NBA: I'm not a clean center

Chapter 87 Next question

With the main force of the Nets playing, the game has gradually entered the harvest mode.

Sean, who had been resting for a long time, entered a frenzy state as soon as he came up.

Holding the ball in the low post, he didn't flinch at all against the double-teaming of Cousins ​​​​and Evans on the side. He directly faced Cousins ​​and carried Evans.


Evans' foul was very obvious, and the referee directly blew a shooting foul.

"Oh, Xie Te, Sean is really too manly, this kind is called hard, not the so-called iron-blooded jumper!"

Barkley's blood boiled with excitement, as if he had returned to their era.

Sean walks to the free throw line, about to execute two free throws.



Made both free throws.

Kings offense here.

In order to save energy, Evans let Luther Hyde hold the ball for halftime.

Luther Hyde didn't have a chance after coming to the top of the key and passed the ball back to Evans.

After going around and around, it was finally handed over to Evans.

No way, among the king's starters, he and Cousins ​​are the only ones who have the ability to attack independently.

Who is Cousins ​​facing?It's Sean.

In comparison, Evans' defender Devin Harris is easier to deal with.

Evans wanted to play a pick-and-roll with Cousins, but Sean's position was stuck.

Evans scruples Sean's blocking, and did not choose to shoot.

In the end, it could only be given to Omi Casspi on the other side.

Omi Casspi's three-pointer hit the basket's neck heavily, making a loud "clang".

The rebound was naturally taken by Sean again.

Switching over, this time Sean didn't go low, but played a pick-and-roll with Devin Harris in the high post.

Maybe Cousins ​​and Evans didn't communicate well, or the Nets' defense just now made them lose their minds.

In this round of defense, the two of them rushed to Devin Harris at the same time.

"whatthefxxk? Am I that attractive?"

Devin Harris is also very depressed, is it so difficult to score a point?

But although he thought so in his heart, his hands and feet were not slow.

A back pass goes directly to Sean at the free throw line.

Sean was naturally blunt, standing on the free throw line and opened his hand for a mid-range shot.


One shot into the soul.

"Hard to defend!"

That's what Cousins ​​had in mind.

Whether it's the Kings coach on the sidelines or the commentary in the live broadcast hall, their views are consistent with Cousins.

Barkley said solemnly:

"Sean showed all his offensive tools in this game, from the second attack to grab the offensive rebound, to the post hook, and the footwork around the basket, including the mid-range now, these offensive skills He has gradually formed the embryonic form of a super center."

"That's right, just like Olajuwon and O'Neal's dominance!"

"Of course, his slam dunks are a bit rare today, which makes us feel a little unsatisfied."

It seems to have heard Barkley's complaints.

It didn't take long for Sean to respond.

This is a counterattack by the Nets with the ball.

Sean grabbed the rebound and threw it to Devin Harris before sprinting forward.

The mentality of the Kings players is on the verge of collapse, and the enthusiasm for returning to defense is not high.

Seeing this, Devin Harris accelerated to the frontcourt with the mentality of beating a dog in the water.

When he reached the three-point line on the right, a player from the Kings finally stepped forward to interfere.

Devin Harris didn't make a strong attack either, but threw the basketball to the middle.

Sean, who came rushing from the backcourt, rushed over.

After receiving the pass from Devin Harris, he didn't dribble, took a big step and flew into the air, holding the basketball high with one hand, like setting fire to the sky!




The basket is shaking!The fans are roaring!

Kings player Reservoir Dogs!

Sean's bolt from the blue completely defeated the players of the Kings.

The score also came to the game's biggest difference of 19 points.


The head coach of the Kings looked at the distraught players and knew that it would be impossible not to call a timeout.

Nets here.

"Sean, you should go to the slam dunk contest, Carter will cry when he sees it."

"Just because of your dunk, the girls in the nightclub will make you hungry."


As soon as Sean stepped off the bench, the players who were the guards of the team's drinking fountains quickly handed over towels and drinks, and offered their most devout flattery.

After returning from the timeout, the king's players were in a slightly better condition, but there was not much suspense in the game.

At halftime, the scoreboard was 65-46, with the Nets leading by 19 points.

In the third quarter, the Nets took advantage of the victory and pursued, once expanding the point difference to 27 points, and the game completely lost suspense.

In the fourth quarter, the Nets withdrew their troops and played an all-substitute lineup, and the game also entered garbage time.

Finally, with the referee's whistle, the Nets defeated the Kings with a score of 119-99 and a 20-point difference.

The 20-point difference has told everyone that this year's Nets are no longer last year's underwhelming team!

Sean clocked in three quarters and scored 23 points, 14 rebounds, 3 assists and 4 blocks, helping the team win two consecutive victories.

And Harden scored 26 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists by virtue of garbage time, scoring first in the team.

Post-match media press conference.

"I said, is your company so poor? Doesn't it even have a single beautiful woman?"

Sean looked very impatient looking at the pitch-black area below, and the original joy of victory was diluted.

"Aren't I a beauty in his eyes?"

Sitting in the corner, a black coal was sad alone. Under the dim light, if it hadn't revealed a mouthful of white teeth, no one would have noticed that there was a black man sitting here.

The team's press officer didn't waste time, motioning to reporters to ask questions:

"Sean, what did you talk to DeMarcus Cousins ​​during the game? So that the referee called you a technical foul?"

"Nextquestion!" (Westbrook interview scene)

"Sean, do you think you have become the top center in the league? Who do you think is better than Dwight Howard?"

"Next question!"

"Sean, what do you think of James Harden's performance? Is he much better than Tyreke Evans, last year's Rookie of the Year?"

"Next question!"

Three consecutive "Nextquestions" made the hall fall into silence.

"Oh, no problem, right? I'm leaving then."

After a while, Sean dug his ears, stood up, stretched his body, then turned and left.

The reporters were left looking at each other.

"fxxk, the next interview must have the most beautiful and sexiest female reporter from the company!"

This is what they are thinking at this moment.

.................................................. .........

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