After listening to Hu Liena and Xie Yue's story, Kai felt extremely heavy.

He was no stranger to the secret elite training program of Wuhun Palace.

And he knew that in the end it was Xie Yue, Yan, and Hu Liena who jointly used the martial soul fusion technique.

So survived.

Because the three of them can work together to use martial soul fusion skills, they are more powerful than one person alone.

So Wuhun Palace made an exception and allowed them to break the rules, and they all walked out alive.

Of course, Xieyue and Hu Liena don't know this now.

Therefore, they have little confidence in whether they can survive in the future.

The reason why Kai felt heavy was not because he was worried that he would not be able to survive here.

To be honest, if it was him in the past, he might not have such illusions at all.

But now he not only has the powerful Raast sealed in his body.

The most important thing is that now he has inherited Kayn's memories and fighting skills.

As long as he passes continuous training, he can master the assassin ability of Shadow Stream.Recording shorthand 2022.09.2420:52:41

So Kai is still very confident that he can complete the training plan alive.

But in this way, he became a competitor of Hu Liena and the others.

In the end, if he defeated Hu Liena and Xie Yue's martial soul fusion skills.

So to the people in Wuhun Palace, Kai's value is undoubtedly greater than that of Hu Liena and others combined.

Naturally, they will not be given a chance to survive.

But if Ruokai was defeated at the hands of Hu Liena and others.

So according to the rules, he is naturally not qualified to live.

But Kai couldn't come up with a plan to get the best of both worlds for a while.

He still has a blood feud that he has yet to avenge, so naturally he doesn't want to die.

But he originally wanted to change Hu Liena's fate and make her life less miserable.

But I didn't expect that his appearance would even cause the early death of Hu Liena, Xie Yue and others.

There are still two years left.

This put Kai under extraordinary pressure.

Unless he has a way to become a strong man who can suppress Wuhun Palace within two years.

But even Kai doesn't have much confidence in this.

Hu Liena's face instantly turned ugly after seeing Kai listen to her story.

I thought he was worried that he wouldn't survive to the end.

He couldn't help but offer words of comfort.

"Don't worry, Xiaokai, my sister will protect you! Of course, if I die too, there's nothing we can do!"

What a silly girl!

Kai complained helplessly in his heart.

Xie Yue looked at Hu Liena with bright eyes.

"Nana, don't worry, you will definitely survive, and you will definitely be able to walk out of here alive!"

Kai silently glanced at Xie Yue.

Xie Yue doesn't know the future direction.

The reason why he said this firmly at this time was because he would use his own life to protect Hu Liena.

Protect your sister from any harm.

In the end, Xie Yue will defeat all enemies.

Then he gave up his life and let his sister walk out of here alive.

Kai naturally thought of this too.

Even in the eyes of Tang San, Yu Xiaogang and others.

Xieyue and Hu Liena represent the evil Wuhundian forces.

But for Kai at this moment, his impression of Xieyue and Hu Liena was countless times stronger than that of Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

Looking at the starry sky.

Kai's eyes sparkled with light.

"Don't worry, Nana, and Brother Xieyue, I guarantee that you will all get out of here alive in the end!"

His tone was extremely firm!

"Hey, Xiaokai is so kind! My sister really doesn't love you in vain!"

Hu Liena, on the other hand, was as careless as she sat and watched smiling and waving to Kai.

Xie Yue's eyes were a little gloomy.

In his opinion, Kai's words were just childish words.

Not to mention whether Kai has that ability.

Just based on the rules set by Wuhun Palace, only one person can survive.

That's it!

Now that Nana had rescued him, she would protect him more.

But what Xie Yue is sure of is that with Kai's physical condition, he won't be able to persist here for long.

Hopefully Kai's death will make Nana stronger and more mature by then.

After all, brother can't protect you all your life!

Then Hu Liena and Xie Yue told Kai the rules for surviving here.

Neither of them knew why Kai was thrown into this place.

Even if Kai is a talented boy, it stands to reason that he should participate in the next batch of elite training programs.

At this point Kai was already so far behind schedule.

Everyone alive at this stage is stronger than Kai.

And Kai would most likely not even be able to adapt to basic training.

In this secret training base, the food and the environment they want to live in can only be obtained through training.

If the requirements are not met during training.

Then they can't even guarantee food.

And the one who dominates everything here is the instructor!

In Hu Liena's description, the instructor was an emotionless devil.

Many people were directly tortured to death at his hands.

Those who die in training may be lucky.

Because every once in a while, the instructor will let them fight.

In such a fight.

These young bodies bite like wild beasts.

The instinct in human nature is completely released.

In order to obtain considerable high-quality combat power in the future, Wuhun Palace adopts an elimination system for training.

The elite plan of Wuhun Palace is to "raise Gu"!

Raise a real Gu King!

This seems to be very similar to the survival mode of Killing City.

This is why Hu Liena can survive in the killing city.

Because she grew up in a small killing city.

It's just such cruel training and elimination.

It is not unfamiliar in Kai's memory.

Siddar Kayn was born in Noxus.

Such a birth destined him to have a career as an ox and horse.

He was drafted into the army at an early age and became a child soldier.

There is no such warrior anywhere in the world except Noxus.

Leading this brutal force is the most sinister of officers.

Therefore, Kayn, who could barely bear the sword, entered the battle on the first day, which was basically equivalent to the day of his death.

Kayn and the other children were organized into the vanguard, and they were cannon fodder that would die every day in battle.

Kayn survived such cruel wars time and time again.

Compared with such cruel thoughts, Wuhun Palace's so-called cruel training is nothing at all.

And the high-intensity training that Kaiyin underwent after joining Shadow Stream later put the so-called elites of Wuhun Palace to shame.

Therefore, in Kai's opinion, Wuhundian's plan was simply tailor-made for him.

Because such cruel training can help him better absorb Kayn's memory and fighting skills.

After all, the same environment and experience can make the two better integrated.

Now, Kai can't wait to see this so-called hell training!

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