NBA: I'm really not a point guard god

Chapter 584 A little anxious

From early on, Rondo believed he could become an excellent professional basketball player.

It's a pity that although he performed well in college.

However, the injury before the draft almost completely destroyed him.

That year, because everyone generally believed that this year's rookies had little development value.

Because Jordan, who has proven his draft vision many times, did not reserve any draft picks for the Bobcats.

Many teams have temporarily modified their draft goals.

Even the Celtics, who had previously stated that they would definitely choose him, also regretted it temporarily.

When it was determined that he was ultimately defeated, Rondo felt angry and helpless.

Because he has already participated in the nba draft.

Although he can continue to complete his college studies.

However, the basketball scholarship that originally belonged to him was gone.

He also had no way of continuing to play college basketball.

Of course, there is no shortage of undrafted counterattacks in the league.

Unfortunately, that's just for laymen to hear.

Counterattacks by undrafted players are not unheard of, but they are always rare.

Speaking of which, the injury Rondo suffered at the time was nothing more than a minor injury.

By athlete standards, no one would really consider this an injury.

Rondo himself didn't care.

But in the end, he lost the election.

The problem is, he always thought that he was bound to be selected, and there was a high probability that he would be a lottery pick.

As a result, he chose to spend money in advance and still owed a lot of money.

Rondo was desperate at that moment.

And just when he was desperate, Bobcat threw an olive branch to him.

117 million in two years.

This is very different from the high salary Rondo originally imagined.

But he finally became a professional basketball player in the NBA.

Playing as a substitute, but playing as a substitute for the current number one player in the league.

Rondo is quite satisfied.

And it's because of his performance with the Bobcats.

The Celtics offered him a pretty good contract.

3 million in 2500 years.

This is already very good for a third-year undrafted player.

It's just that the Celtics' contract is somewhat weird.

400 million in the first year, 400 million in the second year, and 17000 million in the third year.

As an agent, Zhou Yao analyzed this contract for him.

It should be said that it is not bad.

There was little pressure on the team in the first two years, and they could continue to strengthen and prepare for the championship.

As for the third year, it is basically about building a team with him as the core.

Two years later, in 2010.

Garnett is 34 years old, and Pierce is almost 33 years old.

Rondo is 24 years old.

By the way, Rondo already has two championship rings.

Perform well in the past two years.

Even if he didn't win the championship in the end.

When the time comes, the team will inevitably be built with him as the core.

By the time the season is over, Rondo will only be 25 years old.

With his strength, coupled with the increase in the overall salary within the league by then.

Maybe he can also sign a contract with an annual salary of more than 2000 million.

"Wouldn't it mean that after 5 years of working, I would also be a billionaire!"

Rondo looked very excited.

"If I can sign you some high-value endorsement contracts, then that's about it!"

Zhou Yao's answer made Rondo even more excited.


this season.

Rondo's performance with the Celtics is indeed remarkable.

The team's record is also quite good.

28 wins and 7 losses.

Many people are saying it.

No longer the feared Big Five though.

But it's obvious that this year's team mix is ​​more reasonable.

If we want to compete for the championship, this year's Celtics have a better chance.

Before that, the Bobcats were an opponent that the Celtics must defeat.

Rondo's fake moves are already very good now.

But before that, he had never deceived Zhou Yao even once.

It seemed that in Zhou Yao's eyes, his fake actions were redundant.

Rondo respects Zhou Yao very much.

But since he was on the field, he also hoped that he would have a chance to defeat Zhou Yao.

The number one player in active service has naturally always been his target.

But this time, his fake moves deceived Zhou Yao.

This pass seemed so easy.

Rondo couldn't even help but look back.

But found something was wrong.

Zhou Yao did not chase him.

Instead, he ran in the opposite direction.

What is this doing?

At this moment, the basketball flew over Rondo's head.

What is Pierce doing?

Shouldn't he be shooting?

Why did you throw the ball back?

And, even if the ball were to be passed back, would it be too high?

Who can catch this ball?

Unless it’s catching the ball in the backfield!

and many more!

back-court? !

Rondo looked back again.

That's right, the Celtics' backcourt is the Bobcats' frontcourt.

At this moment, only Zhou Yao was there.

Is Pierce crazy?

After all, you are also a player drafted and trained by the Celtics themselves.

Is it really okay for you to be undercover like this?

Rondo had no idea what was going on.

At this time, it was being played back on the big screen.

Rondo passes to Pierce.

But all his attention was on Zhou Yao.

From a spectator's perspective.

Zhou Yao was not fooled by Rondo's unnecessary fake moves at all.

Instead, he ran directly to the frontcourt.

Pierce also didn't catch Rondo's pass.

Durant, who was going around, got the ball and then threw it to Zhou Yao vigorously.

Rondo almost passed the ball to Durant with his eyes closed.

Just like he did with the Bobcats last season.

Zhou Yao has already taken action.

His three-point shot is already strong and unmarked.

131: 115.

Only 16 points left.

"Put away your no-look passes!"

"Do you want Zhou Yao to get 100 points?"

Larry Brown certainly doesn't think Rondo is undercover.

But he was fed up with the no-look passes.

If you play it well, you won't get more points than the original normal pass.

It's a mess, just like it is now.

However, the Celtics attacked again.

Rondo's performance is quite satisfactory.

Pierce got the ball this time.

The shot was made.

I thought it was a three pointer.

However, the referee signaled that Pierce had stepped on the line.

133: 115.

Zhou Yao also immediately hit back with a three-pointer.

Zhou Yao didn't step on the line and even allowed Bowie to foul.

Add penalties and then advance.

133: 119.

Only 14 points left.

The Celtics attack again.

Garnett shoots the iron.

Zhou Yao got the rebound.

Assisted Wang Zhizhi to hit a three-pointer.

133: 122.

Only 11 points left.

There are still 5 minutes and 58 seconds left.

Larry Brown had no choice but to call timeout again.

Everyone can see it.

Larry Brown was also a little anxious.

The 26-point advantage was evaporated.

Logically speaking, the Celtics still have an 11-point lead.

Just hit normally.

There is a high probability that you cannot lose.

However, can the game against the Bobcats be considered normal?

Especially in this situation where there is still a lot of time in the fourth quarter, but the point difference is not as big as it was at the beginning.

Entering the fourth quarter with a 37-point advantage will result in a loss.

After entering the playoffs and really meeting the Bobcats, how will the game be played...

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