy knows what persistence is better than me."

"Ever since I met this guy, he wanted to be the Pirate King. He would shout this loudly to everyone he met. He didn't feel afraid or ashamed at all."

Ace had a doting look on his face, "Although he always calls me brother, sometimes he has to teach me a lot of things."

"Yeah, that guy only has this, which makes me most satisfied."



"Thank you."

"Uh, why do you say this so quietly?" Sammy felt a little blushing.

"I have two regrets in my life. One is that I didn't save Sabo back then, and the other is that I can't always be by Luffy's side to protect him."

"Now that you are by his side, I feel relieved."

"Hey, I didn't stay with Luffy just to help you take care of your brother. That guy is the captain I consider."

"Really? Hahahahaha." Ace smiled heartily, "But anyway, I still have to thank you."

"Tch, don't tell me like I'm an outsider." Sami said, and then he suddenly called out, "Ace, there is something I want to tell you."


"Sabot, he may not be dead!"

"...What?" Ace's eyes widened.

"Ace, don't get excited!"

"Sammy, are you serious? Sammy, didn't you lie to me?" Ace's whole body was shaking with excitement.

The sudden loud sound frightened a seagull resting on the side of the ship and flew away.

Luffy, who was sleeping, muttered a few words, then turned over and continued to sleep.

"It's true." Sammy stared into Ace's eyes and said firmly.

"No, it's impossible, Sabo... I've read the letter he wrote... the fire that day... the Celestial Dragons..."

"Did you see Sabo's body?"

"No! That kind of thing! How could I..."

"Ace!" Sammy shouted, "Listen to me!"

"Okay, okay, I listen to you, I listen to you."

"I once mentioned to you that I have a friend named Sean, do you remember?"

"I know Sean was a sailor who was on the same ship as you."

"That's right. I've worked with him for many years, and that guy is as jealous as I am."

"Later, after the old captain passed away, he and I left the merchant ship together. I decided to go back to sea as a pirate, and he chose to join the revolutionary army!"

"Revolutionary Army? You mean?"

"Yes, that's the revolutionary army." Sami nodded. "Although we have chosen different paths, our feelings for each other have never changed."

"Until some time ago, I contacted him after an incident on Drum Island. He and I talked a lot about the Revolutionary Army."

"and then?"

"He mentioned to me that many years ago, on the day of Sabo's accident, the revolutionary army secretly visited the Goa Kingdom."

"During that mission, they saved a child from the atrocities of the Draco."

Ace's eyes widened and he stopped breathing.

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