Sean was dumbfounded when he heard this, and then a burst of anger welled up in his heart.

"Damn it, this black-skinned pig, Brother Nei, can't beat him on the court and play dirty tricks off the court, right?"

But when he met Lilith's seductive eyes, the anger in his heart quickly calmed down.

Sean's mind turned quickly:

"No, I absolutely cannot be labeled as racially discriminatory. Once labeled as racially discriminatory, it will be a huge blow to my career."

Sean was very fortunate that he covered his mouth when he discriminated against Delgado, so even if the lip language experts came, they wouldn't be able to see anything.

After deliberating for a while, he began to talk nonsense seriously:

"I am a good citizen who loves my motherland. All ethnic groups in the United States are my brothers, so it is absolutely impossible for me to do such a thing as racial discrimination."

"Degado's remarks have already caused great damage to my reputation. I will sue him and sanction him through the law. If he thinks that I have discriminated against him, please show evidence."

Sean swears, his heart is full of contempt for Delgado:

"Small, fight with me, I run a law firm, see if I don't beat you to death."


Soon this matter was fermented on the Internet, and many indiscriminate people jumped out to accuse Sean.

Randolph: "This kind of situation should not happen to professional players. I suggest that Sean should be completely banned, and the NBA should refuse him to join."

Randolph?I have a grudge against him?This guy seems to be a purebred black man too?The kind that is dark but not autumnal.

Timberwolves general manager David Kahn: "If something like this happens to Sean, we will carefully consider whether we will choose him in the draft!"

The lottery for the draft hasn't even started yet, so are you obsessed with it?Even if you choose me, I won't go to your damn place, fxxk!

Will Smith's wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, also jumped out and spoke out:

"Racism exists in any circle. This kind of behavior is really disgusting. I support Degado and hope to give him a fair result."

Nausea?I'm sick of seeing you

Sean kept flipping through his phone, recording those who criticized him one by one. He is a very vengeful person, whoever provokes him, he will definitely pay back ten times.

"Dingling bell~~~~~~~~"

At this time, the phone rang, and it was Nadia's call.

"Sean, this matter is a bit serious, you have to tell me first, have you ever done this matter, I can deal with it when there is a result."

Nadia has gradually acquired a capable and neat attitude of a professional woman.

"No, how could I do that kind of thing, I won't discriminate against my black friends."

Sean yelled wronged.

Nadia on the other end of the phone rolled her eyes, I believe you a ghost, look at the sex buddies you are looking for, which one has dark skin?

Thinking of this, Nadia felt a bit sullen. This guy is good. He doesn't recognize anyone when he puts on his pants. In the end, he lost his phone. Many sex friends come for money, which makes her feel a lot easier.

Because she wasn't in a pretty mood, Nadia's tone became impolite.

"Since there is not, then you should be honest and don't cause trouble, and don't accept interviews from any reporters. I will take care of this matter!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, and the blunt tone made Xiao En puzzled.

Who is the boss?Is this chick coming to be a big aunt?Sooner or later, I will teach you a good lesson in bed!

In the end, it was judged that Nadia's work was not bad, and Sean decided to spare her temporarily.

Although Nadia was bypassed, he had no intention of bypassing Delgado.

He logged on to his social account, preparing to deal a mental blow to Delgado. As for Nadia, he had already forgotten about it.

At this time, his private mailbox has been filled with various messages, most of which are attacking him.

"A group of hateful elder brothers, more than 100 years ago, they insisted on letting you taste the taste of piranhas."

Sean complained a bit, and then edited the article.

"On the difference between a tough guy and a soft guy on the court!"

"Tough guy on the court: no matter what kind of injury he suffers on the court, he will stick to it and do everything in his power to return it back."

"The soft guy on the court: dodges on the court, doesn't dare to attack on the court, and the defense is broken at the touch of a touch. He can't stand being simply spat with two words of trash."

"And Degado is the king of softies. Not only is he soft on the court, but he can only spread rumors off the court. If you say that I have racially discriminated against you, then you have to show relevant evidence, and It's not just a mouth screaming."

"Also, if you're a man, come with me for a head-to-head PK. You can choose the arena as you like, and you can use one hand!"

After sending out this article, Sean immediately felt refreshed, and even Johnny Rapp became much more pleasing to him.

After Sean published this article, Nadia also publicly spoke to the media, claiming that Delgado's accusation was purely fictitious and an act of malicious slander. She will sue him on behalf of Sean's agent.

Xiao En's father was even more domineering, directly threatening that his law firm would not do anything during this time, and would only be in charge of this case, and that the other party must be sued for bankruptcy.

At the same time, the advantage of being backed by Stanford University was revealed, and various big shots who graduated from Stanford University stood up to support Sean.

Just kidding, this year Stanford University finally made it to the top 8, which is the most hopeful time for the ncaa championship in the past few decades. Isn't messing with Sean at this time to cut off Stanford University's back?

With the endorsement of these bigwigs, public opinion on the Internet has begun to change, and some people have begun to question whether what Degado said is true or false.

There are even lip language experts who translated the trash talk Sean said on the field. Except for the time when he covered it with his hand, the only insulting term in the other trash talk is fat pig, but The fat pig is obviously just a generic greeting, far from being racist.

Those who originally accused Sean also began to change their positions, accusing Degado of fabricating facts, and the hypocrisy was evident at a glance.

Poor Delgado, became a victim in this confrontation.

Sean was also dumbfounded, he just fell asleep, and when he woke up, the whole public opinion changed.

No wonder Bart Wayne told him before, telling him not to worry, there will be Stanford University to support him.

This background is really tough, um, it smells so good!


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